
Chapter 1587. Complete Legendary Weapons

Clone Jack stayed behind with Good Janus. Aside from the two, everyone else crowded around Tiemezzys. Hashi decided to join the fray when he saw his Assassins Guild members join the fight against the dragon.

Jack was walking toward the loots dropped by Evil Janus. A tiny orb emitting a purple light floated among the loot. It floated towards Jack. Jack was about to grab it, thinking it to be some sort of special loot, but this orb avoided Jack's hand and floated past him. It continued onward toward Good Janus. It stopped before the mage and stayed there.

"What is that?" Jack asked.

"… It's my evil twin's essence," Good Janus answered. "It came to me by itself since it was originally a part of me."

"Oh… Wait! Are you going to accept that essence? Do you think that's a good idea? If you fuse back with him, won't his evil thoughts influence you again?"