
Second Spark

After responding to a call about a foul smell in a dilapidated apartment, police officers make a tragic discovery - the body of a man who appears to have died by suicide by hanging. As they document the scene with photos and prepare to notify the coroner, one officer notices a diary left on a table. Compelled by curiosity about the victim's final words, he begins reading. The diary contains the man's reflections on being born into hardship and his life-long struggles to overcome poverty. He expresses deep resentment towards a world he feels treated him cruelly, costing him the stability he fought for. In his final entries, convinced no relief from loneliness and hopelessness awaits, the man alludes to suicide being his only escape from unrelenting misery. The story then shifts to an entirely different narrative with the introduction of Galaxor - a towering Lovecraftian cosmic entity intent on obliterating all civilization. He sets his sights on Eventide, a serene utopian planet protected by three guardian gods. Although bound by cosmic accords from destroying Eventide outright, Galaxor invokes a loophole to send a swarming demonic army led by a hydra to besiege the planet instead. As the beautifully advanced cities fall into flaming ruins, the desperate gods finally intervene, confronting Galaxor about violating ancient agreements. Ultimately they defeat him by summoning a Tribunal's portal which sucks Galaxor in, re-imprisoning the snarling Destroyer of Worlds for another eternity. But having exhausted themselves saving Eventide, the three flickering gods plunge into the ravaged planet's remaining devotees to anchor their drained souls symbiotically until they recover their essence over time.

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9 Chs

Grandma worries

"Max, where have you been? Grandma Rumi has been asking for you," Anna chided gently while chopping vegetables for their modest lunch.

It had been 7 long years since Anna gave birth alone to her son Max amidst tumultuous storms mirroring the wider uncertainty now gripping the kingdom of Yore. Raising Max as a single mother with no family aid entailed great struggle and sacrifice, as Anna worked nonstop to provide for them both.

When Max was still a helpless babe needing round-the-clock care, Anna faced rejection from job after job, either for being a nursing mother or being deemed inadequate by noble households. But as tensions escalated in Yore from constant youth conscription that fueled violent insurgence, Anna fled with toddler Max to the rural town of Willowbend - a peaceful area detached from the kingdom's woes.

By fortune's favor, she found work with an elderly kindly couple who appreciated her industriousness and young Max's innocent laughter that brightened their cottage. Now years later, Max had grown into an energetic 7-year-old enamored with exploring the nearby woods and streams, reminding Anna so much of his father Alastar's adventurous spirit.

"Sorry Mom, I went fishing down the creek with my friends!" Max explained, his eyes lighting up. "I caught some big ones today - I wanted it to be a surprise for Grandma Rumi and you!"

"Grandma, look! I caught a huge fish today with my friends, I brought it home for you and Mom to have for lunch. I hope you like it!" Max said excitedly while hugging Grandma Rumi.

Grandma Rumi smiled warmly, gently stroking Max's head. Ever since Max and his mother Anna had come into her and her late husband's lives years ago, their once dull, lonely days were filled with joy and light.

Rumi's own two sons had been lost tragically - one dying on the battlefield as a kingdom soldier, the other disappearing after leaving home seeking opportunity in the capital. The pain of not knowing her child's fate had weighed heavily on Rumi's heart. She kept praying the gods might safely return her remaining son.

It was during this period of grief that Rumi first saw Anna, malnourished and desperate with an infant Max strapped to her back, asking for work. Though initially hesitant to employ a single mother, something in Anna's strength and Max's innocent smile stirred Rumi. She convinced her husband this was right.

Now, Rumi felt Max and Anna were gifts from the gods, granting new family purpose to two aged souls who believed their brightest years were behind. Watching Max grow more vibrant each day was the greatest balm to lingering pains. Rumi vowed she would do everything to support Anna in raising this special boy the gods blessed them all with.

"This fish looks delicious, Max! What a fine catch," Rumi finally said, pulling Max into a tight embrace. No matter what the days ahead held, this moment was bliss.


"Why don't you go give that fish to your mom to prepare for our lunch," Rumi said, shooing Max away with a smile. "And when you're done cleaning up, I want to talk to you both about something important."

Rumi had been thinking hard about the future and wanting to secure Max's well-being, especially with her aging mortality weighing on her mind lately. She hoped to correct past regrets through the child fate brought into her life.

After their meal, Rumi called Anna and Max into her room.

"Max, you're becoming a big boy now and the man of this household," she said warmly. "With your grandpa gone, it's your job to take care of your mom and help her around the house. Don't give her too hard a time!"

"Help her out around the house since only her can't do all the work alone since it will be weighing her down "

"Don't be stubborn, listen to whatever advice she says to you "Grandma Rumi chimed in

Max straightened his back proudly hearing about his new responsibilities.

Rumi continued: "Your mom and I want you to have a better life than we did. So I called in some favors from old friends."

"I made the arrangements for you learn learn magic from one of my old friends, he will be coming over to stay with us for the next few years," Grandma Rumi said while gesturing for Max not to say anything yet

"Likewise once's you are 12, I made some arrangements for you to attend the magic academy in Kedarfield, I heard it the top leading academy in the whole of Eventide," Grandma Rumi said while smiling at Max who was so excited

"Your mum and I will not be with you at the academy so I hope you do behave yourself over there"

She explained how she had arranged for an instructor friend to come stay and mentor Max in magic. When Max turned 12, he would attend Kedarfield Academy, the top magic school in Eventide where nobles and royalty studied.

Grandma Rumi cautioned Max to behave carefully there without her and Anna. Though a friend would check on him, bullying was likely given Max's commoner status.

Max didn't speak of it, but Anna and Rumi knew some neighborhood boys already gave him trouble when playing, trying to shoulder it alone. This pained Anna, as Max hid his struggle.

"Thanks, Grandma, don't worry I won't disappoint you and I will make you and Mum proud," Max said while smiling

Max was so happy throughout the remainder of the day that the next day he went out early to meet his friend Victor at the stream.

Victor, Max's steadfast friend, was a boy of similar age with a mop of unruly chestnut hair and a perpetual twinkle in his hazel eyes. Despite the challenges in their humble surroundings, Victor exuded a contagious enthusiasm for life.

Raised by both parents, his father a skilled fisherman in Willowbend taught him, since Victor possessed an innate connection with fishing. He could identify fish, predict their habitat, and changes in their Lifecycle, and navigate the best fishing position with ease. His clothes are often wet, evidence of his inquisitive nature and love for experimenting.

Grandma worries

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