
Chapter 387. Rewards of Chain Quest

"Yes," Serenity agreed. "We only came as a counterbalance to Fear's appearance. Now that he is gone, it is time for us to leave as well."

There was still much Jack wanted to ask, but he did not dare to stall these divine beings. He bid them farewell, "thank you again for your help, we can rest well knowing such benevolent divine beings such as yourselves are watching over us."

"Fawner," Peniel chided him with a whisper.

Jack also waved at Honuren who nodded back at him. The three then left as mysteriously as they appeared. Serenity simply faded into nothingness, but in a more graceful way than Fear. Hope and Honuren turned into two pillars of light that shot up into the cloud.

"Were you really that upset when you thought I was lost?" Peniel asked after those divine beings were gone.

"Nah, I was fine," Jack replied, but then added. "Well, maybe a little. You know, a little-tiny-tinsy-bit worried, perhaps."