
Go away! Or I'll pounce on you.

Joya, who had just realized that she was the center of attention, immediately stood up with her face flushed. "I'm embarrassed," she whispered to Irwan.

Ignoring his wife's words. Irwan kissed Joya's cheek and suddenly made everyone cheer again. Irwan faced Windy and Leo as he clutched his wife's waist possessively.

"I'm sorry if we ruined the solemnity of your event. I never thought I would propose to my wife at this event. I hope you will bear with me and understand," Irwan said sincerely. Although he was aware of Windy's hateful gaze. "Now we take our leave. Happy partying and happy birthday to Windy."

Without waiting for a response from the host, Irwan quickly led his wife out. Lina and Agus were waiting for them outside the house.

"You useless son-in-law! How could you ruin Windy's birthday and turn it into a proposal. What is really in your brain," Lina blurted out as she hit her son-in-law's body.