
Chapter Thirty-Three

"Eddie!" Valerie yelled with her fist clenched and her face already red from anger.

Eddie looked at her in disdain, she loved the disappointed look on Valerie's face when she told her, she was going on a dinner date with Albert. For her, Albert was hers. No one, not even Valerie can dispute that fact. Eddie curled her lips when she swept her gaze to Valerie's hand. A mocking smile shone all over her face and that really pissed Valerie off. Valerie loosened her fist when the thoughts of annoying Smith and Albert came in to her mind. She couldn't let them down because of a mere secretary, Valerie thought within herself.

"Oh really?" Valerie asked smiling, one could see from her facial expression, that the smiles were faked. "Enjoy." Valerie told her and left.

Eddie gazed intently at the lady walking towards her office. Valerie was going to be an obstruction to all her plans and she knew that from onset. Eddie heaved a deep sigh and went back to her office.



Valerie was so upset. She couldn't accept what Eddie told her earlier. "She must have lied to get me annoyed." Valerie kept telling herself. She wasn't going to accept that. Then she thought of what to do. Valerie left her office for the CEO's office.

She heard a 'come in' order when she knocked and then, she push open the door and went in, closing the door behind her.

"Valerie" Albert called her softly.

Valerie smiled and went to sit with Albert. " Your voice sound like music in my ears." Valerie complimented him.

" Thank you." Albert giggled. He looked at Valerie whose face looked expectantly. "How may I help you?" Albert asked.

"Well, I need your help but I don't know if you would be able to help me." Valerie said pretending to be sad.

" What do you want?" 

"I've been bored this days, so I was thinking we could go out at least this night. Let's go out, on a dinner date please." Valerie pleaded. Water began to gather in her eyes. But, no! Albert told her he had made plans with someone else. So, they'll schedule it for another day, that's if they must go. 

"Hope you don't mind?" Albert asked. 

"Never mind, I felt you'll be free tonight. But, I've heard you. I'll go back to my office now. Excuse me please." Valerie left with a heavy heart. She continued cursing Eddie silently as she entered her office. 



It was closure time, Valerie was already waiting for Albert to leave his office. As soon as she sighted Albert, she grabbed her bag, and her jacket suit which hung over the swivel chair and left the office. She smiled as she went beside him. The both of them strode through the passage and Albert stopped in front of Eddie's office. Valerie's face darkened when she saw him going inside her office and the way she (Eddie) kept smiling at him. Valerie wanted to go in with Albert, to know what he wants to tell her. But she decided against doing it. She couldn't stand Eddie's presence and do not want to be viewed as a bad person.

"So don't forget, I'll pick you up by 6:30 pm. We've not gotten our tickets." Albert repeated.

" Ok Sir. Thank you so much." Eddie said.

By the time Albert had finished talking with Eddie, Sarah was already standing with Valerie. So, when he came out, they went back home. 


It was evening Albert got ready to go out with Eddie. He wore a pair of jeans with a casual top and booties. He checked on his Dad before going out, but his Dad was sleeping, so, Albert informed hid Dad's personal assistant, Andy before leaving. And didn't allow him to go out without guards following him.

Valerie's wasn't in a good mood throughout that day. She refused to eat that night and made an excuse of eating snacks for dinner.


Eddie also got ready to leave for the Cinema. She wore a crop top with a midi skirt and booties. Then a light makeup that made her look more natural. She also hung a small bag over her shoulders. After taking a good look at herself in the full-length mirror, she left her room, to the sitting room. Annie was watching a television show and munching cheese, when Eddie came to the sitting room. 

Eddie went and sat beside Annie, diverting Annie's attention from the television to her (Eddie).

"Where are you going Eddie?" Annie inquired.

"I'm going out on a movie date with my Boss, Albert." Eddie replied grinning hard.

" With your boss...." Annie trailed off, squinting her eyes in suspicion. " You didn't tell me, the both of you left the Smiths Corporation to Lovers Corporation.

"Hey, what are you saying?" Eddie lightly smacked Annie on her arms. 

"Ouch." Annie winced in pains. "What did I do to you? Oh my goodness, she's already blushing."

"Annie..." Eddie became speechless. She didn't know what to do again. She was already red from embarrassment. Just then, she heard a car's horn.

"That must be my Boss. I'm out." Eddie ran out towards the gate. She gestured the gate man not to open the big gate. He then, opened the smaller gate and Eddie left.

Eddie met Albert leaning against his car when she came out. She was so shocked to see Albert that way. She'd seen him in a formal attire several times and would always admire him but seeing him in a casual wear made her fall for him the more.

"How are you Dear?" Eddie blushed when she heard Albert speak softly to her. 

"I'm fine Sir." Eddie responded.

"You look good."

" Thank you Sir." 

They got into the car and Albert ordered his chauffeur to take them to the Cinema. Eddie kept taking glances secretly at Albert. Albert noticed that and would smile at her at intervals.

They had a smooth journey to the Cinema. The duo got down from the car. They security guards parked at a corner and few of them followed at a distant, behind.

"Wow!" Albert looked at the building. "This place has been refurbished extensively." He said to Eddie. "Let's go to the box office." The duo went to the box office to get their tickets.

They stopped halfway and Albert asked Eddie the genre of movie she'd like to watch. 

"Any one you prefer." Eddie answered with a smiling face.

"Well, I love tearjerkers." Albert replied her.

Eddie's face dimmed. " Tearjerkers? I don't like those. I'll choose romance." Eddie said. "And i love 'The Knight's Love' " 

" You've watched it? "  Albert asked her and she nodded in affirmation. So they continued walking to the box office. 

"How may I help you?" The sales agent at the box tickets asked.

"I'd like to buy two tickets for the Knight's Love." Albert said to him.

The sales agent began clicking on his keyboard. He smiled lightly at the duo. " You're lucky, it's just two seats left." He said to them. " It's seats C6 and C7 left and the movie starts by 7:15pm. 

"How much does it cost?" Albert asked.

"$3 each."

Albert paid for the seats and the sales agent handed the tickets to them. Albert held Eddie and they went to the snacks kiosk in the cinema. 

"What do you want to eat?" Albert asked. 

"I'd like to eat some popcorn." Eddie replied.

Albert greeted the kiosk Lady. “I need a packet of popcorn and some cheese. Then, two bottles of orange juice.”

The lady told him the cost and he paid for it. Then he handed the popcorn and a bottle of orange juice to Eddie and took his own.  Then they went to the main hall of the cinema. They sat according to their seat number and waited for the movie to be played. It was exactly 7:10pm when they duo sat down. They munched their snacks while they watch the advertisements, shone on the cinema tv. 


The movie began. It was full of romantic gestures and words.  It was also very interesting. The audience gasped at the love shone to the protagonist, Emily. The emotional part was enthrilling, the way Louis fought to gain Emily’s  love and even gave out his kidney to the girl at the point of death. 

Eddie let tears flow down her cheeks. She was so engrossed in the movie that she would physically react to actions displayed in the movie. Albert kept looking at her, though her mind was only occupied with the movie that she fail to notice Albert’s strong gaze on her.

The movie ended with a lot of people still talking about it. Albert came out with Eddie and they headed for their car. Eddie was still emotional from the movie they watched that she continued to dab her face with her handkerchief.

“Why are you crying? “ Albert asked Eddie at some point.  

Eddie shook her head and smiled lightly. 

Albert searched Eddie’s face, his gaze fell on her red cherry lips and he recalled when he used to enjoy all of her. Eddie really looked beautiful at that point. Albert felt something rise within him and he tilted his head to face Eddie. 

“Eddie…” Albert called. Eddie looked at Albert and her eyes widened in shock. She could feel the burning passion in those eyes. She also remembered those moments. She felt something pull her to him and the next thing, their mouth were already glued to each other. The kiss lasted for a while. It was Eddie that pulled out and began looking out through the window to ease the awkward atmosphere. Albert let her be.  No one spoke or for the rest of the journey back to Eddie’s house. 

The car stopped in front of Eddie’s house. Eddie already texted Annie. So the security guard was alerted when Eddie reached home.

The gate was opened and the security guard shifted to a corner because the headlights were shining brightly at him.

“Thank you for today.” Eddie told Albert.

“You’re welcome.” Albert responded.

Eddie got down from the car and walked into her residence. As soon as the gate was locked, Albert commanded his chauffuer to take him home. 

Immediately their car zoomed off, a man came out from the shadows and made a call, "Yes Sir. He just left." After that, he disappeared into the darkness.