
Second Life of An 'Ordinary' Magician

Humankind was on the brink of extinction after Demon Lord decided to invade human world and bring destruction upon it. Humankind believed that one day they would end the disasters that fall upon them and their world would see peace once more. Against of all odds, a group of skilled magicians finally slay Demon Lord Zarth and beat his army. Just when they certain they survived the battle, they faced an explosion magic that killed them. Ren Milford, one of the survivors believe that he died from the explosion, but went back to his early days when he studied at prestigious magic academy. With this second chance, Ren determined to save not only himself, but also the friends and comrades he once lost. With the knowledge of the future, can Ren makes a difference and prevent the fall of humanity or humankind will face the same terrible destiny again?

Nain_37 · Fantasi
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21 Chs

The Abandoned Dungeon (2)


The sound came from the clash of Ren's sword and claws from kobolds that Ren fighting. Two kobolds in front of him were attacking with furious strike and Ren could only block or deflected them. He was trying to find a way to counter the attacks and struck those kobolds however he still could not find it.

At the same time, Elena was confronting another two kobolds, but there were also a few of goblins accompanied them. She cast five magic formula around her and launched Ice Arrow directly at her foes. All of her attacks successfully penetrated the enemies except for one.

One of the goblin unfortunately had evaded the arrow and charged to Elena with loud screaming. Elena had already anticipated the advanced goblin. She used Wind Boost to increase the speed of her leg and did roundhouse kick at the goblin.

The goblin received the kick on the face and its impact made the goblin flew away before slammed into the wall nearby. Elena looking at Ren, struggled fighting those two kobolds from earlier.

"Still couldn't beat them?" asked Elena.

"Nope, still trying," answered Ren. His eyes still focused on the kobolds before him.

"Do you want me to help?"

"N..no. It's okay. I can handle this."

One of the kobold charged at Ren with full speed. Ren responsed by evading and quickly slashed the kobold's rib with his sword. The kobold yelped in pain and put its hands on the wound. Ren didn't want to waste any chance and jumped at the kobold before slitted its throat with one quick slash using his sword.

Seeing its partner has been killed by Ren, the other kobold began to charged to Ren before Ren could even landed on the ground. Ren raised his hands and formed an X in front to block the attack directly hit him. But, his effort was worth nothing as the impact from the kobold's charge still powerful enough to made him knocked back a few metres.

The only thing that stopped him from knocked back a few more metres because he was crashed at the dungeon wall on his back, before falling to the ground. Ren quickly get up from the ground and wiped the dust on his clothes.

"Oh, that's quite an impact. Fortunately, I'm okay." Ren talking to no one.

The kobold saw Ren was not having any injury. Frustrated, it roared to Ren furiously.

"Whoa, whoa.. Calm your nerves, big guy." Ren said. But, that kobold ignored him and charging towards Ren again.

Ren sighed a bit and changed his expression to serious look. He stared at the kobold menacingly. The charging kobold flinched in a moment upon looking Ren's eyes. Ren vanished from his spot and appeared behind the kobold.

Then, the kobold's head was suddenly ripped off its body and falling to the ground. The body fell to not long after and blood gushing from the body and painted the ground red.

"What was that?" Elena approached. Her eyes was glued on the dead body of that kobold.

"What?" asked Ren, confused with Elena's question.

"The thing you did before. Before you killed it, that kobold was flinching as if it was looking at something scary. And I could also felt the fear caused by you."

"So, you could also felt that too? I thought I could control it properly. It was one of the aura techniques," explained Ren. He sheathed his sword to the scabbard that was on his hip.

"Aura techniques?"

"Yes, you already familiar with another two; Aura Sensory and Aura Coating. This was the third technique, and also the last. It's called Aura Release." Ren paused.

"This technique was used for intimidation usually and everyone in the surrounding could felt something like bloodlust coming from the user, whether it was ally or foe. But, for those that could master this technique could direct it towards someone they want without affecting anyone else. And, there was also someone I know that could make someone kneel by using this technique."

"So, how to confront this technique?"

"People with strong willpower could be less affected and you can withstand it by using the same technique."

"So, when you will to teach me this technique." Elena said that emotionlessly, but Ren could see her eyes gleaming with hope.

Ren sighed. "Okay, okay. I will teach you soon."

"Okay," answered Elena, still with the stoic face, but Ren noticed the corner of Elena's mouth slightly moved upwards. Looks like someone feeling happy.

Both Elena and Ren continued their walking and went deeper to the depth of the dungeon. It was already an hour since they got the approval to enter this dungeon from the guard outside.

Usually, there was no approval needed to enter the dungeon and no one would be assigned to guard the entrance. However, Abandoned Dungeon was a registered dungeon, which was located near to Felcra.

Any dungeon that was located near or inside the city would be assigned a guard or two on it. This was because to ensure that any monster inside the dungeon do not exit the dungeon and threaten the citizens.

After they got the approval from the guards, they climbed the stairs that lead to the dungeon entrance. They went inside and explored the dungeon. They was stopped by monster's ambished from time to time. Other than that, they just continued walking until to the place they were standing right now.

Elena nearly collided on Ren from behind when Ren suddenly stopped walking.

"Why are you stopping?"

"We had arrived." Elena observed her surrounding. It was a dead end. There was no path that they could take except for the path they came from. It looks like they were in some kind of room. However, the room was empty and gave some spooky vibe.

"There was nothing here. And, we are on the dead end." Elena told Ren.

"No," replied Ren. "That's a hidden path." Ren touched and screened the wall in front of him. Elena looked at Ren with confused look.

"What are you doing?"

"Wait." Ren ordered. He continued touching the wall as if he was searching something.

After touching the wall for a few seconds, Ren finally found the thing that he was searching. He pressed the wall forward. A small shape of square from the wall was pressed inside from the rest.

Elena could clearly heard the sound of something clunk after Ren pressed the wall. The structure of the wall in front started change and there was a door formed from the wall.

Elena was surprised with the sudden appearance of the new door. She looked at the Ren with a curious look.

"How did you know?"

Ren smirked and put a finger on his lip before talking. "It's a secret."

Ren opened the door and went inside, followed by Elena from behind.


When Elena went inside, she was surprised as she saw the room was full of treasure. There were many gold coins was piled up on the ground. It was only that, she could saw a small number of artifacts hanging on the wall and some of them was put in a glass case.

Elena approached to one of the glass case and took the artifact inside it. It was a golden ring with a white crystal on the top.

"Ring of Thalia." Elena turned to Ren and saw he was already standing beside her.

"How did you know?" asked Elena.

Ren didn't answer her, but pointed his finger to the glass case where Elena took the ring before. There was a plate written 'Ring of Thalia' on it. There was a description on the plate and Elena read it in silence.

At the same time, Ren was looking at the the other artifact nearby and noticed a red staff with golden ring was banded at the each of its end. The staff was inscribed with a language that Ren didn't know.

Ren tried to lift the staff from its case but failed. He then tried to lift it with both of his hands but the staff still did not move from its place.

"What are you doing?" asked Elena while approaching Ren.

"I try to lift this staff but it would not budge at all." Elena could see the vein on Ren's arm as he was trying to lift the staff.

"Let me try." Elena offered to try lift the staff instead.

"You cannot lift it. It was weighed almost 8 ton."

A voice could be heard coming from behind Elena and Ren. They could also heard the sound of footsteps approaching from the same direction.

An old man was emerged from there. He could not walk properly and was supported by a cane on his hand. Elena could see the old man was smiling at her and Ren although almost of his face was covered by his long, white beard.

"Who are you?" asked Elena.

The old man turned his attention to Elena. His smiling still not disappeared from his face. He then opened his mouth.

"I'm the guardian of this dungeon."