
Chapter 1632. A Breach through the Gap in the Wall

Upon arrival, Tiemezzys cast a defensive spell that erected a tall and long earth wall. The spell was called the divine earth wall, a more powerful spell than the standard earth wall. This earth wall was placed right in the middle of the Liguritudum army that was storming the gap in the wall. It effectively split their force into two.

With the Liguritudum force divided, the pressure on the defenders lessened. The defenders were able to deal with the army trapped behind the wall while the remaining enemies on the other side tried to break the earth wall.

Tiemezzys also landed and used his Sand Domain. His sand domain covered a very large area. All enemies within the domain experienced increased gravity.

Tiemezzys burrowed into this sand before assaulting Eurdrasill with hit-and-run assaults from the underground.