

*** Hello fans, there is a little change up here, I decided to add a new character to Elena’s family but you will enjoy and understand it as you read on ***



*** Elena P.O.V ***

We are still waiting for my parent-in-law to be here and I haven’t seen any sight of them.

I’m kinda having a weird feeling about this. It seems my parent has a deep secret to unveil aside from this arranged married that both families had made even before I was born.

“Oh God, please let me not be married to a mafia or a dangerous man that will make my little life unbearable for me,” I said a short prayer and breathe in and out to relieve my nervous self.

And least, I forget, “Elena, your cousin's brother will be coming soon for the dinner too. Your father and I informed him of your proposed marriage.

What !!! Mom, Dad… You guys have long planned this before today and I think today is just the day you wanted to announce the dinner to me. Gosh.

** Introducing Elena’s cousin brother **

I have a cousin brother who works in one of my Dad’s companies. His name is James. Gracie always had this crush on my cousin's brother and I know for sure that she will be indeed very excited to see him after some years.

** End of Intro. **

I can’t wait to let Gracie and my other friends know about James' arrival for my proposed marriage.

“Mom, Dad … Please give me a minute, I need to make a call right away,” I said to them and not waiting for their response I rush out to let the news out to my friends.

** Dialing Gracie’s number **

# “Hello girl, what’s up,” Gracie said over the phone.

# “Hey babe, guess what?” I said

# What is it, girl, you know I’m not good at guessing

# Okay I know, the news is, My cousin brother is gonna be arriving from the states soon to stay with my family for the main time.

# Oh my G!!! Are you serious Elena, Don’t tell me this is a joke. You know I have always had a crush on him for a very long time now.

# “Yeah I know, that is why I didn’t hesitate to let you know when Mom just informed me about it.

# “I can’t wait to see his handsome face again,” Gracie said

# “Hey girl, I gotta hang up the call now. Talk to ya later ok” I said to Gracie.

# “Okay girl, see you later with to see my cute crush,” Gracie said sounding excited over the phone.

** Hangs up the call **

*** Harrison’s P.O.V ***

On my way to see my wife-to-be. I got a call from an unknown number. That means the number wasn’t saved in my phonebook or my contacts list.

But, I had to pick up the call to see who it was whether he/she was important or not.

# “Hello, Who is on the line?” I asked

# "Hey handsome, how are you today?”

The caller was a lady and she sound seducing to me which quite was annoying to me.

# "Excuse Me, who the hell are you and how did you get my digits?” I asked getting impatient already which was quite new to me.

# ”Hey baby, don’t be too blunt to me... you now. Where are you at the moment? I wanna come to you right away.” She said.

Remember and recall the bitch‘s voice to be that of one of the flirt girls that roam around me seeking for attention and her name is Claire.

# ”I’m going out with my parents to a restaurant and why the hell are you asking that huh..??”

# ”Oh wow, I wanna meet them too. You know they are gonna be my future…”

I cut her remaining words short because I knew what will come out afterwards.

# ”No Claire, you can’t come here because I have other business to deal with which you have no right to interfere with.” I said sternly.

# ”Okay then, if you insist.” She said.

# ”No if’s... I insist and I gotta go. Bye,” I said and hang up the call before she says another word.

The girl is just a pain in the ass. I always wonder how the hell she got so bold to talk to me that way. Don’t worry with time I will surely put her in place. Gosh… So annoying and demanding.

In less few minutes, my parents and I arrived at the destination and at that time I had already finished the call I was on.

Then, my attention drifted to a young beauty who was also on a call too but I couldn’t the face of the lady because I was distracted by Mom.

“Harrison, hurry up, the guest is already waiting,” My Mom said to me.

“Okay Mom, I’m coming already..” I answered.

We entered the restaurant and Mom rushed and hugged a woman of her age.

“How are you Mr. & Mrs McCall?” A man behind asked.

“Hello Mr. & Mrs Morgan, We are fine thank you.

“We are so sorry for arriving this late and we kept you all waiting. Please accept our apologies.” My dad apologized

“No, it’s okay. We are all families and business tycoons… we understand.” Mr Morgan replied.

“Good day Sir, Good day Ma’am.” I greeted and Mr Morgan shook my hand.

“Oh my, Is this Harrison?” Mrs Morgan asked.

“Yes, he is” My Mom answered smiling.

“Wow, he is so grown up handsome and ready to take his father's place and features. Hello, my dear Harrison, you’re indeed handsome.” Mrs Morgan complimented.

“Thank you Ma’am” I replied.

“Mr. & Mrs Morgan where is your daughter?” My dad asked.

“Uhmm… She went out to make some calls and …” Mrs Morgan said.

“And here, she comes…” Mr Morgan interrupted smiling.

Everyone including Harrison turned to see who she is ….



