
Secretly Lesbian

xXRainLightXx · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter 1.

Hi. My name is Ava Walters and I'm 17 years old. You see I'd never been what you call like. Nobody has ever really liked me. I mean I get it, I'm not pretty or popularity rich or anything like that. I'm just... well I'm just me. Oh yeah, I'm also a closeted Lesbian. I mean I told my older brother but that's about it.

Well, anyway I just arrived at my college. It's really beautiful. Now I have to go check into my dorm and find it. Trust me, I have no sense of direction.

As I walked up to the front desk a boy looked up at me and said, "Hello. I'm Jack. I'm a Junior. How can I help you?"

I tried to play it cool and responded with, "Oh hi. I'm Ava. I'm a Freshman. I was looking to find my dorm number and key."

"Alright," Jack responded. "Here you go." He handed me a key with a room number on it.

"Thanks, Jack."

"No problem Ava. See you around."

With that, I nodded my head and went to look for my dorm. After I found my dorm I unlocked it and stepped in. I must say, it was pretty nice for a dorm. Well I mean this collage was mostly for rich kids. I was only here because of a scholarship. I went over and picked a bed. Seen as I was the first one here I picked the bed with a better view of the forest and lake. I heard a click as the door unlocked. I looked up to see a really beautiful girl standing in the doorway.

"Hey," she said. Okay her voice was really pretty. She's probably straight though.

"Hey," I responded, looking away after realizing I was staring. "Sorry!"

"Nah it's fine. I'm Sam Freeman. 18 years old and a Freshman."

I looked back at Sam as I talked, "I'm Ava Walters. 17 years old and a Freshman."

"Cute," Sam mumbled quietly. I quickly looked away, my cheeks light pink. I could feel Sam look at me.

"You're not by any chance gay are you?" She said as she looked at me.

Can I trust her? I thought silently. I stared at her blankly before responding, "Umm I d-don't know w-why you'd t-think that..." I cursed myself for stuttering.

"Mhm. That's what I thought. Me too."

I blinked a few times, "Really? You're the only person I've told besides my brother."

"Cool. It's hard coming out, I know. But once you do it's easy." She seemed so chill. Her parents must love her. Mine on the other hand would probably kill me if I told them or send me to some therapy to make me non-gay. Uhhh I just wish they loved me for who I am!

"What's wrong," Sam asked. "Everything alright?" I nodded my head and looked out the window. I quietly sighed. I heard Sam approach my bed before deciding to go over to hers. I stood up and started unpacking my stuff. I didn't bring much seen as the dorm had a lot of things already in it.

After Sam unfinished packing she came over to me. "Need any help?" I nodded my head no and she sat on my bed. She took out her phone and looked through it. "There's a party later. You going?"

"Umm maybe. I've never really gone to a party." Sam looked at me shocked.

"How could a girl like you never have gone to a party?"

"I don't-"

Before I finished what I was about to say Sam cut me off, "You're going to this party and I help you get ready."

After Sam helped get me ready she got ready herself. She looks amazing! Her light brown long hair was loose and her black dress matched her light brown eyes.

Sam took my hand in hers and walked out of the dorm and into the parking lot.

"We can take my car," Sam said. I looked at the car in front of me and wow. It was a black really expensive car.

"Wow," I said. Sam chuckled and opened the front passenger door for me. I stepped into the car and fasten my seatbelt as Sam got into the drivers' side.

"Time to make this one of the best nights of your life," Sam smiles at me before putting her eyes on the road and driving to where the party was being held.


Authors Note:

Hey Everyone! Are these chapters too long or short? I can make them shorter or longer if you want.

Let me know if anyone has any tips or instructive comments to make my writing better! You can either put them here or comment them where you think they are needed.

Also, do you guys want other people's POVs?

Please rate the story and comment. Maybe throw in a follow? I don't wanna push it though.

Happy Reading!