
Chocolate and Flowers

"Sorry can't," said Joya while hiding the two items behind her back.

" Why?" asked Ridwan emphatically.

His jaw looked tense, so that the muscles in his neck and head tensed up too. Ridwan looked at Joya sharply. "Is it because the chocolate was Pramono's gift?"

Joya nodded quickly. "These chocolates and flowers don't belong to you."

Ridwan growled. Without another word, he turned and left Joya. Joya frowned, staring at Ridwan's back which seemed to be getting away.

"Is he mad?" snorted Joya with one of her lips forming. "Very childish. Angry because he wasn't given chocolate," Joya sneered.

Joya walked over to his desk. He put the things he was carrying on the table, then reached for the telephone receiver that was on the front end of his desk.

"Please send one OB to my room!" asked Joya to the person she contacted.


Inside the CEO's room, Ridwan was grumpy. He was annoyed. At home, his wife ignores him and at work, his wife dares to accept other men's gifts.