
Secret Fortunate Life

Nicole is a simple village girl who live so happily together with her parents in some simple rural village. They have a farm where her father works as a farmer while her mother is just a simple housewife. But... One day, she's found out a secret that neither her father nor her mother told her...

Airelhan_Zinovia · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Make Over! (1)

"Now, what shall we do first?" Ashley said while looking at her phone to look for the agenda of the day. "Aha! Let's go shop for dresses!" She squealed then dragged Nicole into a shop.

"Welcome Madame." The salesclerk politely greeted her which she nodded to.

Nicole once again left her mouth agape as she followed behind Ashley. "I can never get used to this." She mumbled.

Ashley just smiled and whispered, "Oh you should honey. You should." Then she began walking in between the aisles and searched for something that she wants and picked out a puff-sleeved crop blouse with cross tie back paired with a high waist shirred maxi skirt. "Nicole, what do you think of this?" She said calling out for her friend while still looking at the clothing. When she heard no reply, she looked up and saw her friend looking around with a distorted face. "Hey, what's up?" she said resting the dress on her arm while walking up to her friend.

"Well, nothing. Just go on and continue looking for clothes you like. Imma just stay over there at that bench while waiting for you. Later!" Nicole said with a nervous smile and hurriedly scurried but before she can do so, Ashley grabbed her wrist.

"Really? Come on. spit it out." she said in disbelief.

Nicole heaved a deep breath before saying in a quiet voice, "Do we really have to shop here?"

"Why? is it not up to you liking?"

"No, it's not that. I like all the clothes here but the thing is...it's very expensive." Nicole said with the last words almost a whisper.

Ashley laughed lightly and said, "Hey, stop being such a worrywart. I already told you earlier that I'll be paying, right?"

"But I did not expect the items to be this expensive! If I'd let you buy me clothes from here, I would feel very indebted to you to the point where it would weigh on my shoulders and I would be thinking about it with my conscience!"

Ashley just smiled and rolled her eyes at her friend who keeps on blabbering. "Stop being such a worrywart will you? I already made my promise and am ought to keep it. Also, this much will never be a problem for me. It won't even take much from my daily allowance." She shrugged.

Nicole just stared at her with a doubtful face. So Ashley grabbed her and pulled her towards the racks then scanned it, pulled a dress and placed it in front of her friend. "Now, try this. I think it will look good. And for the last time, please, stop overthinking everything. Just enjoy the moment, will you?" She said while pushing her friend in a fitting room.

Nicole thought for a moment before smiling and nodding at her friend.

Ashley replied with a smile. "Well then, get out once your done so we can see if we will take it or not." Then she closed the curtain and went back from what she was doing earlier.

Nicole wore the piece of clothing and stared at herself in the mirror.

'It fitted quite well.'

She thought before walking out of the room.

"How do I look?" She asked with one of her arms partially crossed in front of her chest showing how shy she is.

Ashley just slowly walked towards her not looking away from her with an astonished face which made her anxious.

"Does it look weird? It does, doesn't it?" Nicole said with her eyes looking everywhere indicating her embarrassment. "I better go get changed." Then she hurriedly scurried into the fitting room. But before she can do so, her bestie has already grabbed a hold of her.

"Bro, are you joking? It looks really good on you!" Ashley exclaimed before facing the clerk attending to them. "We're gonna take this in the color beige. Thank you." She then turned back to Nicole before handing her more clothes to fit.

"What am I supposed to do with this much?" Nicole said behind the pile of dress in her arms.

"I don't know, maybe you're supposed to eat it?" Ashley said in sarcasm before rolling her eyes. "Of course you're gonna be fitting it in you dummy. Now get back in there before I lose my temper on you." She said half-jokingly.

Nicole complied and fitted everything with Ashley deciding which one to take and which one to leave. Before they knew it, time passed by just from choosing & fitting in clothes and they went out the store with their hands full of shopping bags.

Most of it are actually just Nicole's clothes but Ashley also had her share of maybe 2-3 dresses.

"I never knew shopping could be this tiring." Nicole complained in which her friend just laughed at.

"Well, being a woman sure is tiring. Doing these girly stuffs and all but it ends to be deemed worth it. I mean, it sure can make you look pretty and presentable. So, it's a win-win." She then took out her phone that just vibrated, indicating an incoming message.

'Where are you? What's taking you so long? Don't tell me you forgot?'

Ashley just scoffed at her phone while reading the message before replying.

'Chill, man. We're just taking our time shopping. If I will hurry, she may look at it as suspicious and might not be willing to go with me. Trust me with this one, okay?'

Then she clicked the send button and turned it off then returned it in her bag.

"Hey, Ashley."


"Are we going home yet?"

"Uh, no. We still have a few more things to do."

"Like what?"

Ashley looked at Nicole knowingly with a wide grin.

"Make over!" Then they headed into one of the magnificent salon in the mall.