
Chapter One .

"Dad I made it!" Sofia said jumping into her father's arms with great excitement. "I cleared all my papers with A's and B's."

"Dad is everything alright?" Sofia queried her father who looked rather expressionless at the news.

" Sit down" He commanded. Take a look at this" Williams said handing over an envelope to his daughter.

"What!" Sofia screamed as her eyes widened in shock.

"You're getting married in few months time." Williams said to his daughter.

"This must be some sort of a joke Dad" Sofia said in disbelief.

"Get prepared" Williams said with an aura of finality as he moved swiftly to his room.

"No, noooooooo!" Sofia screamed. As she rushed into her room.

She dialed few numbers on her cell phone.

"Hello" A voice spoke from the other end of the line. It's Sofia, Aunty" Sofia spoke with a shaky voice before she broke into uncontrollably tears.

"Sofia,Sofia, are you ok?" Mary asked apprehensively. "Just calm down, ok? I'll be there in a jiffy." She said before she ended the call.


 Williams apartment.

"Talk to me,Sofia." Mary spoke after a few silent moments.

But Sofia was too hurt to speak, she broke down in tears again.

Mary had no choice than to comfort the poor girl. She led her to her bed and carassed her to sleep before leaving for her brother's room.

"Look who we have here." Williams said as he stood to embrace his sister. "Please sit." He said pointing to the sofa in his room.

" What do I offer you?" He asked her.

"Nothing" Mary replied in sharply.

"What is it my Sister? You don't look happy." Williams said, he noticed his sister's dimmed face, ever since she stepped into his room.

Breathing out heavily, Mary began narrating, "Sofia called me a while ago crying. I rushed down here to see her but she hasn't said anything to me till now. She'd been crying. Do you have an idea why she'd been that way?" Mary enquired.

"Oh, about that?  Well it's nothing serious. It's just her been childish and that's all." Williams said casually, leaving Mary confused the more.

"I don't understand." Mary said with furrowed eyebrows.

"This..." Handing over the envelope to Mary who tore it open with great curiousity.

"How can you be this ruthless?" Mary asked shocked at the content of the letter.

"It's no big deal. Just..."

"It just nothing rather than the fact that I won't allow you take such a cruel decision." Mary interrupted him.

"Never! never!not in my house, not my own daughter! My company is owing the Smith's a lot and she must go,else......." Williams yelled.

"Else what?"

"You go in for her." Williams said before he bursted into a wicked laugh.

"First it was Anna now it's your daughter. Can't you at least be compassionate?

"Not when it involve my company. And how does Anna get involve in this?"

"It was because of you that she died." Mary retorted angrily.

"Did I kill her?"

"You never took care of her. It was always your company this,your company that. Till she developed a heart problem."

" She died of heart failure." Williams said.

"You caused the chronic disease that led to her death. You maltreated her. And never took care of her even at the verge death. Now you want to do same to your daughter. Not when I am alive."

"Then go and die." Williams said in a hoarse voice.

" What has come over you?

"I feel you've overstayed your welcome and..."

The conversation was broken by cries heard outside the room.

Mary opened the door and was greeted with an empty space but she knew it was her niece crying.

"You've seen what you've caused. If anything happens to that girl. I swear you will not go scot free." Mary said before making for Sofia's room.


"Sofia." Aunt Mary called out as soon as she entered Sofia's room.

"Aunt Mary I heard everything. So this is why Mother died. You only told me she died after a brief illness. What is this I heard?" Sofia asked her Aunt, amidst tears.

"I'm so sorry for not telling you. I didn't want to ignite hatred for your father in you." Mary explained.

"Is this why I was living with you and not my biological parents?"

"Yes. Your Dad wanted a male child that'll inherit his properties but you happen to be a female child. That was why he never wanted you around him."

"But he came for me after Mother died."

" That was because of his ruthless plans."

"Aunt Mary, am I going to get married. Am I?"

" No you won't. I promise to protect you. Listen I'll do whatever in my power to stop this."  Mary said trying to soothe her pains.

"Thank you Aunty for that assurance. You've always been a mother to me."

"You're welcome. What are family members for? C'mon smile for me." She said tickling Mary.

"Stop,stop, stop,Aunt Mary. Ahhhhhh...." She screamed amidst laughter.