
Second Life of An 'Ordinary' Magician

Humankind was on the brink of extinction after Demon Lord decided to invade human world and bring destruction upon it. Humankind believed that one day they would end the disasters that fall upon them and their world would see peace once more. Against of all odds, a group of skilled magicians finally slay Demon Lord Zarth and beat his army. Just when they certain they survived the battle, they faced an explosion magic that killed them. Ren Milford, one of the survivors believe that he died from the explosion, but went back to his early days when he studied at prestigious magic academy. With this second chance, Ren determined to save not only himself, but also the friends and comrades he once lost. With the knowledge of the future, can Ren makes a difference and prevent the fall of humanity or humankind will face the same terrible destiny again?

Nain_37 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

The Result of the Test (2)

Entering the arena building, Ren could heard the atmosphere there was filled with cheery noise where the audiences were bursting with excitement and full of energy. As he approached the stage located at the center, he observed people around the audience seat and saw smiles and excitement drew on their faces. The electronic music in the background had liven up the joyous atmosphere more.

Ren looked to the fore and saw that most of his classmates were already gathered there, except Elena. There were only a couple of steps distancing Ren to the rest of them. As Vesto noticed Ren's arrival, he put up a fist and tried to reach Ren with it. Ren also put of his own as both fists bumped to each other while both them shown a huge grin on their face.

"Hey man, that's a good stuff there. I know it, you are really strong. It's really shame I cannot fight you there." Vesto started the conversation.

"Are you sure you can handle it if we fight?" Ren asked, playfully.

"Hahahaha, who knows? Maybe I could win against you."

"Good, let's spar sometime in the future." Ren paused briefly, then he countinued. "How did you got knock out from the competition?"

"Hah!! It was ridiculous. That Marcus used underhanded trick to beat me." Vesto spoke with pissed tone while pointing his finger to Marcus nearby.


Vesto's POV during the test.

A loud bang coming from east had startled Vesto greatly. The sound was so loud as it was coming from nearby place. Since the test started not long ago, he was standing there, not moving even an inch form his spot.

Although the sound before spooked him a little, he regained his composure back and kept on what he did before as detection spell formula formed in front of him. He had been casting detection spell since before he was disturbed.

With the new information he got from the loud sound before, he focused his detection spell on the where that sound coming from. A gentle breeze went through the direction Vesto pointed and everything the wind felt was transmitted into him.

Soon after that, he detected two figures in the close proximity. Judging by the location of those two, it was safe to assume they were not ally but were in confrontation with each other. Vesto also detected a third person creeped on them in stealth.

As he tried to get more information from there, his detection spell suddenly obstructed from another unknown force. However, before his detection spell disappeared completely, he could traced a linger of cold air. He got to know the identity of one of those two from it. It was Elena Elsgard, the number one contender of this competition.

Vesto quickly turned around and ran out to the opposite direction. He knew it would be bad news if he was near to her. The best decision for him right now was to get away from from there as far as he could.

[Wind Boost]

Vesto cast the spell on his legs to increase the speed of his running. When he felt that he was far enough, he slowed his pace but still not stopped running. He let out a breath of relief in the midst of that.

However, despite of his attempt to avoid confrontation, he was shocked by a sudden burning sensation advancing from behind. When he turned around, he was hit by a lump of fire which was purposely directed at him.

Fortunately, the damage was not great as he had blocked the hit in time using his arms. But the impact made him fell to the ground.

"Hah!! I thought I got a big fish already. It just a small fry apparently."

Vesto noticed a man approaching simultaneous to the sneering voice. He quickly got up and dusted himself off from the sticking dust on his clothes.

"Said by a coward which attack someone behind their back." Vesto replied with mocking tone. He recognised the man in front of him. It was Marcus Blaze.

"Hahaha, you should be more sensitive to your surroundings. After all, small fry should have one or two that you good at." Marcus smirked.

Marcus already labelled Vesto as small fry and there were many reason why he called Vesto that. First, he never knew Vesto family's name, Aspas. He knew every family name that belonged to high society and if he didn't know it that's mean that Vesto was not from high noble rank.

Second, Vesto was the only person that passed the entrance test by climbing the wall, not through the gate. He assumed that Vesto didn't have great magic power because he didn't challenged the examiner.

Third, Vesto was friendly with Ren Milford, another small fry that he really hate. During the entrance test, he supposed to be the second most impressive candidate after Elena Elsgard, but Ren, the unknown candidate at that time dare to steal not just his thunder, but also Elena's.

And the worse thing was that man was a fallen noble who was also 1st circle mage and didn't possessed any talent in magic.

"You should prepare yourself. If you are defeated easily by a small fry like me, that means you are worthless than small fry."

After he said that, a heavy wind radiated from Vesto's position as two magic formulas appeared beside him. He instantly blast two Wind Shot simultaneously at his target.

Marcus on the other hand, calmly muttered his own spell after seeing Vesto's attempt.


A flame of wall appeared in front of Marcus and blocked the shot. But when his magic extinguished, Marcus saw that Vesto was missing from his spot. He noticed Vesto already closed the distance between them from the left. A white dagger was on Vesto's right hand as he intended to slash Marcus with it.

Marcus avoided the slash by taking a step back and slightly leant his body backwards. Vesto then changed his grip on the dagger and slashed it from the opposite direction but this time Marcus responded it by closing in and blocked Vesto's swinging arm using his own.

As the dagger could not reached Marcus, Vesto released the grip on the dagger. He caught the fallen dagger with his other hand and proceed to stab Marcus with it. Marcus then edged the dagger away from him before jabbed Vesto on the chest. He quickly disarmed the dagger from Vesto when the latter lost his balance.

Vesto quickly distanced himself from Marcus before regained his composure back. He put his fists in front and posturing himself into boxing stance. "Looks like you are eager to engage me in melee. It doesn't matter to me. So, humor me a little, won't you?" Marcus also posturing himself into something similar.

Vesto charged with a scream. "Rarghhh!!" He swung his fists at Marcus with quick succession but, surprisingly, punched only thin air as Marcus easily dodged all of it. But in his surprise, the speed of Vesto's fists suddenly increasing significantly. Vesto had cast Wind Boost on his fists to raise their speed.

Marcus began to get serious and exchanged fist with Vesto. They had most avoided or parried their exchanged attacks but they were to received some of them.

Indeed, it looked like they were on the equal level. But, to Vesto's discomfort, he was getting pushed back by massive force of Marcus's attacks and received much more damage than his opponent. Even with Wind Boost, he couldn't keep up with Marcus's speed.

With a smug face, Marcus taunted Vesto. "Is that what you can do? With this pace, I can even beat you with one of my eyes closed."

Vesto pissed with Marcus's taunt, but he knew his own limit. He had already made a battle plan to beat Marcus. While still exchanging fists, Vesto suddenly jumped back and distanced himself.

"Looks like you are the one that should be more sensitive on the surroundings." As Vesto stuck out his tongue, Marcus noticed a big magic formula already formed above Vesto's head.

"Eat this, bastard!" A heavy wind violently charged towards Marcus with immense speed. At that range, even Marcus couldn't avoid it and had to received it head on. He was flown away a few metre to the back upon contacting the wind and collapsed on the ground.

"How about that, Marcus? Looks like you are worse than small fry that you despised." Vesto laughed with his own words. He looked Marcus lying down there silently, not moving at all. That's weird. Marcus supposed to be ejected by now. Vesto hesitantly approached Marcus, but the sudden presence coming from behind him made him stop.

He looked back and saw Elena Elsgard arrived with heavy breathing. It looks like she was chasing someone."Are you okay?" Vesto asked while closed the distance. Elena looked back at Vesto and yelled a warning at him.

"Watch out!"

Vesto's chest kissed the ground below as he was collapsed from the hit on his back. He groaned in pain as his back was engulfed in flames. He glanced towards the approaching steps that came to him and a menacing laugh accompanied with it.

Marcus crouched in front of Vesto with an annoying face. He smiled mockingly at Vesto who was genuinely surprised to see Marcus was fine without any injuries.

"H..how?" Vesto struggle to finished his sentence. The wound caused by the flame on his back became more painful as time went on.

"How come I'm not injured? Is that what you mean?"

Marcus showed a ring that on his finger. "That's because of this." Vesto stunned seeing the ring. He knew what it was. It was an artifact called 'Ring of Regeneration', an epic class artifact that can heal any wound of its wearer almost instantly. However, the effect of the ring can be used once for every 24 hours. But, it was not enough for its wearer to turn the table around.

Vesto winced when Marcus stepped on him. Marcus pointed his palm on Vesto's face. The flame on his back already extinguished.

"Goodbye, loser."

That was the last words Vesto heard before he was eliminated from the competition. When he came to his sense, he was already inside the same room he was at, before the test begin. He sighed heavily when he realised he had lose to Marcus.