
Second Spark

After responding to a call about a foul smell in a dilapidated apartment, police officers make a tragic discovery - the body of a man who appears to have died by suicide by hanging. As they document the scene with photos and prepare to notify the coroner, one officer notices a diary left on a table. Compelled by curiosity about the victim's final words, he begins reading. The diary contains the man's reflections on being born into hardship and his life-long struggles to overcome poverty. He expresses deep resentment towards a world he feels treated him cruelly, costing him the stability he fought for. In his final entries, convinced no relief from loneliness and hopelessness awaits, the man alludes to suicide being his only escape from unrelenting misery. The story then shifts to an entirely different narrative with the introduction of Galaxor - a towering Lovecraftian cosmic entity intent on obliterating all civilization. He sets his sights on Eventide, a serene utopian planet protected by three guardian gods. Although bound by cosmic accords from destroying Eventide outright, Galaxor invokes a loophole to send a swarming demonic army led by a hydra to besiege the planet instead. As the beautifully advanced cities fall into flaming ruins, the desperate gods finally intervene, confronting Galaxor about violating ancient agreements. Ultimately they defeat him by summoning a Tribunal's portal which sucks Galaxor in, re-imprisoning the snarling Destroyer of Worlds for another eternity. But having exhausted themselves saving Eventide, the three flickering gods plunge into the ravaged planet's remaining devotees to anchor their drained souls symbiotically until they recover their essence over time.

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9 Chs

Mysterious organsation

That evening, following their meal, Anna made the decision to express her worries to her beloved Grandma Rumi.

She asked with a nervous tone if they truly believed that Max was prepared to embark on the journey of leaving home for school.

"Do you really think Max is ready to leave home for school ?" she asked nervously. "He's still so young, and I've cared for him all his life. Letting him go feels too soon."

Expressing her concerns, she mentioned that he was still quite young and that she had been the one taking care of him throughout his entire life. The thought of letting him go felt premature and overwhelming to her.

Rumi patted Anna's hand sympathetically. "It's natural to worry, my dear. But just as I've watched Max grow from a child into a young man, his path now leads far beyond our valley. Better things await him there."

Anna let out a heavy sigh, her voice filled with a tinge of sadness. "I understand," she admitted, her heart heavy with the bittersweet realization that her once dependent little boy was growing up and becoming more self-reliant.

It was undeniably difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that her nurturing presence and guidance would no longer be as crucial in his life.

Rumi gently admonished, emphasizing the eternal need for a mother's love in Max's life. Furthermore, she encouraged anna to envision the immense pride that would fill their hearts upon witnessing Max's successful journey towards becoming a formidable wizard.

Grandma Rumi emphasized that it is crucial not to hinder Max's progress, as this path towards learn magic undoubtedly his destiny.

"I know," Anna sighed. "It's just hard to accept that my little boy won't need me anymore."

"Now now, he will always need his mother's love," Rumi chided gently. "And think of how proud you'll be when Max becomes a great person. we must not hold him back."

Anna nodded, blinking back tears. "You're right. I cannot be selfish with Max's future."

With tears welling up in her eyes, Anna agreed, acknowledging the truth in his words. She realized that she couldn't hold onto Max forever, as it would be unfair to his own aspirations and dreams. Despite the pain it would undoubtedly cause her, Anna made a firm decision to let Max spread his wings and pursue his own path in life when the time was right.

Grandma Rumi offered Anna a delicate handkerchief, a symbol of comfort and support, while enveloping her in a warm, reassuring hug. Grandma Rumi gently whispered words of solace and encouragement, assuring Anna that her beloved son, Max, would embark upon this new chapter in life with unwavering bravery and compassion, all thanks to her exceptional upbringing.

With unwavering conviction, Grandma Rumi emphasized the importance of maintaining faith and trust in the journey ahead, serving as a guiding light amidst the uncertain path that lay before them.

Feeling consoled by the profound wisdom of Grandma Rumi, Anna made a firm decision to wholeheartedly endorse and encourage Max's enchanting expedition, regardless of where it would lead him.

In the meantime, she made a conscious effort to cherish every single day they had left together, cherishing their precious moments before eventually bidding farewell.

Moreover, irrespective of the vast distances he may traverse, Anna promised to eternally hold onto her affection for him, serving as a constant beacon of guidance on his extraordinary path.

Some where within the Capital

King Wilhelm sat upright in his throne as his advisor delivered an urgent report. "Your Majesty, our scouts have made a tremendous discovery - deposits of vasilium have been located in the remote village of Willowbend!"

The king's eyes widened in surprise. Vasilium was a rare magical mineral stronger than steel. Weapons forged from it could slice through normal armaments with ease. Its discovery would be a great strategic asset.

"Are we certain of this?" King Wilhelm asked.

"We've searched for vasilium mines throughout the kingdom unsuccessfully for years."

The advisor nodded. "I inspected the samples myself, sire. The scouts found veins of it among the hills and caves near Willowbend. Based on the quantities, it could supply our armies for years."

Stroking his beard thoughtfully, the king considered the implications. Willowbend was a peaceful area far from the escalating conflict plaguing Yore. News of this discovery would remain secret for now.

"Purchase the land discreetly from the villagers. Tell them we seek farmland," commanded King Wilhelm.

"Hire trusted miners and smiths from the capital to extract the vasilium. Guard its transportation here closely."

"At once, your Majesty!" acknowledged the advisor. "And what of the villagers? They are simple farmers and craftsmen, unaware of vasilium's power."

The king pondered for a moment before responding. "Let them be for now. Their remote location kept this hidden resource safe. Should they prove trustworthy, some may aid in the mining process. But have soldiers ready in case they resist, or our enemies learn of this."

Satisfied, King Wilhelm dismissed his advisor to make the arrangements. The mysterious discovery of such a valuable asset in little Willowbend was fortuitous. In the chaos gripping Yore, any advantage could tip the scales.

Unbeknownst to the king, whispers of the vasilium discovery had already reached other influential ears.

In a shadowy tavern corner, a hooded figure passed a covert message to a contact. "Inform the Master that vast deposits of vasilium have been found in Willowbend, enough to supply an army."

The contact's eyes gleamed under his hood. "At last, our time has come. I will relay this news to our leader."

The mysterious organization had eyes and ears everywhere. For years they had sought the power and wealth to further their own mysterious ends. Their empire had been quietly expanding, waiting to strike.

In an imposing stone fortress, the Master scrutinized the report with a cryptic smile. "The king has found our prize for us it seems. Mobilize our forces."

Chaos was already brewing in the kingdom from various conflicts . Now they would march on Willowbend, securing the vasilium before the king's men firmly established control.

One small village would not stand in their way. The unsuspecting inhabitants had simply been unwitting custodians, keeping the mineral sequestered until the mysterious organsation could seize its power.