
Secret Desires (Imperfect Destiny)

Caleb is a play boy and Rachel is married. It's only enough to say, they are both tempted to commit this beautiful love that others would call a sin.

EpicRuler · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


Hello, hope you enjoy...


"I love you Christian." Her eyes burning into his, she tells him.

"You made me realize the real meaning of love. Love is kind, love is patient. It is forgiving, it is selfless. It is not forcing anything, for everything flows by itself. It is usually filled with a lot of impurities, but it being pure, the two lovers will find a way where there's no way to be together again. We faced a lot in this relationship of ours and I believe we have a lot more to face. For love has brought me faith and trust in you, I pray these two hearts to become even stronger for us to conquer every challenge." She kisses his lips and turns to the audience.

"If you love someone, you won't force her to be with you. Rather you will let her go and she will decide to either come to you or not. If she comes to you, she's yours forever. And when you feel like she won't come it doesn't mean you shouldn't let her go. It just means something better is waiting for you to be ready to have it. Don't be an obstacle between love that people share, for you will resemble impurity. Love in one way or another will wash you away. I hope every one of you will find the love of your life and live happily ever after. I love you all and this is all I can say to you."

Suddenly the hall was filled with loud voices of people's claps. Others became emotional while others became angry on the inside. David was angrier inside, deep down he knew he didn't belong with her. The fact that his brother had everything including her drives him even more insane. His eyes wander around for her, finding out he wasn't the only one whose eyes want to reach her sight.

As much as Caleb was trying not to look in that one direction where the gem of his heart is, his eyes seemed not to understand that. A lot of questions whose answers may mean a lot of risk pop up inside his head. What if she is the bird he has to let go of? What if he is the one to bring back the happiness she once had? To him, everything starts from square one the moment he sees her. This has been proven today.

The more David sees Caleb getting lost just by staring at her, the more his eyes and now his chest burn with the desire to use his hand to turn him into a lump of red meat ready to be cooked. How could this happen when he was around? How could one man, a worthless one, change the hearts of two women in an instant? He's been with Rachel for two years yet the only thing she sees in him is disgust.

"Well just in case you are here and you don't love your wife eniugh, this is for you darling." The mc says as he acts like a girl. He's gay by the way.

"I know some people have been kicked out and yet they stick like super glue, honey you're not that human being meant for the other soul. Honey, stop waiting time and most importantly 'stop being an obstacle'." Some people are laughing out loud while some put small smiles on their faces.

" Anyway, I don't wanna be killed after this party. People who speak the truth are always the first ones to die. Anyway, let's move to another thing. Here we have..." He takes his tablet. 

" Oh, now it's time... For our groom and bride... To dance. Well if you wanna dance wait for your wedding. " He says as he leaves the stage, leaving some people still laughing.

Emily and Christian start dancing. Caleb gives a small smile as he gets more driven by the thought of him and Rachel dancing together. How happy they would have been if that were true. Maybe only he would be happy. He is not even sure whether she feels the same way he does. He only got to be certain today,p. Now he's even wondering what she is thinking at the moment.


The ceremony is now over with all that happened today. Not much though but a little bit historical. Very rarely does it happen that someone fights at a wedding. Though it is kind of normal for people to fight over a girl, especially as beautiful as she is.

Back to the same bridge, Rachel takes a walk to it. Thinking of what happened here just a few hours ago, she laughs to herself. She reaches almost the centre of it and decides to take a look at the good view of the shining building in front of her.

" It's nice that you're here." Now she can clearly heqr the footsteps which are heading near her. The voice is very recognisable, Caleb.

" I wouldn't want to cause more trouble, Caleb." She says, her heart pounding as if she's been running all her life. The only hope she has is that he doesn't notice that. He gets near, way too near for her liking and stares at the view she is looking at.

" It's beautiful up here." He smirks, but she says nothing.

" Is it too awkward to stay near me?" He asks.

"I just don't want any more trouble."

"If being with me didn't cause any trouble would you rather be around me then?"

"You know what? yeah! It's awkward being with you, Caleb!"

"Is it because I cause trouble or because you feel something erupting inside you when you see me?"

" If you think I have any feelings towards you then get over it, Caleb!" She panics

"I don't think so." He calmly says. "Your whole body is so tense right now. Anyone can tell."

"I'm like this because I'm afraid of what will happen once he sees us." She lies.

"One, you're never afraid of him. Two, you could have run away from me already."

"You don't know me too well, plus what are you trying to achieve here?" Now she feels like crying. He's asking Too many questions she thinks.

" According to Emily, I should let the bird go so when it comes back to me, it will be mine forever." He says... "But in my case, if I let it go, it might be more imprisoned. So I can't let it go. Even if this bird flies too high for my reach I will still find a way to reach her prison and unlock it. Maybe then, I will let it go."

Now he turns to her and leans towards her until they are only an inch apart, his eyes never leaving hers. His hands magically touch her waist. As she keeps getting into him suddenly she remembers, this is wrong.

" I gotta go." She says as she tries to run away but he keeps a hold of her hand and pulls her body back into his arms. Now her whole body trembles as she feels him against her. Knowing any time she could commit a sin she promised she'd never commit, she looks away. Everything about him right now could poison her mind.


On the other hand, David just reached home and as usual, he doesn't greet back to the maids and goes straight to his room, finding no one inside.  Rachel. The name suddenly comes into his head.

He goes back to the sitting room and asks one of the maids around.

" Where is Rachel?" He asks.

"She hasn't arrived yet, sir." She nervously answers.

Without saying another word, he goes straight to the main door, opens it and goes outside straight to his car. He hops in and starts the engine. Now he's completely driven nuts with the dirty thoughts he keeps on having because of the thought that his wife and Caleb might be together doing some business he wouldn't wish to see.

Illusions keep popping up in his head as he keeps driving, panicking keeps getting on his nerves. A quite dangerous speed he keeps just to reach where he wants to go faster.

Finally, the destinated area is reached. He opens his car door but forgets to unbuckle his seatbelt, making him hang. He immediately unbuckles the seatbelt and runs towards the building.

He goes straight to the top hall but finds only some workers. The tables. He thinks. They have hidden under the table. Like a madman who has lost something in a big jungle. He unwraps every tablecloth. And finds no one under them. Then, only then he remembers the glass bridge. He found them just a few hours ago and they could be where they are right now.

Heading there he is welcomed by two people, all over each other in a hot romance like there is no tomorrow. David just can't believe what he is seeing with his own eyes. One second of her freedom and here they are, he thinks.

"Son of a bitch!" He murmurs to himself as he steps closer to them. The moment he reaches there he wastes no time and punches him pretty hard to the point he falls on the ground. The girl is completely shocked.

" I thought I told you to..." Now that he looks at the guy. At that moment he realizes he made a big mistake, wishing The ground opened itself so he gets a place to hide his face.
