
Chapter Fifty

" Hey, what did I do? " The man asked in anger as he rubbed his arms. Eddie eyed him furiously, ignoring his question, she stooped down and picked up the items she bought which was neatly packed in a customized bag pack.

After that, she stood up and left the man in a daze.

Annie was already growing impatient waiting for her friend Eddie. She rolled her eyes to all corners of the amusement park where she could see from where she sat.

" Where has she gone to? " She mused as dark lines crowned her forehead. Then she saw Eddie approaching towards her. She exhaled loudly as she was relieved to see Eddie.

" What took you so long? " Annie questioned furiously.

Eddie explained to her everything that happened. From the long cue at the snacks stand till that of the crazy man( as she called him) that bumped into her. 

" He must be stupid. " Annie cursed not minding being heard by people around. She was dying in hunger all because of a crazy man. Eddie nudged her to comport herself as eyes looked intently at them.

Annie grabbed the bag pack from Eddie. She brought out the ice cream plate and began to lick it. Eddie looked at her and exhaled loudly before she took her own plate and began enjoying herself.

After that, they walked towards the roller coasters and rides. They showed their tickets to the agents there and they went to have fun. 

It was a great day for both of them.




Sofia was not feeling well after her release. She got high fever and severe headache. That caused Lady Lily and Mira much concern. They went out to call Eva. While they were outside the room, Sofia lay on the bed as she coiled herself under the duvet. She kept sniffing as tears gathered in her eyes.

The door flicked open and Eva walked in with Lady Lily and Mira. She ran to meet Sofia immediately she sighted her on the bed. " Ma'am. " Eva called with great concern. Sofia was shivering and said nothing to her. Eva felt her heart skip. She gave Mira her phone to search through her contacts and get Albert's number. Mira did as instructed. She dialed the line and gave the phone back to Eva.

Eva was growing impatient as the line kept on dialing.

" Where did he keep his phone? " Eva said aloud. She felt so irritated as she couldn't get connected with Albert at a critical time like this. She dialed the line again and luckily it went through.

" Good morning, Young Master, It's Eva speaking, Ma'am Sofia is critically ill and needs to be attended to, urgently. " Eva said the words straight breathlessly.

" He's taking his bath. " A deep voice resounded into Eva's voice. Eva recognized the voice and immediately began to disturb its owner.

" Can't you relay this message to him? " Eva asked in annoyance. He wasn't expecting John to answer the call.

" Let me come over instead. " John suggested and ended the call without waiting to get a response from Eva.

" Why do he need to come over? Is that going to solve the problem at hand? " Eva asked fuming. 

Lady Lily and Mira kept quiet as they watch her reactions in every minute. Eva felt Sofia's temperature and confirmed that it was increasing by the minute. " Mira, go get me a bowl of water on its normal level and a towel asap. " Mira rushed off to get it. 

A knock was heard at the door. Lady Lily went and opened it. It was John knocking. He came inside the room and before he could utter a word. Eva bursted out on him. 

" Why haven't you spoken to Young Master Albert? " 

John stood shocked. He couldn't find anything wrong with coming over. He ignored Eva and went to take a closer look at Sofia on the bed. Eva eyed him furiously and kept quiet after that. She felt guilty when John didn't react to her screams.

" Please tell him about her. She's not feeling alright. " Eva said in a low tone.

John exhaled loudly and left the room quietly.

Mira returned with the bowl of water and a soft hand towel which she handed over to Eva. Eva dipped the towel into the water and pressed out the water. She dabbed the towel on Sofia's face, neck and some other parts of her body. Sofia winced as the temperature of the water conflicted with her body's temperature.



Albert had finished taking his bath when he heard a knock on his door. He went to open it. John came into the room. He apologized for disturbing Albert as he saw him dressed in a white towel which he wrapped around his waist. He reported Sofia's health condition to him and Albert ordered him to call the family Doctor. Albert quickly got dressed and went to see Sofia himself. 

Albert knocked at the door and Lady Lily opened it. She bowed in greeting as soon as she saw him and so did others in the room. Albert came into the room with John following behind. Eva stood up from the bed, where she sat and gave way for Albert to join Sofia. Sofia did not talk to him, she wanted to scream at him to leave the room but she was too weak to do so. So, she stared at the ceiling and did not spare Albert a glance.

Albert exhaled loudly when he saw Sofia's reaction. He did not need to be told that Sofia didn't want him near him. He stood up and called Eva to follow him out of the room. Outside the room, Albert told Eva that the doctor will soon arrive treat Sofia and she should take good care of her. He told her that she should tell John anything that will be needed for Sofia's treatment and upkeep. He left her after that. Eva went into the room to stay with Sofia.



For Valerie, she was getting ready for her new found plan. She picked up her phone after boosting up her morale and called the Master ( as he called himself ) 

" Hello. " The voice sounded into her ears. " Have you made your decision? " He asked without allowing even a greeting from Valerie.

Valerie told him, her final decision and they agreed to meet up again at the restaurant.

Valerie was so excited when she ended the call. She was going to be at the top and deal with Sofia and the others. She smirked as she imagined seeing them cry out blood at her feet. That was her decision and no one can change that. Not her family, not Smith or Albert. She decided to visit Smith after that. 

Valerie walked with shoulders raised, towards Smiths attendance room. She met Andy at the attendance room and told him that she wanted to meet Smith. Andy went in and told Smith of Valerie's visit. Valerie waited patiently for Andy to return and when he did, he told her to go in and meet and meet Smith. Valerie went in immediately. She greeted Smith as soon as she saw him.

Smith exhaled loudly. It pained him when he saw Albert treat Valerie with contempt the other night. He wanted to meet Valerie himself and apologize on behalf of his son, Albert but she came before he could do that. He showed her to a seat where she sat down.

" How are you Daddy? " Valerie asked feigning to be concerned about Smith. 

Smith was lost for words. He couldn't believe that Valerie will ask after his welfare after all his son did to her. He forced a smile and gulped as he looked intently at Valerie. Valerie felt uneasy with the looks from Smith. She cleared her throat to ease the atmosphere. Smith smiled when he saw her reaction.

" Don't mind me. I was just thinking about your kindness. You still have the courage to visit me despite all my home caused you. " Smith said, his heart was melting bit by bit for the lady before him. He thought to himself that if Valerie came during his days, then he would have gotten married to her as he believed that her kindness would do so many things in her life.

" Dad. " Valerie said with a very Soft tone. " It's nothing to worry about. Please don't think much about it. See, I've forgiven Albert and i hope you do same. As a grown man he'll naturally want to be independent. You won't blame him if the outcome wasn't what you always expected. " Valerie commented.

That was awesome. Infact, Smith was thrilled. He opened his hands for an embrace and Valerie went into it. He concluded in his mind that he was going to make Valerie his future daughter-in-law, no matter what it takes. He felt embarrassed of Valerie again before they burst into laughter. Valerie made Smith to believe that she was going to be the best and he was so happy about that. 

Eddie's Residence.

Eddie sat in her room. " What is wrong with me? " She wondered. I'm