
Chapter Seventeen

John was going crazy from the lastest incidences. His minions kept on reporting back that they haven't found Albert. 

"I just wonder if this people were born in 'else' year. Or came from an 'else' lineage. How can I be given just an hour to search for him and 'else' added. Aaaaaaaaah. I feel like I'm going nuts." John said in a low tone.

We couldn’t find him Sir.” The last two people told him as soon as they arrived.

“What does that make you? How can you claim to be able to protect someone when you can’t execute a simple task.” John bursted out in anger. Well he can’t do anything about it.

“ All of us should be prepared to perish. Because our Master won’t accept this.”

So they headed back home.

“10 minutes” 

“7 minutes"

“ 5 minutes”

“2 minutes"

John counted his 'last time to enjoy on earth' as he named it. Before going to his Master.

“Master” John was already drenched in sweat. His body fidgeting. “We couldn’t find him.”

“Do you want your life?”

“Please give me extra time Master.” John said pleadingly.

“You’re telling me what to do.” Smith spoke in a deep hoarse voice.

“No,no Master, I..”

“Also talking back at me.”

John felt like he was already in hell. He was losing it one after the other. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He now looked like a chicken about to be slaughtered.

“Let the poor guy be.” A voice spoke from the inner room. Everyone turned to behold Albert.

That was a relief to John! “ I’m here Dad. “ Albert spoke casually.

“Where were you? I mean how did you get Into there and how could….”

“You’re going to kill me with questions. What are we having for dinner? And John you can go back to what you were doing.”

“I wouldn’t want this to repeat itself. Unless you want me to develop health issues because of you.”

“I’ve heard you Dad.” 

Outside the main building of the Smiths; within the compound was John. He thought deeply about this family he worked for. “What a weird set of people.” He mused. He had searched restlessly with his life hanged on it for a person who was just in the same place where he went forth and back reporting information. Well, he was going to endure it. He beat his chest in determination before leaving to attend to other things.


After  dinner that day, Smith reminded Albert of Valerie’s second coming and his plans for both of them to marry, after which they (Smith and Albert)went back to their respective rooms.


Albert knocked at Sofia’s door. Sofia opened the door;

“Aren’t you going to let me in?” Albert asked Sofia after some minutes of standing and long time eye contact. 

“If you have anything to say, say it and make things snappy. You just woke me up from sleep.”

“Well, It’s up to you. Valerie will return soon. You’re not my wife as long as she’s here. You’ll join the maids. Or rather you’ll be my special maid. Serve her well.” Albert said and left without waiting for any response from Sofia.

Sofia stood rooted to the ground, her heart pounding in fear. Her head was spinning and she slumped to the ground. Tears trickled down her cheeks. She didn’t know what to do. “Life was so cruel.” She thought before creeping to her bed, heart broken.


Valerie arrived in the country. Smith sent his son, Albert including some security guards to pick her from the airport.



Albert seemed unusually silent all the way from the airport heading back home. Valerie on her own part felt uncomfortable by the silence. She looked at Albert from the corner of her eyes and saw how focused he was driving.

“How have you been?” Valerie asked trying to open up a conversation.

“Well I have no complains.”

"That's good."

And so they were both quiet  till they arrived at the Smiths residence.

“Welcome home.” Smith said warmly as he embraced Valerie.

“Thank you very much Sir.” 

“Dad.” Smith corrected.

“Dad.”  She repeated before they both burst into laughter.

“Albert, why don’t you show her to her room?”

“Ok Dad.” Albert replied before grabbing Valerie’s things to the room while Valerie followed suit.



“You mean he had gotten another woman for his son?” Aunty Mary questioned in anger. Sofia called her after what had happened.

“Yes Aunty.” Sofia replied in a devastated mood.

“I’m going to confront that imp. Who on earth does he think he is?”

"Aunty you can’t do that else Valerie will find out ...”

“Why the fuck does that matter?” Aunty Mary now fuming.

“I’m asked to remain inconspicuous and I don’t want problems. I understand you’re annoyed but not this way. Moreover we don’t have a strong plan up our sleeves, so let’s chill Aunty.”

“Well if you say so. But I’ll come over to see that brat’s face. “

“No issues.”

“Bye Dear. Please take care of yourself and don’t allow their actions to get to you.”

“Thank you Aunty.” Sofia said before the line went dead.



Meanwhile Valerie was with Albert Inside her room chitchatting. When they’ve spoken for a long time, Albert decided to leave the room for Valerie to unpack and arrange them. 

“You don’t mind been here with me. I mean I still have a lot to tell. My father’s company and the rest.”

Albert only breathed heavily causing Valerie to furrow her eyebrows in sadness. It was then that Albert came closer and flicked her head chuckling.

“No problem.” He said to her.

Valerie was already shocked to the marrow by the closeness. She attested inwardly that Albert was really a beauty-god. “I mean those eyes, nose and Oh My God, his lips are so alluring and I feel like having a taste of those.” She said Inwardly smiling in a trance.

“Hello.” It was Albert waving a hand at the lady already lost in thoughts.

“Oh what did you say?” Valerie said with eyes widened.

“I said you can continue,I mean you seemed carried away with some THOUGHTS.” He stressed  the last word looking intently at Valerie.

“Errh … it's nothing. I want to pack these…. Where do I keep those? “She stuttered,heading to her wardrobe; leaving Albert smiling to himself and boosting Inwardly. He purposely came so close to Valerie. He wanted to see if his beauty charm will work on her and it worked.

When they were done with everything, they went  downstairs for lunch. They had a hearty lunch before Albert excused himself to go to the office.


Albert sat down in his office going through some documents submitted to him.

He flipped through the pages of the documents noting projects executed and projects at hand. He then dialed  the  desk of the secretary.

Bridget was so happy going to see Albert and as usual she had a secret ploy to seduce him.

She came in when she was asked to do so. Exposing those teeth,she moved seductively to Albert's desk.

“Do you want to ease out?” Albert asked playing dumb.

Dark lines became visible on the secretary’s face. She was irritated to know that Albert didn’t  notice her sexual moves.

“I’m ok Sir.” 

"Schedule a conference meeting asap.”“

Ok Sir.” She bowed and  left the office. Few minutes later,she returned and with a fixed schedule for the meeting. Albert instructed that all the heads of departments be present in the meeting.

           LATER ON SAME DAY


Everyone sat down waiting for the acting CEO. As soon as Albert arrived, all stood up and bowed respectively.

"Good afternoon all."

"Good afternoon CEO Albert." They responded in unison.

And so the meeting begun with deliberating on different matters. 

"Unaccepted" Albert said to the director who appealed for a huge sum if money for a project.

"We had already given you 20 million USD. What have you done with that?" Albert questioned ferociously.

" We've almost gotten everything ready for the construction and it's in progress but some parts are yet to be constructed due to insufficient funds.

Albert knew director Gregory as one if his father's dishonest workers and he knew this is one if his antics  But he wasn't going to gIve in to his tricks.

"I want to see the list of everything spent on that project and where it was bought." Albert said to him. That really shook the director off place but he remained composed. He stood up and handed in a file to Albert who went through it carefully. He flashed the director a deadly glare when he noticed  some suspicious underworks in the financial report.

"This is a total nonsense!" Albert said angrily." Why did you go to purchase equipments from this construction company when we have a lot of them that sales high quality materials?

"Some of the materials  are  scarce but this company had them so we resorted to buying from them. Moreover I got engineering experts to survey the products and they gave me positive reports." Gregory answered.

"To think of it,some points were not well elaborated and figures not straight  Go back and get a validatory report on all the activities of the building construction."

Other matters were also discussed before another director suggested the need for a Vice president which was voted by the majority. Albert assured to give them a satisfying answer in their subsequent meetings.
