
Chapter Sixteen

"I believe a company holds right to its confidentiality. Is everything supposed to be related to the public? And Mr. Reporter, I wonder who supplied you with these information. How did this news spread?" It was Bridget's turn, to fire questions at the suspicious reporter.

Everyone's gaze turned to the reporter who stood rooted to the ground. Surely he never expected to be questioned like that.

"Not saying anything?"

"Someone reported to our company and I can't reveal the person's identity." The reporter finally said out of the blues. He took a deep sigh of relief when his response satisfied some preying eyes. Though some still refuted.

"Well,to justify your curiosity, the boutique was temporarily closed due to internal issues. But we'll sort out everything and get back to you." Bridget's last statement finally calmed the reporters. She then left the reporters who didn't stop flashing cameras till she was out of sight. A lot of rumors rose about the boutique but no one knew the real truth.



"Dad,I took Valerie as a sister. Telling me to marry her is like forcing me to marry my own sister."Albert said to his father who kept compelling him to marry Valerie.

Smith called his son over for a discussion about his marriage with Valerie. He wasn't ready to stop pursuading his son till he finally agrees.

"I am your Father. You don't dare challenge me . Valerie is not your sister. Just eradicate that feeling of been a sister to you. She is your wife-to-be." Smith retorted angrily.

"Dad I am legally married to Sofia. I told you abinitio that I wasn't ready to be married. I don't need another wife."

"You married her for a reason. Son,you can go and annul this marriage. The public isn't aware so it takes nothing away from you. Valerie will soon be back to live with us. I want Sofia to live separately but as a maid." Smith said bluntly.

Smith's words shooked his son. " What!"

"Valerie shouldn't find out about her."

" Dad, you say some certain things bluntly as if it's nothing. How will it look then if I'm found going in and out of a maid's room?"

" You know what. She'll live with you but not as your wife. Think of how to execute that."

" I'm not going to marry Valerie." Albert repeated angrily.

The tussle between Father and Son continued till Smith broke the bombshell.

"If you refuse to listen to me, forget about inheriting my properties!" Smith threatened.

"You're threatening me,Dad."

"Yes I am. And I mean everything I just said. A disobedient child cannot stand in for his father."

Albert left his father angrily. He couldn't understand why his father posed such threat. He went to his room, took out a bottle of whiskey and drank it to its bottom. "Hahahahaha" He laughed loudly. "No. I must have them both. The inheritance and Sofia. I can't lose any." Albert kept on talking to himself.


Sofia came back from the swimming pool in the backyard. She stuck in the key to the keyhole. Only she and Albert had the access to enter the room without knocking.

As soon as she entered the room,she switched on the lights because it was getting dark and the room was a little dim. As soon as the room brightened,she came face-to-face with the drunken man. Albert lay down on the floor,beside him is a bottle of whiskey. His face was flushed red,his eyes puffed like one who had been crying for long time. Sofia silently wondered what the problem could be. She knew Albert was not a regular drinker. Something strong must have strucked him badly that he resorted to drinking. Whatever happened; Sofia went to the tipsy man,took the bottle to a nearby table and came back to carry the man. When she couldn't continue because of the weight,she began to tap him.

"Albert stand up!" She yelled after several attempts to wake him up. She thumped him so hard, enough to remove sleep from his eyes,all to know avail. She then took out a big, thick blanket from their wardrobe and coated him.

Sofia went into the restroom and freshened up before going down to join for dinner.

"Good evening Sir." Sofia greeted Smith and then sat down to wait for dinner to be served.

"I don't want you to dine here again. Go upstairs,your food will be served in your room." Smith instructed scrolling through his phone. Sofia did as instructed and couple of minutes, Eva served her dinner. (Dinner for both)

Well, she didn't tell them to serve only her dinner  because of her father-in-law's troubles. She ate her own share silently and retired for the night.

The early morning lights adored the room. Albert yawned and stretched his muscles. He wanted to open his eyes when he felt something amiss. First he couldn't feel himself on the soft, fluffy bed. It's unusually could where he lay. 'Moreover the hard surface seemed like.... he can't really really tell. He opened his eyes and scanned around. He was taken aback when he saw himself lying on the cold terrazzo floor while Sofia lay on the bed. 

He tried to stand up but felt dizzy and fell on his knees back to the floor. "Sofia" He called out, but unluckily she was far away in dreamland. "Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgh" He yelled when he felt sting of headache throbbing in his head,waking up Sofia.

Sofia immediately ran to his aid. "Are you ok?" She inquired curiously but the man had already lost consciousness and slumped on her laps. Sofia gently shifted him to the floor and ran off to call for help.



"Sir, Andy,Festus,Eva. Where are you?" The occupants of the residence trooped into the sitting room to know what happened. Sofia told them Albert's current state. Andy and Eva followed her to the room while John alerted the family Doctor.


Albert lay down on his bed. His father, Sofia and few others surrounded his bed. The Doctor was also in their midst. He had checked  Albert's current health and confirmed it was due to the excess intake of alcohol. He gave some prescriptions and warned that the family take extra care of the patient to avoid such from repeating itself else the result may be more drastic than his current health condition.


Later on,same day;

Sofia sat beside the unconscious Albert. She thought about all she'd been through with him and couldn't comprehend why Albert had a slightly different personality when it comes to her. She was lost in thoughts when Albert began moving his arms. It was when she felt a hand held her tight that she was jolted back to reality. 

"Albert you're hurting me." Sofia cried when Albert grabbed her in the neck.

"What are you doing here? Isn't high time you know your place?" Albert yelled at her in a broken tone.

"What are you talking about?" Sofia asked almost getting choked.

" I'm almost going to lose my inheritance because of you. So you know what? You're packing into the next room. Don't you dare come close to me and don't you dare act as my wife. Do you understand me?" Albert asked increasing the tightness of the grip and making Sofia choked.

She simply nodded as she wasn't able to speak due to the tight grip. Her eyes became moist,skin flushed red and had turned pale when Albert left her  coughing breathlessly.

Albert got up and left the room while Sofia slumped to the ground crying bitterly. She had no where to go to. And it seems she had bad luck always knocking on her door. "What type of torture is this? This is what my father turned me into. Mother where are you?" 

When she had cried for a long while and had become tired,she dozed off and woke up after a while. So she began packing. She also had the key to the other room because she would sometimes go in there to have her private moments. Before evening that day she was already set and done in her new room. 

Meanwhile, Albert left the house alone unknowingly to his father. It was when Smith sent Andy to go check up on his son that the news reached him that he was not around. 

"What nonsense are you vomiting?" Smith questioned John, Albert's assistant after Andy reported his son absent in the house.

"I'm sorry Master" He apologized going on his knees.

" You must be sorry for yourself. Now go and search round this compound and bring me my son."

John did as instructed. He had guards thoroughly searched the compound. He also checked the surveillance cameras but nothing was found. He even questioned the guards at the gate but no one admitted he saw Albert. After thorough search, John reported back to Smith.

"Are you saying my son left the house. Or rather he was kidnapped or.. I don't understand. Did someone delete the footage during the time he left or what? Now I give you an hour to go search and bring back my son. I don't care where you will find him. Just bring him back to me. Else...."

John understood immediately and swung into action per his Master's instructions.