
Chapter Five

Smiths Corporation.

John walked straight to the private elevator as soon as he entered the magnificent building. He punched in the password to the top room in the building. Immediately he walked out of the elevator, he came to a halt in front of the door boldly inscribed "OFFICE OF THE CEO."

He knocked at the door.

"Yes, come in." A voice said from inside. John pushed the door open and went in.

"Did you get any information about her?" Albert inquired as soon as John sat down.

"Yes Master, i came with great news."

"Good. So do you know where she stays, her family, how we can meet her or...(boring questions...)?

"It's more than all these mentioned Master, her name is Miss Sofia Williams. The one you are about to get married to."

Albert went stiff. He couldn't talk for a while. "You mean she is .... Omg. I feel relieved at last. She is all mine afterall. Her body is mine." Albert couldn't help but smile at the information that has made his day.

John on his own part imagined the scenario of the duo on bed."That would be great." He felt satisfied at his capabilities. At least his master will not stress him for some time.


On the other hand, at the Wills Corporation:

"Nonsense!" Williams voice echoed throughout the conference room. "Is this what you can give? You couldn't handle a simple project? How could you allow such a great opportunity to slide through our fingers?"

The whole room remained quiet.

"Who are the people handling this project?" Williams enquired.

"Manager Lucius and Manager Roy." Festus replied.

"Get it down. Their two months salary will not be allocated to them. Any other thing?"

"The Gregs and the Chuks Group have seized to partner with us." Festus announced.

"What are you all doing? You ruined this company. This is how we lost $80 billion dollars? Now our partnering companies are leaving one by one. Aaaaaaaaah" Williams felt like going nuts. He borrowed a whole lot of money to get some greedy CEOs to work with them but they all left him within a short period.

"Meeting adjourned." He finally said when he couldn't control himself again, leaving the board members sympathizing with Manager Lucius and  Manager Roy. Some even discussing leaving the company.


After dinner that evening, Williams had an interactive session with his daughter.

"You'll be meeting the Smiths soon. I've spoken with Lady Lily. She'll take you out to a boutique to get the best clothings. I need you to prepare."

"I'm not getting married now and even if I would, I'll choose my partner myself." Sofia said bodly.

"You must be mad!" Williams voice increased. "I don't think I have time for your nonsense. If you won't do it politely, you'll do it the other way round."

"Excuse me." Sofia said and stomped out on Williams.

In her room, she made a quick call to Aunty Mary and left almost immediately to Aunty Mary's house.



"Please calm down." Mary said to the sobbing Sofia.

" Til when Aunty?" Sofia enquired in tears. "Father have finally signed the contract with the Smiths. What do I do now?" Sofia felt her heart totally shattered at that point.

"You'll bring problems to yourself if you continue like this. So please just put yourself together. I'll look for ways to sort it out." Aunty Mary tried to cheer her up.

"Aunty please be fast with whatever you want to do else I end up in the shackles of these wicked people." Sofia said sniffing hard.



Smiths residence:

"I'm sorry Ma'am but I can't just allow anyone into the house unless on special permission from my Master." A Security Guard told Aunty Mary. Aunty Mary came visiting in the house of the Smiths, but, the guard didn't recognize her, so, he prevented her from coming in.

"Have you gone bananas?" Aunty Mary asked in fury. "I said allow me in."

From a distance, Andy sat down enjoying the cool breeze outside the house but within the compound. He felt something was amiss when he saw the security guards acting in a strange way, ( like they were either quarrelling or...' he didn't know) so he sent a security guard standing close to him to go and find out what was going on with the security guard at the gate.

"Sir, a woman is insisting to see the Master." The security guard said as soon as he came back.

"Who could she possibly be?" Andy wondered.

"She's the sister to Sir Williams." The security guard revealed.

"You mean Williams Jakes?"

"Yes Sir."

"Tell them to let her in." Andy told the guard before going to inform his Master about the unexpected visitor.


Smiths room.

Phone rings.

Picks the call, "Yes Andy."

"Mary Williams is here to see you Sir." Andy said from the other end of the line.

"Mary Williams. That's surprising. Anyway, let her wait for me in the guests room."

"Ok Sir."

Ending the call, Smith stood to refresh himself before going to meet Mary.

Few minutes later.

The thudding of footsteps was heard tracing its way down to the guests' living room.

Mary knew it was Smith coming.

"Good evening Sir." Mary greeted respectfully looking at the man approaching her.

"You're welcome my Dear. Why are you alone? Didn't the servants see you?" Smith asked the woman who sat with nothing to busy herself.

"I told them not to bother Sir."

"Really? Ok. You're welcome to my abode. It's really surprising, I must say to see you in my residence." Smith said, giving off a little smile which wasn't sincere at all.

"Thank you for accepting me in your home even when I came unannounced."

"Not to worry my Dear. Please feel free to come anytime. Afterall we're soon going to be inlaws."

"We're soon going to be inlaws"  Those words felt like a pound on Mary's chest. "Sir I know you're a very busy man. So I'll hit at it at once. I came to request for a help."

" It will be my pleasure to be of help in a very difficult situation." Well, Smith didn't really mean what he said. " What else will she ask for if not money? 'rubbish'. " he cursed inwardly.

"Sir can you please cancel the marriage agreement you had with our family?"