
Chapter 1016. Using the Ruling Power

Jack didn't stop the transfer. The merit points continued to flow from his kingdom badge. The exp indicated that he needed another 100,000 points for the next level. His badge had enough merit points.

In the end, he depleted the entire merit points in his badge. His sovereign was now level 3. He needed 150,000 merit points to reach level 4, he needed just a tiny 12,196 merit points for that.

If he knew this, he wouldn't have spent any of his merit points in the kingdom exchange list in the past. But then again, how could he bloody know he would be the king of this country?

With the two times level up, he now had a total of 130 ruling power.

"So, what can this ruling power do?" Jack asked.

"Multiple things. Try clicking your sovereign status," Peniel said.

Jack followed the instruction and the screen changed to display several options.


Hasten construction

Complete 10 days' worth of construction.

Cost: 1 ruling power