
second life in reverse world

Kenta Aoki is living a fairly decent life with his high-tier IT job which he struggled his whole life to get until he got into a bike accident and died at the age of 28. his consciousness gets transmitted into the mana pool of a black-haired boy in the world of unbalanced sex ratio and magic, where male to female ratio is 1:1000 . will he be able to live a happy life in such an easygoing world?

Darsh_8522 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Concern & Curiosity

"Mom, why are you angry with big sister Rumi?" 

glancing at Rumi-nee's face I was standing almost behind Mom, mom turned toward me. 

After a brief pause, my mom walked towards me with tears in her eyes and open arms, embracing me tightly. My face buried into her warm bosom, overwhelmed with emotions. I couldn't breathe as her hands gently pulled me closer to her, She let me go after a brief moment while softly grasping my hands.

"jin-chan..... How are you feeling now? Are you still experiencing any discomfort? I was... I was.. deeply worried about you" As I caught sight of her, she appeared to be drenched in tears, her nose had turned red, and a few strands of her hair had fallen across her eyes. It saddened me to see her in such a state.

"Mom I am fine now, there is no need to worry, Your beautiful face shouldn't be marred by tears." 

Jin's mother possesses stunning beauty, with luscious long black hair and striking blue eyes. Her facial features resemble a masterpiece crafted by a skilled artist. The combination of her fair complexion and curvaceous figure exudes a sense of glamour akin to that of an actress. Her physique appears to be in impeccable shape, akin to that of an athlete. However, now her charismatic charm is overshadowed by her tear-streaked face.

"Mom please stop crying, I don't like it when I see you in a state like this"

"I am sorry... Jin-chan... It is so unexpected to see you here, I couldn't control myself. it's been a month since I last saw you healthy."

Jin had been unwell for a month, experiencing constant headaches and feeling weak. His family and maids were extremely concerned and had consulted with several doctors and even a witch, but unfortunately, his condition only worsened with time. A renowned witch who examined him recently suspected that Jin's mana vessel might be defective, which was devastating news for the entire Esumi Household. The mana vessel plays a crucial role by energizing all bodily functions, and any flaw in it could lead to organ failure not to mention the inability to use magic. 

when Ayaka (Jin's mom) heard from the head maid that Miyo ( Jin's maid) reported a major improvement in Jin's condition she was overjoyed, and after seeing Jin for herself she couldn't help but cry, it was a natural reaction. however, as a head of the family and also in the presence of her beloved son and several maids she cannot continue to show such foul behavior, she quickly composed herself and wiped away her tears to regain her dignified demeanor. after a short pause

"Jin-chan are you sure that you are fine now"

"like I said earlier, I regained my health so there is no need to worry anymore." 'jeez... she worries too much, but still, I am happy that now I have a family on my side that will cry for me" *glancing at Rumi-nee*

Rumi, Jin's older sister [two years older than him] has a youthful and innocent appearance, with a face that is round and soft. She possesses the same black hair and blue eyes. Her small eyelashes add to her adorable look, and her hairpiece is a stylish and fashionable accessory that complements her overall appearance. Her outfit is colorful and playful, with a mix of patterns and textures that reflect her fun and lively personality. 

Rumi's tears flowed even harder, but this time it wasn't due to her mother's wrath. Instead, she wept tears of joy upon seeing her younger brother in good health. noticing Rumi's sobbing Ayaka glared at her and she too stopped crying the next moment.

"Jin..... I am glad to see you all right" Rumi said. without giving any time to reply to Rumi, Ayaka asked a question.

"Jin why are you here, is there anything you need?"

It is uncommon for Jin to leave his room, everyone knows that. rather than being sad about Jin not leaving his room, his family encourages him to stay inside as much as possible. Therefore even his family members see him rarely.

"Mom, I am here for breakfast."

"breakfast?" Ayaka whispered. She is surprised, as the head of the house she is the one who sets all the rules in the household. She decided that once Jin turned six, he would have all his meals served in his room. The rest of the family only gathers together on special occasions to dine as a whole. 

today however is a day worth being celebrated due to Jin's Enhance in health. she thinks that maybe Jin may want to join everyone for breakfast after being isolated in his room for a month, eating alone. But she couldn't be more unlucky since she already had her breakfast.

"I apologize, Jin-chan. Although you were excited about having breakfast with everyone, I already had my meal in the early morning because there was a training session for your sisters in combat this morning."

"It's fine Mom, I will eat on my own." interesting, so they had combat training!!! wow, I can't wait to use magic on my own.

Ayaka signaled to the head maid Ellie, who quickly grasped the meaning behind it.

"Young master Jin, please follow me, I will accompany you through the dining hall"




Jin stepped into the dining hall, which was adorned with numerous paintings. A massive wooden dining table caught his attention, adorned with a large vibrant red table runner. He chose a seat in the middle and made himself comfortable. A maid approached him and kindly requested him to wait for a moment until the food was served.

'I am no longer the same person they know..... it is so awkward to sit here, and isn't that maid over there staring too much? in this good-looking child's body, I am pretty cute, everyone treats me so well... no douth about that.'

ever after seeing Jin's memories, he was not convinced that that was him but now he indeed has no douth.

 After a short while, the head maid came back and elegantly served Jin his food. Her movements were so subtle while serving him. Her manners and speech were incredibly formal compared to what he was used to as commoners in his previous life. Despite not being conventionally beautiful, there was a captivating charm about her. She always wore an enigmatic smile on her face that seemed impossible to grasp. [like that of painting Mona Lisa of our world]. after serving him the food, she stood two meters away from him.

The breakfast Jin is served is similar to hospital food with the only difference that is it is cooked by a first-rate chef.

'The soup has delicate and intricate flavors, making it possible to enhance its taste. It seems like the cook prioritized nutrition over flavor, which is understandable considering I was unwell for a whole month.'

As Jin enjoys his breakfast, his imagination runs wild with thoughts of magic. He envisions a future where he can conjure fire or water balls from his very own hands. The prospect of this magical world fills him with excitement and anticipation of all the new knowledge he will gain. However, there is one aspect of this world that Jin remains completely unaware of - the unbalanced sex ratio. Being only eight years old, nobody has yet informed him about the situation concerning males in this world.

' I want to ask someone about magic and how it can be learned' *a glance at head maid Ellie* 'but to ask a maid about it.. it has to be a knowledgeable person, and on top of that Ellie smiles differently around me and she is too formal. I don't think I can ask her on this matter... maybe my big sister or Mom can teach me. wait!! if this is a magical world then books about magic should exist too.' 

Jin looked at Ellie and asked after a short pause, "Ellie-san, is there any place with a lot of books.... in this house"

Ellie smiled at Jin's question "There is a place like that Jin-sama, a complete library situated on the 27th floor, containing books covering various subjects."

"Is this possible for me to go there"

Jin attempts to portray his formal self by imitating his past behavior and speech patterns. But no matter how hard he tries, he can never recreate himself in the previous Jin, since he is the product of the merger of two different individuals. 

"Yes, Jin Sama, it is indeed possible. However, you will require the company of a maid as you cannot go there alone."

"Sure then, miyo will accompany me."

'I don't want Ellie to go with me, I feel discomfort around her since she always wears an unchangeable smile... which makes her unapproachable... while Miyo feels friendlier'

"I understand Jin-sama, I comprehend Jin-sama's message, and will relay the information to Miyo."




Jin spent about fifteen minutes in a separate room, looking forward to his library visit. Never in his previous life, had he felt so excited about books.

*knock**knock* Jin opened the door only to be greeted by Miyo his personal maid. 

Both then reached the exact 27th floor of their residential building. more than six bodyguards were guarding the gates of the library. not minding the absurd amount of bodyguards Just for the pile of books. he then entered the library.

As Jin walks into the library, he is immediately struck by its grandeur and elegance. The marble flooring is polished to a shine, and the high ceilings and ornate pillars add to its sophistication. The walls are lined with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, The library is well-lit with natural light that streams through large windows that offer stunning views of the surrounding city. The lighting is soft and warm, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere that encourages visitors to stay and read for hours.

'what.... a magnificent example of engineering!!!'

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pls guys leave a comment as I am new to writing novels, your opinion about the story really matters for me!!!!

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