
Chapter Two


Albert lay down on his bed resting, when a knock came at his door.

"Who's that?" Albert asked .

"It's Eva Young Master." Eva, Albert's personal maid replied politely.

Albert stood up and opened the door for her to come in and went back to lie down. Eva pushed open the door and came in. She bowed in respect and greeted her Master. Before going on to tell him, "Master, your food is ready." 

She furrowed her eyebrows when it seemed like Albert wasn't listening to her.

"Master your food is ready. " Eva repeated when she did not get a response from Albert ."

"Master .." She called out in a slightly higher tone.

"Yes,what did you say again?" He asked as soon as he came back to his senses. He licked his lips, looking lustfully at the maid. 

"Your food is ready." Eva gulped seeing the way Albert looked at her.

"You mean my food?" Albert asked playing dumb.

"Yes your food." Eva answered.

"I beg to take my leave now." She said as she bowed and turned to take her leave.

"Not so fast Eva."  He said interrupting her leave.

"I think I want something other than that."

Eva stood rooted to the ground. Her face was flushed red and her legs became weak. She almost died and resurrected understanding the underlying meaning of his words. 

" Won't you want me to eat? I bet you wouldn't want me to starve throughout the day." Albert said sneeringly. "Come here." He beckoning on Eva to come close.

"Turn around" He ordered. 

"Master.....i.." Eva jerked 

"Shhhhh, Just do as I say." He said as his eyes searched her body lustfully. He stood to close the door and went back to his unfinished business.

"I want to see you pure." He said revealing a wicked smile. "You wouldn't want me to repeat myself. Eva heard him say and quickly undressed till she was just as the day she was born. Albert carried her to the bed.


I'll allow my readers to imagine what happened next


"You did a great job." Albert said to Eva as soon as he was done ravaging her.

"Than... thank you very much Young Master." Eva replied nervously. She was very weak at the end of the activity.

"Freshen up and leave." Albert told her.

Eva managed to enter the bathroom. She was weak more especially in her legs. When she had finished, she left as ordered. Albert also freshen up, but that was after Eva left the room.



Sarah heard a knock on the door. She went immediately and opened it. Eva stepped inside the room with her face soaked in tears. Sarah peeped outside the door to confirm that no one was after Eva before she closed the door.

Sarah was one of the maids that worked in the Smiths residence. She was Eva's closest friend and roommate. 

Sarah sat close to Eva. She felt hurt seeing her friend in pains. She held her hand over Eva's neck and made Eva lean into her.

"What happened?" She asked Eva who gave no response and continued shedding tears.

She heaved a deep sigh when she got a hint of what could make Eva cry so much.

"Did he touch you again?" Sarah asked to confirm her gaze.

Sniffing she answered,"Yes he did."

"Oh God. What is all these?"

"I just wish that the ground will open and swallow me up." Eva said sobbing.

"No, don't say that. All will be fine."

" But when, when will that be?"

"Soonest." Sarah replied giving her a reassuring smile and patting her back simultaneously.


"Young Master, your father seeks to speak with you." A man spoke from the other end of the line.

"Ok tell him I'll be there in a jiffy." He said before ending the call.

" Good afternoon Dad."

"Welcome my Son. I have something really important to discuss with you."

"Ok Dad."Albert said sitting down on the sofa. I'm all ears."

"You remember Williams Jakes. The one I told you that owes us a lot."

"Ummm... Yes Dad."

"Good, I want you to take his daughter in as your wife and.."

"Never Dad." Albert curt in sharply. "I am not ready to settle down. I've told you. Moreover marriage is like a chain and I'm not ready for that now.

"I'm aware of that. You're not really going to take her in as your wife. Your marriage with her will remain undercover. And you're free to divorce her when you want. I've seen the girl and she's really amazing. Her curves, is superb. You understand what I mean. So I thought it'll be good my son stays a while with her." Julius Smith said grinning hard.

"But Dad, Albert hesitated." Must I marry her? Can't I just keep her as a mistress?

"My Son,you know the position of our family in the society. Taking in a woman who is not legally married into our family,will only give off a bad reputation of our family."

"But why a secret marriage?"Albert questioned.

"How can we marry into such families. They can be classified as classless when compared to ours. You'll still get married, not to them but to rich, and classy people like us. Just take her in for fun.

"Wow. Why didn't I think of that? Thank you so much Dad." Albert said giving in to the plan.

"You really took after me Son." Smith said as his lips parted to form an evil grin.


"Sir I just received a letter from the Smiths." Festus, Williams trusted person and his right hand man said.

"Let me have it."

Breathing out heavily," He'd arranged a meeting for both of us. At D'Classic Hotel. What do you think?


"You're free to give your opinion."

"I dare to say that it should be about the wedding arrangements between your families. As smart as they're, I don't think it's just about the young miss getting married to their son."

Williams raised an eyebrow at what Festus said.

"You mean....."

" I wonder why the Smiths would want to marry into a family that is  nowhere to be compared to them. I feel there's something more to it. Master." He said bowing in respect.

Clicking his tongue and gazing at no place in particular, Williams smirked. "I used to underestimate your intelligence before now. Seems you're not that dumb."


"Prepare for the meeting." Williams said finally gesturing Festus to leave.
