
Second Journey : My Mafia Crush

Two university department from the same system have been into clash from some years due to difference of their status. This clash will turn into end by mutual heading of two students, Morris who is emotionally attached to online writer Clare and Emerson who is hiding her fame I'd as being Clare as well her secret powers.....

Yu_Nabi · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Credit Card

"Pardon?!" henna clinched her eyes to recognize the person as he was wearing the mask and cap as well glasses on his face.

He took of his glasses and lower down his mask

" come on it's me nick"

"Hey buddy how are you doing" I stood up and hugged him friendly.

Henna also came up but didn't hugged him instead she shake her hand with him.

"We were doing some shopping for the Saturday picnic"

Nick started showing us his stuffs that he recently bought.

It was no doubt much more expensive as he belongs to a medical family and Obviously medical field family earn a lot. But surprisingly he choose the arts field, as well him in his personality is much more artistic from my point of view.

" Actually We are also planning for that picnic but it stills pending you know"  this time henna spokes up. Now they both were having conversation about Ankara.

And their beautifully closed lived buildings, sea view….

Then henna phone ringed up

Despacito ringtone...….

"Excuse me I have to take this call" she moved a bit away from us.

"Tell me honestly is that" I pointed on henna " favor you were talking about?"

" Yup but only if you could help me impressing her"

"So mean nick ! You were just pretending to be nice to me just for the sake of henna!?"

I totally got mad on this point.

"Emmy I swear that's not the thing you are thinking about, I always liked you. You and Henna are much away different from that  lily" I can see from his forehead that he got offended from my words.

"Ok we will see" I tried to roll up the topic.

"What you will see ? Listen Emmy I like you and there is nothing to be selfish about you" Nick was being honest I know

"what? Seriously?" and here you go my bad, Morris heard that last line I guess and thinks that nick is in love with me. Okay it's not my headache. Think whatever he wants…

"Morris? Did your card worked out?" I guess he was talking about his Credit card

"Bro fucked that card, tell me what's going on between you?"

He swore in front of me. No ethics

"Yes you are thinking absolutely right " I said

Nick starred at me, telling me to stop

"Are you guys kidding me" he laughed tauntingly at us.

"no I swear I'm not in a mood of joke right now" I said

Then nick says up " Morris I guess we should go"

"No no no you guys carry on your date I'll catch you later" then Morris take his bags from Nick and went to an ice cream parlor which was at the end of the left row of shops.

"Emmy do you know how much he's gonna make fun of me" nick brushed his hair nervously

"Because of the fact I'm your girlfriend?" That was way too hurting to hear for me

"this is the second reason , the first is the fight we are having between our universities"

"Oh come on nick henna is also an opponent for you" I said.

"but Emmy he thinks that a girl like you can never adjust with a guy!" That was not a bad words he said, he is just straightforward which I love one of the thing about him

"And what type of girl I am according to your boss" he laughed at me then he opened it up all

"like you are way too quiet, shy,introvert blah blah blah…. "I break into his words

" Okay okay okay enough I don't want to hear any further words about me" I smiled fully

"You wish"

Then we turned back to have a look on henna, she was on her phone from the last 20 minutes

"Are you sure Emmy she is single?" nick said

"Triplets into thousands percent sure nick" I said by taking the sip from my already un chilled soda

"so to whom she is talking from the last half hour?"  he said by making a jealousy face. It was the perfect time to tease him up

"Already jealous, listen your future relationship hasn't started yet don't worry" I said but nick still looked confused so I told him the real reason about her call

" it's her mom, she called her twice a day, actually she is on her death bed" he became silent for some moment

On hearing that

"sorry I shouldn't have said that"

I nodded

"Ok I gotta go, I hope you will like to join us on our bus?" he make a cute face in order to impress me for this

"nick this is too much…isn't this enough that we are visiting the same place on exact time?" I questioned him

"ummm kind of…I'll manage thanks Emmy" then he nodded as he was about to leave but I can see from his face that he want to say something further

Then he says up finally the thing which was stuck to his mind.

"you know what Emmy? Sometimes I feel like Clare and you have the same taste of chatting"

I couldn't say anything because that was way too much heavy words to hold.

Not because he was doubting me, it's because he was comparing me with the personality I have hidden from the whole world except myself

I just smiled really forcefully and nodded my head

Did I need to say something? No I can't lie

When he almost get hidden from my eye sight I turned around to see henna. She was sitting on the exact place, which we left few minutes ago.

" Weren't you on call?" I said by sitting right next to her.

" it's end up already like 10 minutes ago" She was continuously looking towards the sea beneath us from her sunglasses.

"Then you should be there "I pointed where me and Nick was standing in past few minutes "henna why you always avoid nick?" I asked

"Emmy it's not about avoid…actually I kind of get weird vibe from him you know"

Yes it's weird vibe to see somebody deeply starring into your soul.

She is right but I need to support both of them, not because I like nick only but also I want henna to get involved in this relationship and learn to share love with a partner. She really need some time of happiness from her hectic routine

Then bot of us become quite like we always became after having a awkward conversation. We just started looking at the sea and a large shipping ship was reaching at the board.

Sun was setting right in front of us

It was no doubt a memorial scene that I ever had.


Memories can set like sun….I swear All it need is some time!

Posted 2 seconds ago

Today is our official medical duty day.

We were on our blood department working on the sample of donating bloods.

Many of the people were approaching there to donate their blood.

We have collecting many samples of common blood group but our goal was to attain larger samples of O negative, the most rare blood in the world.

Me,henna and Lily were wearing white coats on our hoodies and jeans.

I was wearing long boots as I was going to leave in the next 30 minutes for my job.

We were sitting near the counter bed, when we heard someone mummers with the staff on counter

It was Nick along with Morris and Issa

What were they doing in our university? I should have asked this. But who cares i already know the answer

Two persons from them have the blood group which we need.

But I should also try to say that 'We don't need your blood go away'

But who cares as I know professor Marshall called them out.

Ugh how should I deal with them when we have lily and Morris on the same floor??

Should I throw my only hearted friend out of the window besides me?

Or should I lock up Morris in the death department door in front of me?

I know it's not a good idea, just kidding

"Sir, this staff will help you out" the girl on duty pointed towards us, guiding Morris to donate their bloods through us

He nodded and came right toward us

I plugged off the airpods from henna ear

She madly looked at me to ask the reason why I did that but at the same time she noticed the reason standing just a few inches away from us

"Look what a rich personality showed up!" lily stood up from bed and rushed in front of me to cover both us

Henna and I become quiet to let her doing her lonely job and we are not part of it, but whom in the world will make them realize that standing with her doesn't mean that we hate you. We are just fed up with you come on…

"Yes and you guys begged for this personality rich and rare blood!" Morris said. He was wearing blue jeans jacket on the top of black sweater. Nick and Issa was just standing at same position that we have. Like we were in the cricket match and Morris and Lily were ready to toss.

"Oh really? Rich Aha?" she questioned with her eyes filling with rage

"Any doubt?" he showed attitude.

"umm I don't have any doubt I swear" lily sounds so innocent on saying this line "but your credit card do have"

When lily said this, Morris looked Totally nervous as well confused on hearing that. He turned his head towards nick and ask with his eyes 'how did she know?'

But nick whispered and I can guess the words from his lips. Nick replied "I swear It wasn't me!"

"Umm so rich guy come and have a sit Emmy will deal with you I have some important work other than this" lily said and get back towards her bed, started using her phone.

Actually she was emailing the data towards the head office about blood records.

Me and henna looked at each other then we headed towards the tray and grabbed our syringes

Firstly we deal with Issa , then Morris. At last with Nick

Morris was just using his phone nervously when I was getting his blood

I don't know what was the reason of this nervousness but I can tell from his face it wasn't about the pain of syringe. It was about lily words. Lily shouldn't have said that. She just became too personal when she comes to fight which is absolutely wrong I know.

When I took of his syringe I didn't see a single sigh on his face of pain. He was too relaxed with syringe but wasn't replaced with my presence so I tried hurriedly to pack up my work.

"Mrs Emerson Ellia !" he called my name when I was about to leave picking up my tray

"Yes?" I said nervously as my heart beated twice in the same second

"Stop your friend to getting in my personal issues" he was not looking at me. He was pretending to use his phone while sitting on the hospital bed

"and why should I do that?" I asked

"Because I know you are not like her" was this a compliment from him? Or buttering I consider?

"Okay I'll try but she will not listen to me everyone knows"

"What's so called love who doesn't listen to her own friend" when he said this, a feeling of cherishness run up to my whole body

That was exactly Clare's words,My words.

I love to hear that

That was no doubt a peaceful meet up I had with the opponents batch

I will try my best to visit the Saturday trip but before that, I should know of the reason what's that credit card matter of morris

As Nick was also asking when we were at the sea view café, and now lily taunted him. But how lily know about his personal going on?

The only answer of my questions is the purple cards, Morris letters to Clare's

So instead of going to my job first, I went to the Jawahir Mall to make  my locker empty

There were 3 purple letters with some boxes but the boxes wasn't from Morris so I just picked up the letters and went towards my bar job.