
Chapter 570. Identity of the Hooded Stranger

In the morning, Jack came to the tavern and found Sidney and Ephiltes were already waiting. The tavern was closed so they stood outside.

The two didn't give Jack any friendly greetings so Jack also wasn't courteous. He gave them a silent gesture to follow him. The two trailed behind Jack. Jonathan and Harper walked between Jack and the two in case the two tried anything funny.

They arrived in front of the Count's mansion soon. Much earlier than the time limit the hooded stranger asked for. The stranger only said before noon, so Jack assumed the earlier it was, the better.

Jack knocked on the door, which was soon opened. It was no longer the butler this time. It was an old maid. The maid studied the group.

Jack was just about to introduce himself when the old maid said, "Come, young master is expecting you."

So, the hooded stranger is truly the Count's son, or at least its pretender. Jack knew Aubelard brought no relative when he fled Sangrod.