
Second Life of An 'Ordinary' Magician

Humankind was on the brink of extinction after Demon Lord decided to invade human world and bring destruction upon it. Humankind believed that one day they would end the disasters that fall upon them and their world would see peace once more. Against of all odds, a group of skilled magicians finally slay Demon Lord Zarth and beat his army. Just when they certain they survived the battle, they faced an explosion magic that killed them. Ren Milford, one of the survivors believe that he died from the explosion, but went back to his early days when he studied at prestigious magic academy. With this second chance, Ren determined to save not only himself, but also the friends and comrades he once lost. With the knowledge of the future, can Ren makes a difference and prevent the fall of humanity or humankind will face the same terrible destiny again?

Nain_37 · Fantasi
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21 Chs

Elite Ten Council (2)

"The name is Romeo Laurent, a 2nd year student," began Romeo. "As you can see here, I am the current 9th Seat." He pointed the badge on his uniform sleeve. A badge with golden colour and shaped like a shield was placed on the right arm of Romeo's uniform. '9th Seat' was written on that badge.

"My specialty is I can guess the three measurement of any women in one glance. For Ryna-chan, it is 3.." He was interrupted as Ryna suddenly froze Romeo immediately. Ren could see Ryna's face turned slightly pink even though she tried to cover it with poker face.

Ryna let out a small sigh before giving her attention to Ren. "His specialty is fire magic. He can control flame really well, or rather he can control the temperature itself. He can increase the temperature of his surrounding even without manifested any flame."

As Ryna finished, Romeo was already unfroze himself. He then grinned at Ren. 'So that's how he could unfroze himself and acted like nothing happened,' thought Ren by himself. Then, he focused on the next person as he began to give his introduction.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jack Le'Roux. A 3rd year." A man with plump body introduces himself. Ren nearly could not caught the words that man uttered because of the crunching sound he made when he ate the potato chips while talking to Ren.

"Oh, I am the 4th Seat." Jack continued. "And, my specialty is Earth magic."

After that, the twin boy began to speak. "Now, its my turn. I am Leon Bastion, the 8th Seat." Leon then turned his head to her twin sister and introduced her to Ren. "This is my twin sister, Reona Bastion."

"He..hello, I'm Reona, the 6th Seat." said Reona timidly. Ren looked at the twins. He knew them as in the past life, both of them were quite famous. Their bloodline magic, 'Beast Transformation' was really impressive. They could changed a part or the entire body into animals.

"Leon and Reona were enrolled on this academy since last year when they were 14." Ryna interjected. Ren rubbed his chin while pondering.

"If they were 14 last year, that's means.."

"Yes, they are one year younger than you."

'I know it. There's no way they are older than me with those faces,' thought Ren. When Ren entered the room, he looked at Leon and Reona weirdly as he initially thought both of them were middle schooler.

"Hah! Although we are younger, but we are still senior of you. I demand a respect from you. If not, I will put you in your place," said Leon while cracking his knuckles as if he was readied to fight Ren.

Ren tried to response to that provocation but couldn't as someone suddenly grabbed his arm and put it into a hug. It was the pretty lady from before. "Don't worry, cutie. This Big Sis here will help you."

The sudden hug from that lady really put Ren into an awkward situation as her breast was pressing him on the arm.

"My name is Airi. Airi Heartfilia, a 3rd year and also the current 5th Seat of Elite Ten," said Airi seductively. Ren has been enticed by her beauty as his consciousness began to fade but woke up from it when Ryna suddenly raised her voice.

"I appreciate if you don't use your mental magic, Airi." Ryna spoke, coldly. Airi could felt the chill air coming from Ryna. "I'm just playing a joke on our new member. You are no fun, Ryna-chan." pouted Airi. "If you want any comfort, you can just called Big Sis here." She turned to Ren and winked at him.

Noticing that Ren still perplexed with what had happened just now, she explained to Ren. "Airi is an expert of illusionary magic. Just now, you were nearly put under her Illusionary Magic. When she tried to seduce you, she had used her magic on you."

Ren nodded his head, understood with Ryna's explanation. No wonder he was feeling strange before. He was not expected he had fell under an illusion that easily.

"And, don't believe what she said." Ryna continued.

"After all, she was known as being a sadist."

'Aha, that explains what I had saw just now.' Ren finally knew the reason behind why Airi was stepping on Romeo's before. The word 'sadist' made him imagined Airi wearing a latex suit with a whip on her hand.

Ren shook his head and dismissed the imagination he had on his head. The man in glasses observed Ren with sceptical look. "Are you okay, newbie?"

"Huh? Nothing really. Ahahaha," laughed Ren awkwardly.

"Then, let me introduce myself," replied the glasses man. "I am Naoya Ishida, a 3rd year student. I am the 2nd Seat, which means I am the second strongest here." Naoya sounded serious. He looked at Ren with sharp stare.

He put his hand on the sword which had been strapped on his waist. "I am a spellsword."

Spellsword -- This title was reserved for the ones that dedicated on both magic and sword art. Out of all mage archetypes, this is the most strenous to learn, and even more difficult to master it. As the result, the number of spellsword could be counted on the fingers.

However, if someone could master it completely, they would reckoned as the strongest force. They could fight all the same, whether the combat occured as close or long-ranged.

Ren already knew what Naoya was capable of when Naoya mentioned his family name. Ishida's family was known as the only noble family that pursue swordmanship more than magic. They were already produced many strong swordman since long ago.

Naoya's father, Yuma Ishida, the current head of Ishida's family, was one of the member of Elsgard Council. He is the commander of Elsgard 2nd Division Army and a master of swordsmanship. There was a rumor that he once fought with 50 mages alone and emerged as the victor by using only sword art.

"I saw that you are quite proficient using Aura, how about a spar or two some time later."

"Sure, why not."

"Enough of that," stated Ryna. She continued speaking to Ren. "There are two more members but unfortunately they couldn't come today. They are on mission from Intelligence Bureau."

It is common for Varion's students to be commissioned by outside organizations, especially S-class students like them. These organizations would come to Varion and asked to commission their students to aid at a certain mission or task. If they did not asked for a specific student, Varion would sent anyone who was qualified according to their judgement. But there were some cases that they mentioned a particular student for the commission. If that student accepted, they need to get the permission from one of faculty members.

However, there is some special case where the Varion's students could be commissioned without needing any permission from faculty. If that student was sponsored by the same organization to attend Varion.

The fee for attending Varion Academy was not necessarily expensive, but there were some students sought scholarship from another organizations. Usually, these talented students needed the scholarship to fund the materials of their own magic training as the magic facilities in Varion Academy were quite limited.

In this case, the sponsored students did not have to get the permission from faculty but they were still needed to tell the faculty members about it.

"Now, all of you are already introduced yourself with each other. Let's dismiss for now. We will meet again next Tuesday." After Ryna finished talking, the member of student council excused themselves and leaving the room one after another.

"Ryna-chan. Let's heading home together." Romeo approached Ryna and suggested going home together but had been rejected by Ryna. "I still got another matter to talk with Ren."

"Aww, that's too bad." Romeo disappointed with that rejection, but it was not too long. He noticed Airi had left the room. "See you later, Ryna-chan." Romeo spoke before left the room and chasing Airi. "Wait for me, Airi-chan. Let's go home together." Ren could still Romeo's voice from afar although Romeo already left the room.

Ryna went to the closet there, in that room and rummaged it as if she was looking something. After few seconds, she took a red box from there and passed it to Ren.

"That's your new uniform."

Ren removed the lid and taking the uniform inside and examining it. Instead of the white uniform like what he wore, his new uniform was black in colour. The design was the same with his current uniform but there were golden line embedded on the uniform replacing the blue line for the normal uniform. And, on the right sleeve, a badge was also embedded on it. Ren could read the words '10th Seat' from it.

"Thank you for this." Ren thanked Ryna while putting back the uniform into the box.

"Tomorrow is the weekend. What is your plan for tomorrow?" Ryna asked. They were already went out of the office and on the way to go home.

"I am going to Felcra tomorrow."

Felcra is one of the land under Elsgard Kingdom. It is located in the southwest of Hortas City, the capital city of Elsgard Kingdom. The city where they were at right now. It needed around a day to travel from Hortas City to Felcra by horse as the distance was quite far.

"Why are you going there?" asked Ryna.

"There are something that I need to do there. I'm sorry I cannot give more details about it." After a brief pause, Ren asked Ryna back. "Why do you ask what I'm doing tomorrow?"

"Nothing. Just asking." Ryna aswering with expressionless face.

As they reached at the front of Varion's main gate, they bid a farewell to each other and went to separate destination.

"See you later." Ryna told Ren as she walked and left Ren at there. Ren nodded in response before turning into opposite direction and started doing the same.