
Chapter Forty - Seven

“ What’s going on inside? “ A maid asked another, when they heard the noise from Valerie’s room. They came closer to the door and stooped to the door hole to listen to what was happening in the room. They exchanged glances when they heard screams coming out from the room.

“ Let’s report this to the Master. “ One of them said.

“ No. Let’s go. You don’t know when  you’ll offend her. You do this, and you’re wrong. You do that and you also wronged her. So, I prefer to deafen my ears to anything related to Ma’am Valerie. “ The other maid tried to convince her colleague and they returned back to their duties immediately.

Valerie was getting annoyed by the second. She just didn’t want to be controlled. Moreover, the strange man’s call was an addition to her anger. She lay down after achieving a very messy room.


It was time for the morning breakfast. The maids went round to call Smith, Albert and Valerie. Many of them felt scared to enter her room due to the rumours they heard.

After much persuasion, the maids assigned to Valerie’s room went in for a knock. They were shocked when they heard an order to come in. They closed their eyes as they snuffled to muster their courage.

They pushed the door open and greeted Valerie. They couldn’t look around as they were scared to offend Valerie, so, they bowed their heads in respect. They had already turned pale as each waited for their last time to enjoy the earth.

“ What’s wrong with the both of you? “ Valerie asked when she noticed their strange behaviours.

The two maids opened their eyes and looked up at the owner of the voice. Realization dawned on them when they saw her sitting on her bed and brushing her head.

“ We’re sorry Ma’am. “

Valerie didn’t care after all. She sent them away with a wave of her hand. Other maids stood outside the room, some tried to peep through the door hole but nothing could be achieved with that. Immediately they heard the sound of the door, they took to their heels and hid in different corners. The maids in Valerie’s room came out and a sigh escaped their lips.

“ I felt she would have torn us into shreds. “ One commented.

“ Thank goodness, she didn’t. And I don’t think the rumours were true. With a neat and organized room and also a comported person, sitting on the bed. “ The other maid nodded in agreement.

Other maids began to troupe out of their hiding place. They dragged them to a corner and began pouring questions on them. The duo that came out from Valerie’s room were astonished as they watch their colleagues' reactions.

“ Nothing happened. The room was organized and she just sat on the bed. “ One of them narrated.

Within few minutes the maids began to leave in 2s and 3s to continue their functions.


Smith was already sitting in the dining room with his son, Albert as they waited for Valerie to join them. Albert kept his gaze on the maids that came to serve him. He squinted his eyebrows as he went down his memory lane. “ I didn’t see them. “ He thought inwardly. Smith noticed the worried look on his son’s face and enquired from him, his problems. He exhaled loudly and pretended to be alright. 

“ Are you sure? “ Smith asked again with concern.

Albert nodded in affirmation and told his Dad that he was only worried about Valerie. He told him that she acted strange on phone the other night and it has caused him so much worries.

That alone beamed Smith’s face as he thought in his mind that his son was deeply in love with Valerie. He smiled and told his son to be calm. Valerie descended the stairs as they were discussing.

“ Talk of the devil! We were just talking about you. Albert here, felt you weren’t ok. “ Smith said.

Valerie sat down and greeted the two of them. She told them that she was alright.

“ But your tone, the other night was bad. You can talk to us if you have any issues “ Albert insisted.

“ Thank you for your concern.” Valerie told Albert. If she hadn’t spoken to the unknown man who caused her to worry a lot, she would have hugged Albert. She praised herself inwardly been able to be loved by the two that she sat with.  They started eating immediately after that. 

“ Lest I forget. I received a call from your Dad yesterday. “ Smith said to Valerie.

Valerie furrowed her eyebrows when she heard Smith talk of her father. She forced a smile and asked Smith what her father had said.

“ Well, he told me that Clifford will be joining us. “ 

“ Valerie ” ( Exhales loudly.) 

“ Albert “ (Suddenly stops eating.) 

Smith eyed the two a questionable look. Their sudden reactions were a bit off.

“ Have this place been turned to Adam’s family house. Soon Adam, Valerie’s father will join us and here will be turned to, ' AdamSmith ' residence. “ Albert wanted to voice out but swallowed his thoughts. Valerie wanted to make Smith refuse that but didn’t have reasons to back it up. So, she remained silent and continued eating.

“ What’s wrong? Why the sudden reaction from you both? “ Smith enquired.

Albert and Valerie exchanged glances and continued eating .

“ Nothing Dad. “ They answered in unison and glanced at themselves again.

“ I can’t wait to see him after a while. “ Valerie said feigning a smile. “ When will that be? “ Valerie asked Smith.

“ Soon. But I think he’ll be in town for a while. He’ll be getting a few things from your Dad before he joins us. Whenever it is, our door is always open to let him in. “

“ Thank you, Dad. “ Valerie said. Valerie also told Albert and Smith that she’ll be visiting some friends in the evening and Smith gave her the permission to do so.

Eva and John hanged around the sitting room as they anticipated Andy’s discussion with Smith.

“ Will you go there or should we wait for his commands? “ John asked.

Eva eyed him furiously before hitting his arm. “ Why don’t you go and then, report back to me? “ Eva asked him.

“ Should I? “ John said holding his hand on his chest. The next thing he heard was ' yes ' and then he was out, out from the hiding place. Eva actually pushed him out. He stood dumbstruck looking at the trio who turned to look at him.

“ Do you need anything? “ Smith asked him.

John bowed and apologized for barging in while they were eating. He told them that he came to see Albert and would relay the message once he’d done eating. Before he excused himself.

That was embarrassing. John thanked his stars as he walked off. He couldn’t find words to say and stood looking at the trio like a moron. Luckily for him, Smith asked him a question that he answered plainly without being suspected. He pondered in his heart all these things. As he walked, he felt someone tickle him. He controlled himself and continued walking.

“ What’s wrong with him? “ Eva asked inwardly with pouted lips. She left him to his own devices as soon as he was almost out of sight. She glanced at his back before heading to her room.

“ So, what actually happened?  Have they been released? “ Sarah asked Eva as soon as she came inside the room. 

Eva remained silent. She was totally pissed off by John’s earlier attitude. She went straight to the bed and fell on it.

“ Are you alright? “ Sarah asked with concern.

Eva covered herself with the duvet and tried to force herself to sleep. She got really upset when she couldn’t sleep.

“ But, why am I acting this strange? “  Eva pondered in her mind. She decided to shove off the thoughts but they kept haunting her. So, she stood up from the bed and went to sit with Sarah. 

Sarah looked at her questionably. 

“ I got John upset. “ Eva told her .

“ So… “ Sarah was expecting to hear something else but didn’t hear anything apart from that. “ Girl, pinch me a bit. “

Dark lines became visible on Eva’s face as she looked at her friend in confusion. “ What.. “

“ Don’t tell me, John made you this way. “ Sarah said to her. 

“ He did. “ Eva affirmed.

 Sarah clasped her hand together and began to laugh making Eva more furious. Eva angrily hit Sarah.

“ Ouch. “ She screamed. Why did you hit me? “ She asked again and received another hit.

“ Why are you laughing at me? “ Eva yelled.

“ Eva dear. To be sincere, I never knew it would come to this. I mean, you’ve been acting this way because of John? Let me hit at the nail. Girl, you’re in love. “

Eva looked at her like a crazy woman and began to cry. Sarah didn’t expect that from her. When she leaned more to comfort her, Eva grabbed a pillow and hit her face making her fall backwards on the sofa .

“ I don’t need your consolation! “ Eva yelled again.

“ What have I done? I just told you the truth. You are in love and …  “

“ I’m not! “ Eva interrupted and went back to lie on the bed. Sarah looked at her and smiled. 

“ Share with me if you dream about him.”  She teased before she received flings of pillows, clothes and the duvet, which Eva used to chase her as they ran around in the room.