
Chapter Forty - Five

While she mused, her phone rang. Her gaze fell on the screen immediately. She furrowed her eyebrows when she looked at the name revealed by True Caller ID.

“ Your Master. “

“ Your Master? “ Valerie looked at the name that flashed at her screen again. She felt uneasy and was hesitant to pick the call, but the caller kept calling, before the phone stopped ringing.

“ Why does it feels like, I’m the one being referred to? “Valerie mused.

The name popped up on her screen again when the caller rang back. This time, she picked the call to satisfy her curiosity.

“ Valerie Adams. “ A deep, hoarse voice said to Valerie. Valerie felt her spirit leave her body, just hearing the voice of the caller.

“ Why do you keep silent? “ The man asked her when she didn’t say anything. 

“ Who are you? “ Valerie asked in a squeaky voice. She found herself trembling as she haven’t been addressed like that for a long time.

“ Your Master. “  He answered.

“ My Master? “ She asked.

“ Yes, Your Master. “ The man confirmed. “ I know what you want at this point and I want to help you. So, it’ll be good we become partners. Let’s meet up tomorrow, at Ectactcy restaurant by 7pm. “ The call ended after that. 

Valerie could feel her heart pound so fast, her face suddenly turned white and fear gripped her.

“ Who is he? “  Valerie mused. She never felt so scared all her life. As she thought of the call, scary images began to form in her head. She quickly went and laid down on her bed and covered herself with the duvet as she coiled herself under it. She stayed there for a while before she drifted off to sleep.

“ Thank you very much Sir.” Eddie thanked Albert as soon as they came to a halt in front of her residence.

“ You’re welcome. “ Albert smiled at her. He flashed her seductive gazes that she involuntarily bit a part of her lips. Albert was amused by her actions. He placed his hands on the back of her head and drifted her to him. And then a kiss on her forehead. Eddie couldn’t look at Albert in the eyes after he let her go. 

“ Do you want to go back with me? “ Albert asked her when she remained still. Eddie turned red and immediately turned to open the door of the car. As she was about to alight, she felt a hand draw her backwards and she slumped into Albert’s arms. 

“ Not even a ' goodnight ' greeting? “ 

Eddie laid backwards on his laps, with her face directly facing him and few inches close to his'. She closed her eyes and exhaled loudly as she felt her breathing hitched being too close to Albert. “ Good night Sir. “ 

“ Call me Albert. “ Albert told her.

Eddie hesitated to do so but had to, after being persuaded by Albert.

“ Sweet dreams, Albert. “ Before she could open her eyes, her lips were already in Albert’s mouth. Eddie opened her eyes in astonishment and slowly closed it, seeing Albert closed his eyes and engrossed in the kiss.

Albert let go of her lips and she bade him the final goodbye before leaving the car. Albert watched her go into her house before turning to leave.

Eddie went into the compound . She dashed towards the entrance door and entered with the security code. She didn’t want to disturb Annie, so she just went in with another method.

As soon as she entered the house, she went straight to her room. She tossed her bag on the bed and laid down on it. Snuffling at intervals. “ Omg, what’s happening to me? “ She thought to herself. Her lips curved into a smile as the incidences of the car reflected in her head. She wanted to shout, jump and dance. She held her palms together to enclose her mouth, else she might shout. Then she heard her stomach grumble. 

“ Oooh, I’m hungry. “ She said and stood up from the bed. She quickly undressed and got ready to bathe. After taking her bath, she brushed her hair and gently twisted it up and wrapped it with a silk scarf. Next she applied moisturizing cream to her body and got into a nightie, then she left in search of Annie. She wanted to knock at the door but stopped when she heard the clanging of plates from the kitchen, so she guessed that Annie might be in the kitchen. 

Dark lines became visible on her forehead when she entered the kitchen and saw Annie about to prepare dinner.

“ Don’t you know that it is late, to prepare dinner! “ Eddie screamed, startling Annie.

Annie almost jumped when she heard a shout at her back. She ended up, stooping to the floor with her palm on her chest. Her glared intently at Eddie when she saw that Eddie was the intruder.

“ I’m sorry. “ Eddie apologized when she realized what she had done. She went to Annie and tried to help Annie up to her feet but Annie shoved her hand away.

“ I’m so sorry. “ Eddie apologized again.

“ I almost died few seconds ago because of you. “ Annie said in a soft tone. “ Why on earth did you do that! “ Annie yelled, this time.

“ I’m so sorry. “ Eddie kept on repeating. “ I only got upset because dinner wasn’t ready yet. “ She murmured.

Annie looked at her in annoyance and stood up to her feet as she continued what she was doing. 

“ I’m so sorry. “ Eddie said again.

Annie sniffled and waved her hand at Eddie as to tell her, “ It’s ok.” Eddie tickled her and the laughed.

“ Don’t do that again. “ Annie told her and she nodded before a ' yes ' as an affirmation.

“ What do you want to prepare for dinner? “ Eddie asked her. 

“ Penne alla vodka with pasta. “ Eddie answered.

“ Wow. It’s been a while since you last prepared that dish and I’ve missed it so much. “

Annie smiled at her. Eddie offered to help Annie, she wore her aprons to join in the cooking.

“ So, everything is ready for preparation. “ Annie said getting a deep-fry pan as she began to prepare the dish. Eddie was so interested in the cooking. She wanted to learn it.

“ Let me help you. “ Annie gave Eddie the pancetta to slice while she directed her. Eddie was so happy with the cooking. She pleaded with Annie to do the direction and supervision. She wanted to cook.

“ Stir the onions and the sliced pancetta in the oil. “

Eddie would ask questions where she needed to be directed and Annie supplied the answers. 

“ Cook it till it thickens. “

“ Why? “ Eddie was enthusiastic to know more.

“ It needs to be creamy after it’s cooked. “

They made the penne alla vodka and served it two plates, they also brought roasted broccoli and juice to drink and they began to dig in. Eddie remembered Albert again. The thoughts of Albert kissing her, kept drifting, in and out of her head. She didn’t realize she was smiling to herself, till Annie called her. Her faced turned scarlet red when she was jolted back to reality.

“Mmmmm.. I smell something fishy. Spill it out, what happened between you and Sir Albert? “

Eddie was shocked that Annie was so straightforward when she said that. She shook her head go deny that but her feelings betrayed her and she blushed the more.

“ We kissed again. “  Eddie happily announced and laughed out so loud. Annie had to close her ears before she develop ear problems. She couldn’t understand why Eddie react that way.

“ You’ve slept with a number of times. Why are you then excited because he kissed you? “ Annie asked her.

“ Because I was swept off my feet. That was when I pursued him for his status and wealth. Now, I have fallen for him.” Eddie answered her.

“ So, how was the kiss. Does his mouth taste good? “

“ This food is yummy. “ Eddie said avert the discussion.

“ Yummy enough to give you two marks. “ Annie teased making Eddie’s  face wrinkled in anger. 


Albert returned home that day. Smith already ate and had gone to sleep. Albert freshened up and went to eat. He noticed that the food served on the table was supposed to be for two people. 

“ Why is it not touched? “ He wondered. He sent for Eva and she told him that Valerie hadn’t eaten dinner. He picked up his cellphone and put a call across to Valerie.

Valerie woke up within a short period. She had a terrible nightmare of a person coming after her. Sweat broke from all parts of her body when she woke up and she was breathing heavily. She wrapped her duvet around her body as she trembled in fear. Her heart skipped when she her phone rang. She was too scared to look at her phone, so she laid down again.

Albert became worried at some point. “ Why isn’t she picking her calls? “ He said, almost aloud. He dialed her line again.

 Valerie swept her gaze to her cellphone. She got irritated by the number of calls that she received, so she stood and took her phone on top of the drawer, she wanted to mute the volume of her calls but was startled to find out that it was Albert calling her. She picked her call and heard Albert ask her, “ Are you alright? “