
Chapter Fifteen

Valerie walked round the compound. She stopped as soon as her eyes met a handsome figure, distance away. She smiled as she walked up to him. 

“Hello Albert.” She said to the man who looked drifted away in thoughts. She furrowed her eyebrows when she stood for over ten minutes without being noticed. “What is he thinking?” She mumbled to herself.

“Hey” She called out again. Then tapped him.

“Oh my.” Albert exclaimed with eyes wide open in amusement.

“Were you shocked?” She enquired.

“So sorry. How long have you been standing?”

“Well, not for long. You looked troubled, is anything bothering you?”

“Well it’s nothing. Just relating to business.” Albert replied using his father’s antics. “I heard you were unwell. Hope you’re better now.”

“Oh yes. Thanks for asking.”

Albert only forced a smile. He had been reflecting on what his father told him. How can he possibly marry two wives. Well isn’t it enough that Sofia is i been cheated. Now remarrying. Well he wasn’t interested in Sofia though just that her beauty drew him in. He had always enjoying lots of girls all to himself but that hasn’t been so since he married Sofia. Maybe her beauty caught him off guard.

“You know you owe me now.” Valerie said trying to  break the awkward silent moments.

“Ummm. How exactly?”

“The fun-play.”

“Oh yea. I almost forgot. You aren’t fit to do that now.”

“Yes I know. Maybe some other time.”

“Ok then.”



Away from these two. Up the building, is Sofia looking down through the window. She had never seen the ‘Valarie girl' but she could tell from descriptions,that the girl standing next to Albert is Valerie.

Sofia let out a deep sigh. This wasn’t what she desired. Life has been unfair to her. She wanted to attend the University, study law. Graduate with honours in her field. Work for a large corporation such as the Masons Firm that pay their workers handsomely. Get married with beautiful kids. And live happily ever after. Never had she thought she would be in such situation. Tears strode down the corners of her cheeks. This was it. Secretly married to a billionaire. Not recognized by the society, not even her husband’s family.

While Albert was with Valerie, Smith was with Albert’s guards.

“Who amongst you prevented Valerie from meeting with my son?” Smith’s hoarse voice vibrated throughout his attendant room causing the guards to shiver in fear.

The room was in pin-drop silence. It was as if everyone’s breath seized. They only bent their faces waiting for the next action. But the culprit shivered the most. He was hesitant to speak but fell on his knees when Smith repeated his question, this time, in a more angered tone.

“Lucius. You?”

“I didn’t let Ma’am Valerie inside yesterday, because…” Lucius stammered.

“And who asked you, your reasons?”

“I’m sorry Sir.”

“Well, you have just ten minutes to take your stinking self out of this residence.”

Lucius ran out of the room to per his Master's order. After that no one dared to speak or even look up, towards the Master.

“This will serve as a warning to all of you. Valerie is like a daughter to me. You must treat her as one. Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes Master.” The guards replied in unison.



“What did you just say?” Albert roared in annoyance.

“Young Master that’s what I was told.” John replied.

“Ok. Thanks for the information.”

Albert immediately went to his father’s attendant room.

“The Master has retired to his room. I’ll inform…..” But Albert had already found his way to his room.

“Dad what is this I heard you said?”

“What did you hear?” Smith questioned calmly.

“Why did you send Lucius packing?”

“Didn’t your informant tell you about it?”

“For goodness sake Dad, i gave out the instructions he followed.”

“What instructions! Preventing your wife to be from seeing you? And not just….”

“Dad I won’t take this from you. Valerie is not my wife to be! “You’ve grown wings now that you now raise your voice at me?”

“Well I don’t mean to insult you Dad. But I’m sorry to disappoint you, your wish won’t be fulfilled.” With that Albert left the room.

“Let’s see who wins the game.” Smith said to himself.


Williams paced up and down his office. He was already drained in sweat when his assistant, Festus handed him the current financial report of the company.

The company is going down financially and may soon crumple. Employees resigning, partners demanding for their shares and lots more. The whole thing was driving him crazy.

“Master please. be calm.” Festus said to Williams who kept on destroying everything he came across.

“Master please calm down.” Festus pleaded. But his plea fell on deaf ears. Williams kept destroying all he set his eyes on.

“Leave my office now!” Williams yelled at Festus.

“I won’t Master. I pledged my loyalty to you, so I can’t leave you in this state.”

Williams grinned hard hearing Festus words. He took a flower vase and threw it at Festus. Luckily, Festus dodged the attack.



Soon the news took over as the hottest news headlines.THE WILLS CORPORATION ABOUT TO BE........



“Master did you hear the current news?” John asked Albert as soon as he entered the office of

“What news is that?” Albert asked him.

John quickly pulled out his phone from his bag and showed Albert the hottest news headlines.

“What has Dad done about this?”

Albert secretly wondered how Sofia would feel after hearing the news.


**Doorbell rings**

“Come in.”

 The door opened and a lady walked in.  Beautiful,busty and with big butt. Her half buttoned shirt exposed most part of her chest that every man that came across her could not help but drool over her. She also wore a see-through tight black skirt . She closed the door behind her, smiling wryishly at Albert who seemed unfazed by her actions.

“Good afternoon Sir.” Eddie, Smith's secretary greeted as she moved swiftly towards Albert. Licking her lips seductively,she leaned over the table, enough to behold a clearer view of her cleavages.

“Is there any problem?” Albert questioned with a straight face, putting her off.

“What do you mean by that my Love?” Eddie asked again, softly. She quickly covered the distance between the both of them and immediately bent over to grab Albert lips. But Albert turned to the other side. “Move aside.” He commanded.

“ I …”

“I want to be left alone.” Albert said without sparing her a glance.

Eddie left the office for her own with anger written all over her. She did not mind the whispers coming from other employees she came across on her way and *slam* she closed the door behind her and slumped into one of the office chairs.

"Why did he do that?" Eddie asked no one in particular. She recalled the times she slept with Albert when his father Smith was absent. She took a deep breath before going back to her duties.


On the other hand, similar to this event. (That of the Wills corporation)  is also the closure of a popular boutique in town. 

After the incident between Valerie,Lady Lily and Mira and also The manager, Valerie contacted her onions which led to the downfall of the boutique.

The noise from the press reverbrated the atmosphere. Reporters and journalist swamped in and out the building as soon as the news leaked out. Each of them was willing to report back creditable information to their companies.

"We'll like to speak with your manager." A reporter yelled to the security guards trying to bring the situation under control. No one was willing to leave. They kept throwing questions at the guards 

"Why doesn't he want to come out?"

"We heard he offended a high ranking official. Is it true?"



The Manager was already sweating profusely. He hadn't been himself ever since his boutique squatted.

"What the heck is this reporter saying?" Bridget the Assistant Manager ruffled while watching the turn out of events through the surveillance camera footage.

"I guess someone is behind this."

"Who else but that rude lady of the other day could be behind this?" 

"Which rude lady?" Bridget questioned.

The Manager narrated his encounter with Valerie.

"What do we do now?" The manager was at the verge of tears. He do didn't know what to do again.

"Something is not right here. How did the reporters find out about this? I guess someone purposely put the flames that spread this fire.

Bridget left the heart shattered manager to meet the roaring reporters.

"We want to see the manager!" They yelled.

"Well he's indisposed at the moment." A voice spoke up followed by a brief silence. Everyone turned to meet the voice' owner. 

"He needs to be here. Why does he keep on sending people here?" The same suspicious reporter said. " We heard he offended someone and..."

"Who told you he offended someone? I mean when did the press begin to act on rumors. Don't tell me you've been snooting around lately." Bridget fired back.

The atmosphere changed immediately. It was as if a silent bomb was thrown into the hall. Bridget was right, they hadn't any evidence to back up their claims.

"Why then was the boutique closed?" The reporter fired again.

" I believe a company holds right to its confidentiality. Is everything supposed to be related to the public? And Mr. Reporter, I wonder who supplied you with these information. How did this news spread?" It was Bridget's turn to fire questions at the suspicious reporter.

Author's note: Please leave a review and also rate me if you find my work,(novel) interesting . I'll be grateful if you do that. Much love.Thank you.