
Chapter Twenty-four

"It will bad for us if Melissa finds out about our real identity. Living here is now a risk." Albert said in a worried tone. 

"Are you suggesting that we go back home?" Valerie asked Albert. She also didn't know what to do at that point.

"No we won't. I think it's high time we called our parents." Albert suggested. 

 The two agreed to talk to Melissa because at that point, they had no phones. So they sat in their room waiting for Melissa to come and check on them.




It was Valerie that opened the door for Melissa to come in.

"Where have you been?" Melissa asked immediately she settled down on a sofa in the room.

"We wanted to have a look around the compound and also stretch out our muscles, you know we are always in this room." Albert answered her.

" Ooh. My brother came and he wanted to see you both. But I couldn't find you." Melissa said in regret. Albert and Valerie exchanged eye contacts and played along. "But it's ok. You'll still meet him some other time."

"Albert told Melissa their plan to call their parents and  to ease their worries and Melissa agreed to that. She offered them a cellphone which they will use according to her 'while they are still leaving with her(Melissa). 


Valerie was the first to call her father who was upset after days of not hearing his daughter's voice. Valerie pleaded with her father to forgive her which she did. Valerie felt relieved after the call.

Next was Albert. He dialed his father's number. 




Smith lay down on his bed when his phone rang. He looked at the unknown number that flashed on his cellphone. "Who could it be" He thought and pressed on the receivers. 

"Hello." A familiar voice hit his ears. He listened to the voice again.

"Am I talking with Mr. Smith? Albert asked.

"Yes, who am I speaking with?"

"Dad..." Albert called out in pains.

Smith felt chills ran down his spine. His heart skipped.  "Albert?" He asked wanting to confirm it was his son speaking.

"Yes Dad." Albert answered, hot tears already wetted his face.

"Where are you now?" Smith asked with great concern.

" I'm in a safe place now with Valerie." Albert told him. The father and son discussed for a long time before Albert ended the call.

Smith was more than excited. He called his personal assistant, Andy to inform him of Albert and Valerie.

"That's great news. We should celebrate it." Andy said grinning hard.

" We have to lie low for now."

Smith gave Andy further instructions and they made great plans to prepare for the election of the Vice President.


Meanwhile, Williams decided to visit Smith after a long wait of not granting his request. He got ready and left with his personal assistant, Festus including few security guards. They came to a halt in front of the Smiths gate blowing their horn to alert the security guards. A security guard opened the smaller gate and enquired who they were. Information got to Smith about Williams coming and he gave order not to let them in. 

That was a big slap on Williams face as they reversed and left the Smiths residence. Williams was so annoyed anger took total control of him, he could kill with the feeling that boiled in him.

"I will get you, Smith." Williams sneered as they headed back home. 


Smith gave order to his secretary Eddie to send across all the departmental heads about the election of the Vice President and so they looked forward to it.

Gregory as usual tried to influence the members of the board to vote against whoever coming as the candidate for the seat of the Vice President. He was so happy that he successfully influenced majority of the board members.

Before that day, Albert and Valerie kept preparing for the election. They were able to get in contact with their parents using the cellphone, Melissa gave them. Although Albert wasn't happy that his father is making Valerie the Vice President. He had to adhere to his father's instructions. He made sure to train Valerie in all she needed to know.

Towards the day for the election, Albert and Valerie sat with Melissa to discuss about going to meet their parents. It pained Melissa so much that her friends were finally leaving her.

"You guys want to leave me bored again." Melissa said in a disappointed tone.

" We're so sorry." They apologized sincerely trying to cheer Melissa up.

"We'll come to visit you atimes and promise to pay you back for all you've done for us." Albert assured her.

" Well it's fine. I also appreciate your company." Melissa told them trying to force a smile.

They moved into a hotel a day to the election day which was tightened with hidden guards. They needed not to worry about their clothes because Smith already made plans for it.


The day came for the election to hold.

It was quiet a busy day in the company. Albert and Valerie also got prepared. It was exactly 10 am in the morning when the meeting began. Smith was present in the meeting with Andy standing right beside him. All the agendas of the meeting were discussed with few fractious amongst members. Finally the time came to discuss that which was greatly anticipated by members of the board.

Smith started by thanking all present in the meeting and reminded them of their main agenda. He also urge them to make the right decisions. He then proceeded to  present the candidate for the post of the Vice President before the directors.

Valerie dressed in a business attire walked into the conference room with Albert. She maintained a smiling face as she walked beside Albert. Albert went to sit with his father and directed her on what to say. And so the directors began asking her lots of questions which she answered with confidence, leaving a positive impression in the minds of some directors.

She was asked to step outside for the vote to begin which she did. Andy organized the election taking instructions from Smith. In the end, the votes were counted by Andy and two other delegates from the Board. Everyone sat eagerly awaiting the results. Valerie felt her heart beat fast when it was time for the result to be announced.

According to results, Valerie got 70% from the total vote count. It was a relief as well as a happy moment for some people but it wasn’t so others. The meeting ended with refreshments and 'a welcome to the corporation talks' with Valerie.

Soon the directors began leaving the room till it was Smith, Andy, Albert and Valerie left. Smith was the most excited. “This calls for celebration he told them. Let’s go home.” 



Meanwhile Gregory was already burning in anger. He wondered how Valerie was able to win. Surely, he won the hearts of most directors before that very day. This confused him a lot. “Something is fishy.”

Meanwhile, his group (directors who worked with him) came into his office, sat down and began discussing the elections. “How can this be?” They kept asking themselves. Gregory sneered looking at them.

“I’m sure that I won the hearts of most directors. We already had it planned but our plans failed. 70%? That’s  absurd. Meaning that we didn’t act as planned. Who then amongst you worked against me? “ Gregory’s  questions sent chills running down their spines. 

For a moment, the noise went  dead. “I don’t think any of us can do this. Maybe it’s from the CEO. He may have had it planned out.” One of them said while others nodded in agreement. 

“Really?” Gregory asked sarcastically. “Well, she’s now with us. We must be careful and always be prepared to make her stay here, difficult for her. 



Smith, Andy, Albert and Valerie arrived that very afternoon. There were shouts of joy as soon as they stepped into the building. Sofia rushed out with Lady Lily and Mira to know what was going on. She stood rooted to the ground immediately she set her eyes on Albert. She quickly ran down the stairs and the next thing, she embraced Albert as tears streamed down her cheeks. That was a shocker to everyone present. Smith became annoyed. 

“What are you doing here?”  He asked Sofia who was still in  Albert’s  embrace. Albert also missed her greatly and for a moment, he forgot he was going against his father’s  wish.

The most surprised or should I say confused was Valerie. She was so upset to see Albert comfortable in a woman’s embrace while he shooed her away each time she tries to get close.

“Thank you for been safe.”  Sofia told Albert. Thank you. I felt you died. “ She said sniffing.

“How dare you!” That was coming from an irritated Smith.

“Go back to your room and never show your face again.”  Albert told Sofia and walked off to his room, and the rest (Smith, Andy and Valerie) followed suit.

“GO BACK TO YOUR ROOM AND NEVER SHOW YOUR FACE AGAIN” Those words kept resounding in Sofia’s. head. She clasped her hands on her chest and slumped to the floor.

Immediately Lady Lily and Mira rushed to meet her.


In Smith’s  attendance room , Albert and Valerie sat down with anger beaming on their faces. Smith was the most upset. Even after they came into the room, no one could explain what just happened. All Valerie wanted to know was who the lady was and gave her the guts to do that. So she waited for the explanation from either of them in the room.