
Chapter 1596. The Crisis in Hydrurond

"We will proceed as planned," John replied. "Our army had gathered. We are about to march, but something unexpected happened in Hydrurond yesterday."

"Define unexpected," Jack said.

"Master used a despicable method to increase his manpower," Paytowin said.

"How?" Jack asked.

"By killing the population of draconian natives," John answered.


"Well, he didn't exactly kill everyone. Just the natives with levels. After killing them, he revived them to become his zombie army. I must say his idea was both brilliant and ruthless. I will not be surprised if it was my mom who proposed this."

"Brilliant? That is genocide. This is madness, but no way the draconian public just let this go unchecked," Jack said.

"Master moves fast. He went from one settlement to the next for the entire yesterday. He managed to reap the population out of five metropolises and three cities before the other settlements caught wind about what had happened."