

**** Harrison P.O.V ****

After I and my friends were done at the clubhouse.

I decided to pay a visit to one of Paul’s bars just to chill out sometime before heading home.

Paul is also my friend and buddy but he’s always busy with his work and all that and the bar I would like to visit today is the one, Paul mostly resides in…. more like one of the biggest bars in the country and he is the sole owner.

I went in, sat down at the front bar desk and ordered for an alcoholic drink, Vodka to be precise.

I was taking a sip of the drink when a young lady suddenly came to me and sat very close saying, “Hello handsome, how are you doing?” She asked.

I decided to act cool this time even though it was quite annoying for her to interrupt my privacy.

“I’m good,” I replied.

“Well, well.. why are you sitting here all alone and drinking huh..?” She asked further.

Well, I think this is getting really annoying for my liking now.

I simply ignored her and didn’t answer her silly question... I would say.

“Okay, no reply.. then you must be really worked up... Why not get up and let’s go to my home so I can massage you a little.” She said to me.

“No, I don’t need your company okay,” I answered her rudely.

“Awwnnn.. you’re so cute when you are angry… you know. I won’t force you if you don’t want to but I must say, I really need to be massaged right now… just the sight of you made me horny.” The lady said.

Shit… Now, this is way too much. But, I will give her just a little taste of Me. I said to myself.

I decided to slide my hand on her thigh and I noticed she was wet already due to the involuntary moans she keeps whispering out.

Unknown to her, I wasn’t in the mood for that shit and not right now. I quickly grabbed my little baby behind me (pistol gun) and pointed it towards her pus**y.

“So now, where were we… oh yes, you wanted me Fuck you … Am I right huh..?” I asked her and she was shocked immediately I said so.

“But, my little baby (gun) down here says she would like to do that for me instead,” I added as I points the gun further to her vag****.

She stared down and saw what I did. Suddenly, she became scared.

“I’m sorry, but please don’t shoot me and Not down there either.” She pleaded

I gave a loud laugh and looked at her with horror in my eyes and said, “If you don’t want my baby to do the work for you then GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE right now.” I yelled with rage in my voice tone.

She quickly stood up and ran out to her heels.

“Ohh man, why did you have to do that huh.? She was simply offering herself to you freely for that matter. Why did you have to reject her proposal.??” Paul asked walking towards them from behind.

“I don’t Fuck cheap or slutty girls… you know,” I replied to him.

“Okay then Fine, so what’s up buddy,” Paul said.

“I’m cool, I just wanted to say hello,” I replied as I took a sip of my drink.

Immediately, my mobile phone rang... I took the phone and checked the caller ID and it was Mom.

“Excuse me for a minute, Paul, it’s my Mom calling and I need to answer this call,” I said to Paul.

“No problems dude, I’m so cool with that... I will be waiting for you right here ok.” He replied.

“Okay, thanks buddy,” I said to him and picked up the call as I went outside the bar.


“Hello, Harrison.” Mom said over the phone.

“Hello Mom,” I replied.

“What are you doing at the moment.?” She asked.

“Just chilling out with my buddies. Why ask Mom?” I asked her.

“You have to come home now and quickly.” Mom said.

“Why is that.?” I asked her further.

“Just do what I asked of you ok.” She scolded.

“Fine then, I will be on my way,” I replied.

“Good. That’s my boy.” Mom said.

“Mom stops it already, I’m not a boy anymore,” I said sounded kinda angry over the phone.

“Okay fine, Mr Harrison to be.” She replied and hangs the call before I could say further.

Geezzzz, that old woman is one of a kind.

Anyways, no matter how bad I am, I always love my family a lot and respect them, especially my Mom.

I went inside the bar after the call.

“Hey buddy, I’m sorry but I have to be on my way now. Something came up.” I said.

“Okay, that’s fine,” Paul said.

“How about Tony and Sammy. Where are they, I didn’t see them today.?” I asked.

“Well, they are probably having hot damn sex with a girl at the bar guest inn,” Paul said.

“Eww,” I said but anyway I’m so happy to have them as my buddies.

“Okay, catcha later dude,” I said to Paul.

“Okay, bye buddy,” Paul replied.

I left the bar and headed to the parking lot and hopped into my car and drove straight home.

In less than fifteen minutes, I arrived at my family home. I parked my car in the garage and walked towards the entrance of the house even though I was feeling quite dizzy a little.

I entered the house and saw my Mom and Dad both dressed up formally.

“Mom, Dad.. what is the special occasion that you both are dressed up like this.??” I asked them both.

Then, My Mom walked up to me.

“Geeezzz, Harrison you drink again huh..? Go now, and take a shower you smell like junks and make sure you wear something cool when you’re done.” Mom said to Me and Dad was chuckling from behind.

I ran upstairs to my room and took a quick shower.

After I was done, I dressed up and walked downstairs to meet Mom and Dad waiting for me already.

“Okay, let’s get going now,” Dad said in a quick tone.

“Wait a sec, where are we going?” I asked.

“To meet with your future wife.” Mom said.

I was shocked for a moment.

“M…o….m, D…a…d. Why will you both get a wife for me? I’ve got hands you know... if I want to get married.” I responded.

“Yes, we know son but this future fiancee of yours... I mean Future Wife is going to be yours anyway.” Mom said.

“Harrison, you better accept it or you will not be getting your yearly allowances from us,” Dad said kinda blackmailing Me.

I chuckled at that.

This Old people in front of me don’t know that I make a whole lot of money in a day compared to their yearly allowance.

But right now, is not the time to think about the money allowance aspect. I said to myself.

“Okay, but at least I need an explanation for this proposed marriage.” I requested.

“Well, If you get married to her … Our alliance with her father’s company will be completed and our industrial partners and projects will get invested immediately.” Mom explained.

“And don’t worry Son, She is way too beautiful when you see her. Trust me on that when I say she is truly beautiful and smart.” Dad said as he winked an eye at me.

“Yeah, she truly is.” Mom agreed.

I smiled and followed their agreement.

I need to see this so-called beautiful wife be of mine. I said to myself and smirked.



