
Chapter Eight

As soon as they (Williams and his daughter, Sofia) went inside, Williams apologized once again,they exchanged pleasantries and settled down. Before eating what was served to them.

All this time Albert was salivating at the beauty before him. "A real Goddess" He muttered under his breath.

Sofia was also feeling uncomfortable  as she took notice the way Albert had been looking at her  since she came in. She caught him stealing a  few glances at her. To ease the atmosphere, she placed her attention on her plate and continued eating.

After a while of digging in, some waitresses (kept specially for them) came and cleared the table.

"You're welcome." Smith began a conversation.

"Thank you." Williams replied.

"I called for this meeting so that you,our children wIll get to know each other because the wedding preparation will start in earnest. I need you both to get acquainted with each other. I would have wanted a formal introduction but to make things snappy,we,your fathers will leave you both to discuss."  Smith said looking at Williams for approval.

"Good."He said when Williams nodded in approval. We're going home. You need not to be disturbed.Albert you take her home when you both are done." Smith said giving his son a wink.


"Albert: Yes Father."

Both Fathers left the duo for a private moment.


"How are you Sofia?" Albert said unsure of how to begin the conversation.

"Well, I'm not  fine." Sofia replied sharply.

"Oh really. But why?"

Sofia knitted her eyebrows on the discomforting question. She thought of whether to tell Albert or not about her unwillingness to get married.

"Well I feel like I'm being forced to do this."

"This....?" Questioned Albert.

"Yes this marriage. I'm not ready to get married and I want to choose my Mr. Right at my own will. Ok?"

Albert simply nodded,stunned for words. 'This girl indirectly rejected him. What does he not have? What else is she looking for?' Well Albert didn't want to think deep about that. He was just like his father. All he wanted was to have her under him. And taste the living hell out of her.

"Well the deed is done. I'll advise you to get used to it."

"Shit" Sofia cursed.

"Did she just curse me now?" Albert asked inwardly. "This girl really have some guts."

" I think I'll take you home. Seems you..."

"That would be great." Sofia cut in sharply.

"Ooohhh." What about you come over to my house tomorrow. Let's talk things out."

"Does this guy think I'm some maids of servants who is at his beck and call?" Sofia almost voiced out. "I won't be available tomorrow."

"Don't worry. If it's about house chores, I'll speak to your Dad.."

"No need for that."


"I want to be alone tomorrow. I've been stressed lately." "Who the heck does he thinks he is to order me around?" Sofia secretly eyeing Albert.

"I'll get my men to pick you up tomorrow."

Sofia stood up and took the lead to go home. Albert followed suit.    


"How was it son?" 

"Dad that girl is a hard nut to crack."

"And who do you think you are? Son you can do whatever you want with her. You are the Prince and heir to Smith Corporation. The highest in hierarchy in the business world. Her consent is  not needed. Act like your father, Son."

"I've heard you Dad. Let me go and freshen up." Albert said walking towards the door of his father's room.

"No problem. Good night Son."

"Good night Dad." Albert replied, closing the door simultaneously.



Williams Residence:


"Yes who is that." A maid asked.

"Messengers from the Smiths"

Rushes in to alert Williams.

"Please usher them in and tell them I'll be with them soon."

"Yes Sir."



"My Master will join you soon. Please be patient for a while. On the other hand, what do I serve you?"

"Nothing. We're in a hurry." They said in unison.

"I'll leave you two now."


"You're welcome."

"Thank you."

"So what news do you bring to my family."

"We're here for your daughter. The Prince sent for her."

"Oooh. That's great. Please few seconds." Williams gestured to a maid to come. When she came,he whispered few words to her ears. 

"She'll soon be here."; Williams said forcing a smile on his face.

In no time, Sofia joined the trio.

Gave them a look of 'Who are they?' Before she turned.

"They're from the Smiths." Williams told her.

Recalling her discussion with Albert the other night."That fool" She thought."I'll be back." She said moving swiftly to her room. Williams excused himself as well.

As soon as they(Sofia and Williams) moved away from the visitors' sight. Williams dragged his daughter the nearby washroom.

"Why were you dragging me like that?"

"Shut up! You didn't tell me you were going out with Albert." Williams said between gritted teeth.

"I'm going out with Albert."Sofia chuckled lightly. "Or rather he ordered me to meet him."

"I don't care about any of those."

"And why the heck should I tell you first. Are you planning to join us? Or......." Sofia asked mockingly as she left the room to her own room.



"Let's go." Sofia said to the two messengers after getting ready.