
Chapter Seven

"Master,your Father's seeks to see you." John said at the other end of the line.

" Ok. Tell him, i will soon be with him." Albert replied and hung the call.

"Shit!" He cursed looking at the reflection of himself (wounded lips ***) on the mirror. He took out his soap from his soap dish and scooped some water on his hand. Rubbed it together  and formed lather on his palm, and washed  his face to see if the  wound will be out, but it was just a mere imagination,wasted efforts. Whatever he had no choice than to go down and meet his father.

"What will I tell him if he asks me about this wound?" He mused to himself.



Smiths library.

"You sent for me Dad." Albert said sitting down on the cozy sofa facing his father directly.

"Yes I did. How have you been?" 

"I'm fine Dad."

"Did my son go for some kissing show or....?"Smith inquired immediately he caught a glimpse of his son's face.

"Please Dad i don't want to talk about it."

Shrugging it off."Well I called you to inform you that we'll be meeting Williams the day after tomorrow. Sure you'll spend some time with his daughter."

"Really?" Albert exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes. Why? You seem so excited."

"Well it's nothing Dad." Albert said and excused himself.

"What's wrong with him? First he acted like he didn't want to meet them,now he's so excited about it. Who knows." Smith thought.


On the other side, Sofia is crying from the latest news her Dad told her.

"I knew this was going to happen. I just knew that that evil man will surely trade me for his selfish interest.

"My Lady please be calm." Mira consoled.(Mira is Sofia's personal maid.)

"Why is Daddy like this? Why does he hate me so much?" Sofia sobbed.

"Don't worry we are all in this. We'll figure it out. Even if you're married to the Smiths. We'll still fight it together."Mira said soothingly.

"Thank you." Was all Sofia could utter.



Meeting time.

Smith and his son Albert is sitting in a four-man table. Albert sits beside his dad. Outside the room is John standing with some security guard.


"I wonder why they're still not here. But come to think of it. I'm I supposed to be waiting for them? This is a great insult to me and my personality. Not even a text? I'll just play cool with them because of you,Son. I wouldn't want to create a bad impression of us on them. Before  those haggard--looking people creates a news to the public. So I'll ......" Smith turns to his son, who seemed to be carried away.

Albert couldn't wait for this day(meeting his future in-laws) . He had been thinking about the pretty girl he saw. Not even when his dad was talking,was he listening to him.

"Albert." Smith called with a disappointed look snapping Albert out of his thoughts. 

"Yes Dad. Did you say something?"

"What is wrong with you this days?" Only God knows if I haven't talked for 100 hours.(Don't mind my exaggerations)

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry Dad. What were you saying?"

"Williams is not here. I'm growing impatient by the minutes."

"Dad please. Maybe they're hooked up in traffic or...... I don't really know but whatever reason they're not here must be something beyond their control and ..."

"Cut the crap you biased son!"

The door opened and Smith's face lits up but folded in anger when he saw it was John and not Williams.

" Sir a letter from Sir Williams."

Reading the content of the letter he seemed to be calm a bit.

"What's he saying Dad?"

"He's on his way, he apologized for not coming on time."


On the other side, three car of the same brand is going to a particular direction. Seems they're heading to a hotel. 

Inside the car in the middle is Sofia with some security guards. Her facial expressions shows she's not happy. Under her eyes is dark--browned.

Before this at Williams residence:

"Master, the young Miss is hesitant to dress up." Festus reported.

"What! Go in there,tell Lady Lily to get her dressed by hook or crook!"

"Yes Master."



"Ma'am please get dressed." Lady Lily pleaded with Sofia. She was making things difficult for her. Although she felt sorry for the young girl but she had to obey orders.

A knock came at the door and Lady Lily rushed to see whom it was. She spoke few minutes with the person and closed the door. Now in a professional style.

"Mira help her get dressed. I'm out. I'll have to do it my own way if I'm back to see you in this state." And off she went, slamming the door behind her.

After much pleading from Mira, Sofia turned in and got dressed. Then she went to meet her father.

"You are lucky you're going to meet with the Smiths today. If you had done this on another day,then you would have seen the other side of me." Williams scolded.

"Let's go."

And so Williams left with his entourage to D'Classic Hotel.

(Back to where we were.)

"My Lady cheer up." Mira whispered into Sofia's ears. "Maybe you'll like him. Don't worry I'm here  for you.

Sofia would have smiled if it was something different but she just nodded and kept on looking out through the window.

 Williams and his entourage walked through a private elevator to the meeting room so as not to create a news headline the next day. Who knows if a reporter will be there to secretly snap photos.

As they approached the door. Sofia glanced at the person standing right in front of the door accompanied by security guards.

"Crazy Bitch!" She wanted to voice out as her eyes widened in shock at the discovery. John noticed that and winked at her.

He bowed politely to Williams,"You're welcome Sir. Please go in." He said opening the door for Williams and his daughter while the others stood outside waiting for them.
