
Chapter 928. Godkiller

In a hall with a gloomy atmosphere, three people were having a meeting. All three were of different races. A young draconian male, a middle-aged elven woman, and an ethereal. The ethereal was Master. He was currently sitting behind a desk with the two others standing opposite him.

"Verremor's invasion into Themisphere has ended? So soon?" He asked.

"The human army performed much better than I expected," The elven woman said. "That Death Associates who offered themselves to us also failed to deliver."

"I've told you not to expect much from them," the draconian remarked with a snicker.

"A willing pawn is still better than none. They requested assistance to help them secure a headquarters in Aurebor Dynasty since Themisphere was no longer hospitable to them. I have taken the liberty to send a garrison of our members and one of the heavenly enforcers. I hope you don't mind."

Master didn't respond.