
Chapter Sixty

" Valerie " ...

Valerie was so shocked at the latest discovery. She looked at the two men as they walked towards them and sat down on the seats.

" Welcome. " The Master told the men.

" Thank you. " They responded in unison and bowed in respect. Valerie squinted her eyebrows as if trying to make out who they really are. Realization dawned on her when the Master began introducing them to her. She nodded in shock as she looked at the men and just as she thought, they were actually, Williams, Sofia's father and Gregory. The Master began the major discussion for the evening when they served the meals and wine they ordered. The meeting lasted for forty-five minutes and the Master concluded everything they discussed. They are to their fill and stood up to leave except Valerie whose facial expression seemed like she wanted to say something.

" Master. " She called. The Master looked at her quizzically and she kept quiet. She glanced at the two other men and returned the look on the Master.

" What did you want to say? " The Master enquired from her. 

Valerie kept quiet and then muttered few words under her breathe. The Master made to leave before Valerie stopped him again. The Master told her plainly that they were one and must discuss everything together which shows that they are united. Valerie was reluctant to leave but spoke up immediately she saw dark lines that crowned the Master's forehead.

" I want her dead. " Valerie finally said to the trio.

The three men exchanged glances and looked at her like an insane person. 

" I want Sofia dead. " Valerie said. She heaved a sigh of relief as soon as she had spoken what she wanted to say.

The Master told her that Sofia was going to be used as their agent and that she shouldn't die immediately. " She needs to die slowly, so I suggested that we start with the people she loves the most. 

Williams looked at the Master in anger. He wanted to talk but was gestured to keep shut by the Master. " If you are ready to do this. Then, you must be ready to sacrifice everything you have. Exclude all emotions irrespective of whom it affects. " The Master told the three of them and they dispersed to their various homes.  

Valerie went back home rejoicing. She neglected every maid and guard she met on her way to her room. 

" What's wrong with her? " A maid asked the other. They looked at her with digust.

" That's strange. " The other maid replied. It was very strange to see Valerie smiling as she hardly ever smiles.  Valerie went into her room. She tossed her bag on the bed and slumped on it. 

" I'm going to make it. Very soon. " Valerie mused with a smirk on her face.

Eva went into Lady Lily and Mira's room. She saw them lying down on the bed, apart from Sofia who was busy, reading some books. Eva greeted the trio and sat down beside Lady Lily and Mira. She didn't want to disturb Sofia so she dragged Mira out of the room and began discussing with Eva. 

" I really don't know what to think of. But, I suspect that lady's moves. " Mira told Eva. The discussion continued till they're satisfied and went their separate ways.

Eva was returning back to her room when she met Clifford on her way.

" Please excuse me. " Clifford said to her and she stopped. Eva bowed when she saw it was Clifford. Clifford asked about Sofia and Eva told him that she was in Lady Lily and Mira's room. Clifford pleaded that she help him call her and also told her where he would be waiting for her.

Eva walked straight to the room and knocked on the door. Sofia was discussing with Lady Lily and Mira about Valerie when Eva came in. 

" Ma'am Sofia. Sir Clifford asked to see you. " Eva told her.

" Where's he? " Sofia enquired.

Eva gave Sofia the direction where Clifford was and left for her room. Sofia also left to meet Clifford almost immediately after Eva left.

Clifford was waiting for Sofia and also practicing what he was going to tell her when she comes. His face beamed with excitement when he saw her approaching his corner. He stood up and bowed when she came closer to her.

" Oh my. What was that? " Sofia said. She felt her cheeks heat up and turned red by Clifford's sudden gesture. Clifford laughed out loud when he saw her acting all shy.

" Miss Sofia, please grant me the honour of sitting with you. " Clifford said to her politely. 

" Please don't treat me like that. " Sofia said. She almost cried when she heard that. 

Sofia pointed to a seat and both of them sat down. Sofia noticed the happiness written all over Clifford. So, she enquired from him the reason for his happiness. She was elated when he spoke to her about Eddie.

" I'll like to see her. " Eddie said to him.

" You will, very soon. " Clifford replied. 

Sofia furthermore, admonished him on relationships and how to handle ladies which he was grateful for. Clifford also told Sofia that his two friends, Harry and Freddie will leave for their own houses that very day and asked him to extend their greetings to them. While they spoke, they fail to notice Valerie, who was walking around the compound and slighted her elder brother, Cliff sitting with Sofia. She looked at Sofia carefully. She was stunning but Valerie didn't want to admit that someone will be better than her. She kept on looking at the duo till she had gone a far distance away from them  The duo, Clifford and Valerie departed after their discussion.

" Mate. " Freddie called Clifford as soon as Clifford entered the room. Freddie and Harry were packing to leave the Smiths residence when Clifford came into the room.

" I want to meet Annie. " Freddie said to Clifford.

" I felt you've forgotten that. " Harry teased.

Clifford promised to take Freddie to see Annie.  He also helped to gather their things. They got ready after some time and tool their luggages down stairs with the help of some maids that Clifford called. 

The trio went to meet Smith to pay him their respect before leaving. Smith expressed his happiness to have them in his house and asked them to repeat their visit in subsequent times. He also ordered Andy to take some guards that will drive the duo, Harry and Freddie back to their respective homes.

Sofia came back to see them off and she bade them goodbye after exchanging pleasantries.

Valerie stomped into her room in anger.She just couldn't bear the sight of Sofia. She began to throw everything she set her eyes on, away. She was getting frustrated as time goes by. 

" That lady is evil. " Valerie cursed. To her, she believes that Sofia gets whatever she wants simply because she was beautiful. Valerie decided to go shopping to get a new change of body wears. Valerie began dressing up. She looked at her full view in the mirror and left after she was satisfied with her outlook. Immediately, she got into the car she drove straight to the closest boutique. She packed her car at the car park and went made for the entrance of the building. As she strolled towards the building, she met someone coming out of the boutique.

" Valerie "...

Melissa had just finished shopping and was leaving the building when she saw a familiar person walking towards her direction. Her face beamed with smiles when she realized that it was her sister Valerie, approaching her. She waved at Valerie when she noticed Valerie looking at another direction and smiled when she made eye contacts with Valerie.

" What's she doing here? " Valerie muttered under her breath. Cold sweat broke from her face when she saw Melissa walking towards her. At that point, she prayed that the ground should open up and swallow her than meeting Melissa. She began walking towards Melissa and tried to remember what she told Melissa just like Albert asked her to always recall. 

" Father owns a boutique. Ahhh. No, a ... a coffee shop and mom bakes. Yes. " Valerie muttered under her breath, oblivious of Melissa who had been standing disappointed by the way, Valerie was acting up. When Valerie recalled all of that, she realized that Melissa had left. She took a deep sigh of relief but dark lines reappeared on her face immediately someone hugged her from behind.

" Valerie. " Melissa called and forced a smile " What a coincidence! What are you doing here? " Melissa enquired.

" I.. I came to get.. sorry to see someone. But she just beeped to tell me that she isn't around. " Valerie said with her chest beating so fast. 

" My bad. I just bought some clothes. Since you're here, why don't you take me to your father's shop? " Melissa said to her.

Valerie almost collapsed. She couldn't see Albert anywhere near her. At least, he would have used his antics on Melissa if he was present. 

" Let's go. " Melissa dragged Valerie to her car. She asked her of the location of her father's shop. Valerie searched through her memory lane and replied Melissa stammering. When they had successfully drove to the place Valerie mentioned,  Valerie beat her chest as she praised her wittiness. Another question erupted in her mind and that was how she was going to overcome the new faces she will meet. Her heart raced as she followed Melissa to the coffee shop. Melissa noticed her calmness. Valerie thought of her own car which she left at the boutique in other to feign to be unbalanced financially.

" Are you okay? " Melissa asked her. 

" Yes, i am." Valerie replied her. 

Immediately they walked into the coffee house. Valerie scanned the environment and saw a man with a white apron. 

" Sir Lois. " A girl called from the end of the shop. Lois turned to look at the direction of the voice but stood rooted to the ground when he felt someone hugged him.

" Lois " ...

" Dad. " Someone called him.