
Chapter Six

"Sir can you please cancel the marriage agreement you had with our family?" Mary didn't know what will happen next. All she knew was that she was going to go to any length to stop that marriage.

Silence followed after the weird request. Smith stayed mute gazing at no particular direction. After what seems like eternity."Do you realize the implications of what you just said young lady?" Smith asked angrily.

"Yes Sir. My neice is still very young. Moreover she  is not ready to marry. She says she needs more time." Mary still maintained her stance, bodly.

"And who needs her opinion here. Listen, I'll let this slide today but I won't tolerate this if it repeats.The agreement stands and that is final." Smith said before leaving the lady lost for words.

Getting to her feet. "We shall see." Mary said inwardly before storming out of the house.


"Send for Eva."Albert spoke to the person at the other end of the line.

"Ok Sir" 

Few minutes later.

A knock is heard outside Albert's room.

"Come in. The door is open."

Door opens and Eva walks in.

"Close the door behind you and come here." Eva obeyed.

Drags her for a sIt on his lap. Eva doesn't budge."It seems I forgot you Angel. No i've really been occupied of recent. But I need you now."

Eva remains silent.

"Not talking. Ok let's get into it. You know what to do." He said pushing her to her feet. Eva undresses to his amusement.

"Good girl."

Albert followed suit.

"Angel." Albert called out in a sexy voice. Eva could see the burning passion in those eyes.

Albert immediately went in for a rough kiss which went on for what seemed like eternity. Then he started to to trace her necklines with kisses,as he carried her to his king-size bed and there and then he took her 1,2,3,4,5 rounds till both were completely wasted.

"Your services may not be needed after now. Or, should I say will rarely be needed? Whatever, just wash up and leave the room." Albert said after getting dressed. As soon as he left, "He must be crazy. How can he think I can stand all by myself after what he'd done to me. What a joke " Eva said almost aloud.

She tried to get up several times but couldn't. She then resolved to crawl to the bathroom. After refreshing herself, she went back to the bed.

"Awwww I feel so tired." She said as she laid on the bed. And off she went to dream land.


"Master, a letter from the Smiths." Festus said as soon as he entered Williams office.

"Who brought it?"

"A young man. He refused to reveal his identity. Just said it's from the Smith to us.

Williams opened the letter wrapped in an envelope. "What! Shit!" He cursed after going through the content of the letter. 

"Master is everything alright?" Festus asked with concern 

" Mary have decided to destroy me. Arrange a car quickly. We're going to her place."

"Ok Sir." Festus bows and leaves the room.



Mary's Residence.

Doorbell rings.

Mary walked to the door and opened it.

"Wow. What a surprising visit. Please come in."

       Williams went straight to a sofa in the sitting room and sat down. Anger boiled in him and he would have given his sister a punch if it's allowed.

"You're welcome brother. What can I serve you?"

"Hold your service to your self. " Williams replied sharply. What is this I hear of you from the Smiths?"

"I don't understand?" Mary acted dumb.

"Oh don't give me that confused look. You know what I'm talking about." Williams said feeling irritated by Mary's attitude.

"I'm yet to understand you." Mary told him.

"Ok, since you have developed some mental issues that prevents you from remembering past incidences, I'll let you know. Why did you go to the Smiths to tell them to cancel the contract?"

"Not talking?"

"What should I say?" Mary replied curtly."Is that why you came to my house? Well if that's your reason for been here then it's not logical. And at the moment, you've overstayed your welcome. I'll advise you trace your footsteps back to where you came from."

Williams "......."


"You dare to send me out of your house? You'll here from me. I'm out of here." Williams said leaving the house with Festus angrily.

"This is just the beginning." She said as she walked  to the door and closed it.


Smiths Residence.

"Thank you." Williams said as the maid served him a glass of red wine.(Williams went directly to Smiths house, immediately he left Mary's house.)

"I want to apologize for what my sister did. Please forgive her, forgive us." Williams spoke after few silent moments. 

Sighing heavily, "That was a big slap on my face. But like I told her, I'll not take it light next time."  Smith said with a straight face.

"I appreciate your kindness."

" It's high time our children meet." Smith said, looking at Williams who nodded in approval.

"Our next meeting with our children, at D'Classic Hotel. The day after tomorrow. 7pm."




Up in Albert's bedroom.

"Oooooooh" Albert yawned closing the door behind him. "I'm so tired. This work is t......" He was taken aback  when he saw someone lying on his bed. He took a closer look at the person lying down on his bed and was relieved when he found out it was Eva.

"Goodness, I felt some ghost was lying down here. But why the heck is she here? " Tapping Eva, " Wake up, Eva, Eva. Get ...." Albert couldn't complete his statement because a heavy blow landed on his face.

Eva was already in dream land, enjoying herself in a party when someone began pulling her hands,legs. In anger,she slapped the back of her palm at the person.

"Ahhhh" Albert screamed.  Eva opened her eyes the instant she heard a familiar voice. She cleaned her sleepy eyes to see who the person was.

"Oh my goodness!" Rolling out of the bed. She went straight to Albert. " I'm so sorry Young Master."  She knelt before Albert.

Albert winced in pain. He couldn't apprehend anything at that moment. All his sixth sense could notify him was the pain he incurred from a girl who stupidly slept on his bed in his absence.

"Get out!" Was all Albert said to his personal maid,who jumped off,out of the room like a rat been chased by a cat.

He headed to his bathroom immediately the girl left the room. 


Albert took out his phone and picked the line.

"Master, your father seeks to  see you."