
Secret First Love (2021)

This story revolves around two characters LinCheng and Hyeri. LinCheng has a secret crush on Hyeri. But due to some reasons(dark past) he couldn't confess his love. Hyeri is junior of LinCheng. Both of them studies in same High School and are of same departments. Their teacher assigned them a task from which their adventure starts. During this Hyeri went through an accident in which he loses her memory. LinCheng accompanies her during this journey and still hides his feelings for her. Will he be able to confess his feelings even after his dark past.......

Ayesha_917 · perkotaan
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7 Chs

Training In Military Academy

After getting admission in "Special Forces". The department has to train them to become secret agents of their country and to sacrifice their lives when the need arises.

All the newly recruited trainees took oath and promised with their country that they will work hard and will be loyal to their country. After taking the oath all of them saluted in front of the flag of China.

Hyeri and Cheng wanted to be in same dorm room but unfortunately Hyeri has to share his room with another male mate. Due to the excellent academic record of Cheng he got VIP room(for one trainee only). Cheng regretted over this and told Hyeri not to get involve in the respective mate.

After sometime the notice regarding trainee name and room number was displayed on the notice board. Cheng asked Hyeri to wait for him. Hyeri said; Why?...I want to check the name of my mate...Cheng replied; I will check it for you...Hyeri felt happy and said Ok..

There was too much crowd in front of the notice board but somehow Cheng managed to see the displayed notice. When he saw JiangHyeri------XuKai. His accessories fell from his hands and was kinda shocked because he knew that XuKai also loves Hyeri. He tried to keep himself calm and went to Hyeri for telling her about her dorm mate.

Hyeri said ...Who.. Who's my dorm mate?

Cheng replied in sorrowful tone...ahhh...XuKai form our school is your roommate.

Hyeri sighed softly and replied ..Oh Thank God!... He's my schoolmate...It's a relief....

Cheng told Hyeri to stay away from him and don't get involved with his matters...

Hyeri said don't worry I know him and we're good friends.....

Cheng said Okay!...But please have some distance from him...Hyeri said why... why are you being too possessive?..Cheng said obviously I care about you....Hyeri smiled and told him....ChengCheng the only person I love in this world is you...Don't worry...I won't disappoint you....Cheng said I know but....He wanted to tell her that XuKai loves her....before he could speak something...The bell rang and Hyeri said to him that she's going to her room....Take Care bye!!

Cheng gave her a farewell hug and the Hyeri went to her room. When she entered her room he started placing her clothes,accessories on their respective places at that time XuKai also arrived in his room and when he went inside he saw that Hyeri was her roommate he felt too happy after this and eventually gave her a back hug...Hyeri said Who...Who are you....?Cheng it's you...I know it's you...When XuKai heard this he felt sad but said in a happy tone ...Hyeri it's me XuKai..Hyeri said ...Oh XuKai it's you...How are you??...Long time no see...

XuKai replied that he also wants to become a secret agent. Hyeri said ohh..You know what Cheng and I chose this too....XuKai was surprised and said .... What...What do you mean ...Is Cheng also there?....Hyeri replied.. yes...But he got VIP room due to his excellent academic result...

XuKai felt happy and smiled thinking that finally he got a chance to spend the time all alone with Hyeri with Cheng's interference..Now he can easily confess his love for Hyeri....Hyeri said hey...why are you smiling ... what's the matter....Are you thinking about your Girlfriend.... Hahaha....She said if it's true she will help him to make their relationship strong...XuKai said no no this is not what you are thinking about..... I'm just happy to have a roommate like you...Hyeri replied....Haha..I know you must be joking....

After this XuKai helped Hyeri in placing her items at their respective places....On the other hand Cheng was still worrying about Hyeri that she might get involve in XuKai...But at the same time he thought that he must trust her.....and not ruin his relationship just because of this punk(XuKai)...

At night XuKai asked Hyeri that if she's cold he can take his blanket too..Hyeri said no no I'm Okay...You can have yours....Both of them slept soundly at night....Cheng also slept thinking about the sweet moments he spent with Hyeri....

In the morning all the trainees have to do exercise with their roommates and the trainees of VIP rooms were asked too keep an eye on them and to report if any nuisance occurs..

XuKai asked Hyeri to do exercise first and he will help him...Hyeri said Okay....XuKai placed her hands on her shoulders and Hyeri started exercising...Cheng was watching them he reached at that time and asked XuKai....XuKai you must be tired...You...You can have some rest and just let me help Hyeri in her exercise....XuKai said ...Ohh our supervisor how...How can I be tired....Just let me do it myself...Hyeri is my roommate...So it's my duty to care for her.....

Cheng said...I know you are doing this on purpose... XuKai said.... Whatever...Just stay out of us and our matters....Mind your own business...Just let us do whatever we want...

Cheng called out the name of Hyeri loudly....Hyeri....What are you doing?...Can't you do this simple exercise alone... without the help of your mate....If you can't then why you want to join this force....You have to be strong and just do this on your own...

XuKai felt that Cheng is jealous from him that why...Why I'm with Hyeri....

XuKai went towards Cheng and said to him...I know why are you doing this...I can smell jealousy from you..Cheng replied.... XuKai... I'm warning you...Just stay away from her...She's my girl.....

XuKai replied....Time will tell you that Hyeri belongs to XuKai only.....One day she will be mine.....

Cheng said...Haha you punk...just stay in fool's paradise...Hyeri only considers you as her friend...

XuKai said.....I know you are jealous of us and our relationship...Due to this you are getting insecure...Just admit it that you are jealous of us....Stop pushing yourself too hard...

The bell rang and the instructor asked all the trainees to go back to their rooms...Cheng called Hyeri and asked XuKai to give him some space because he wants to talk personally with Hyeri...XuKai gazed at him...Hyeri ask XuKai....go back to your room.. I'll be there in a while....

XuKai went and Cheng tightly hugged Hyeri and told her....Hyeri please don't make me jealous...I don't like XuKai who's always with you and keeps wandering around you....

Hyeri smiled and ensured him by saying.....We're just good friends ..It's not this or that what you are thinking....Don't worry....Cheng said again pls be careful.....

Hyeri said Okay...XuKai arrived and held the hand of Hyeri by saying just go back to the room... otherwise warden will punish us....Hyeri said.... Bye Cheng...I've to go....

When they entered their room...XuKai asked....What Cheng was saying to you....Hyeri said nothing just random questions....XuKai said....You must keep a distance from him...He's to clever ....and will make fool of yours....Hyeri smiled and started studying...

Cheng decided to study to divert his attention from XuKai. When he was studying he thought he must ask the warden of the dorm to separate Hyeri and XuKai....He decided that he must ask him....Hyeri is allergic from tears and she needs someone that can take care of her in certain circumstances...He decided that he will ask the warden to exchange the room of XuKai and him...

On another day...He went to the office of the warden.. .He knocked at the door and said.....May I come in...The warden allowed him to enter....When he entered he told the warden about Hyeri and XuKai....that she is allergic to tears...she needs a person who can take care of her...I mean if any mishap happens she wants a person like me to care for her.....Warden smiled and asked....What do you want to say exactly... According to my experience you are simply insecure regarding her and doesn't want anyone to stay on her side other than you....

Cheng said yes...indeed this is the matter....

Warden replied.... Little Child... On the base of which relationship you are claiming that she is your girl.....Don't tell me that you are her boyfriend....if it is then on the base of such kinda weak relation you wants to stay by her side and vice versa.....What even do you know about her....and what you are caring for??

Cheng replied I know you are right but let me tell you about her past....Her parents were also the secret agents who got brutally murdered and the murderer burnt their bodies and people named this incident "A Road Accident"

Her parents in their last wish..wanted me to be her Guardian....All of the above She can't cry...

Warden said....What stop lying why she can't cry... Everyone of us can cry....

After hearing this Cheng replied ...I know you are right but she is allergic to her tears since she was born ...I can show you her medical report thats why I want to be with her....

Warden replied ...Oh I see.. But unfortunately I can't do anything for you during your first 3 months of training ...But during your last 3 months I will allot you and her a same room ....Don't worry but still I can allow you both to spend more time during these first three months....

Cheng said Okay... I'm thankful to you for this act of kindness....Cheng seemed a little bit relieved.... After sometime he submitted the medical report of Hyeri to the warden of their dorm....