
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Variation of Ancient Weapons


Somewhere in the Sojima warehouse on Xianjin Island, a dazzling flame shot up into the sky.

Is this the ancient weapon Narakville?

Looking at the spider-shaped machine in front of me, which is mainly pitch-black with a red central part, Nayue's eyes flashed brightly, and she raised her right hand slightly, a huge lavender inverted triangle appeared in front of her palm, and countless chains flowed from it. Gushing out, flying towards the spider machine.

Crack - cluck - cluck -

countless flying chains quickly bound the spider's six legs, Nayue swung her right hand outwards forcefully, the black chains pulled the mechanical spider's spider legs forcefully, sending out a shocking sound The sound of sour teeth. In the end, when the chain stretched to the straightest point, as if it had reached a critical point, all six legs were torn off, and the mechanical spider also fell powerlessly to the ground, unable to get up again because of the broken leg.

"No, there seems to be something wrong."

Seeing the spider machine still struggling on the ground, the vigilance in Nayue's eyes has not faded, and what is going on with this disgusting feeling.

"Oh my god, what are those?!"

Suddenly, a member of the security team pointed at the sky somewhere and exclaimed.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw densely packed, at least dozens of black shadows flying towards this side.

"It's really troublesome, this time."

Even that month, after seeing so many Narakvilles at once, he also seemed uneasy.

"That's right, I got it."

A security officer's intercom rang suddenly, and after the conversation, the security officer turned around and said, "Master Nangong. The leader of the Black Death Emperor faction hijacked the students of Caihai Academy. Asked to enter Here."

"Students of Caihai College?"

Nayue said calmly, "I see. Let them in."

"What is that guy Xiaoxue doing? Someone actually hijacked the students." Nayue muttered.

"Yeah, yeah, that Yuejiang, you have wronged me. I was threatened."

Without any warning, a colorful gap suddenly opened, and Ling Xue walked out of it, saying helplessly.

"Aren't I right?" Nayue rolled her eyes at the gap angrily. She was used to Ling Xue's elusive way.

"Okay, my pot, I'll save the shallow onion in a while, that's all right." Ling Xue, who was wearing blue armor, walked out of it, shrugging helplessly.

"Shallow Onion? Why did the Black Death Emperor kidnap him?" Nayue frowned.

"It's probably hacking technology. After all, you also know the black technology of that guy Lanyu Qiangong. And the Black Death Emperor faction probably wants to use this hacking technology to crack the secrets of ancient weapons, but they probably don't know I didn't expect such a change to happen."

"This is not suitable for Rabis to appear on the stage." Looking around, Ling Xue released the combined state. He opened the King's Treasure casually, and stretched his hand in, as if he was groping for something.

"Are you saying that these numbers of Narakville are not the work of the Black Death Emperor?" Nayue said.


Looking at the whole body in pitch black, several spider-shaped machines had already descended. Ling Xue nodded, and said casually: "These things are the product of the darkness of the world." "

Don't ask me what is the darkness of the world, or that sentence. You will know after you recover your memory."

She wanted to ask something again, Lingxue hurriedly stopped her, glanced at the results detected by the system, and murmured: "It turns out that because of the attachment of ancient weapons, most of the darkness has evolved to AAA level, and that one looks Has the unique guy evolved into an S-rank?"

"It's a little troublesome."

Ling Xue's hands were taken out from the King's Treasure, but there were ten iron-colored finger guards on top of the ten fingers, "It's just a little bit."


The body turned into an afterimage, and Ling Xue blinked Came into the encirclement of several spider machines. While moving quickly, he kept shaking his hands. Under the sunlight, silver light was reflected from time to time, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that there was nothing.

boom! boom! boom!

When all the spider machines saw someone attacking, the orange glass on their foreheads emitted a palpitating black light, shooting at the invading enemy, blasting deep pits one after another on the ground.

"What is that?" Nayue's eyes narrowed slightly, she could only faintly see something shining brightly at the fingertips of Ling Xue's hands. Not its own light, but refracted by the sun's rays.


Ling Xue's eyes narrowed slightly, and after dodging two shells on her side again, she jumped up and jumped into the sky with the help of the black spider machine, clenched her hands on both sides tightly, crossed and pulled towards her chest.

crunch! !

There was a piercing sound, and the spider machines that were attacking just now seemed to be bound by something. Some fell to the ground with their legs upside down, while others hung upside down in mid-air.

"It's stretched to this extent, but it still can't be cut?"

Obviously all Narakville has been completely controlled, but Ling Xue frowned.

The thread-like weapon that Ling Xue is currently holding is called 'Kaleidoscopic [Cross Tail]', which is a thread-shaped Teigu from Zhan Chitong, and has the ability to restrain and cut.

"Then..." Lingxue opened her hands again, ready to use the secret weapon in Teigu to deal with the spider machines in front of her. Although the silk thread was still tough, Ling Xue couldn't stand the huge force of breaking free continuously transmitted through the thread.

"Crimson with two horns!"

Not far away, a golden flash of lightning flashed, and it came to the front in the blink of an eye, crashing headlong into the pile of spider machines. The red light beast turned into a sharp blade and shuttled through the pile of spiders, cutting all the piles of spiders in half in the blink of an eye.

"Good job, Scarlet with Two Horns."

Xiao Gucheng in white trotted to Nayue's side, looking at all the enemies who had been 'solved' and said loudly.

I love your face. I made a big fuss, Mr. Gucheng, you are opposite, shouldn't the gank teammates be so obvious! ?

Taking a look at the mission's still zero kill count, Ling Xue who stopped in mid-air really couldn't complain. Originally, he wanted to use the hardest of the Teiju's silk threads known as "jieduanxian" to split their cores to solve them, but he didn't expect Xiao Gucheng to intervene horizontally.

The scariest thing about Narakville is not its power, but its ability to learn. As long as the original mechanical core is not damaged, it will take a while for Narakville to return to its original state, and the last similar attack that hurt him will be nullified.

That is to say, all the Narakvilles are now cut in half by the sharp attack, so when a similar sharp attack is used again, it will be invalidated.

The terrible learning ability combined with the dark super-speed regeneration of the world is really shameless.

"Gucheng, you see that it is too easy for me to deal with them, so you are here to make it more difficult for me."

After landing, Lingxue looked helplessly at Xiaogucheng in front of him.

"What increases the difficulty? Aren't those guys... eh?! Why did they come back to life again?!"

Just halfway through his words, Xiao Gucheng was surprised to find that those Narutos that had been divided into two by his beasts Lakweiler stood up again.

"Hahahaha, you don't know. As an ancient weapon, Narakville has an amazing resurrection ability. After all, they are organic life metals." The car of the Immortal Dynasty also arrived nearby at this time, Galdo Xiu carelessly dragged the hostage out of the car, not paying any attention to the fact that the guards on the side had already pointed their guns at him.

"But you should also be very surprised. Narakville and its leader machine actually started without anyone else." Ling Xue said with a half-smile.


Halfway through the laugh, Galdoxiu stopped there as if he was stuck when he heard Ling Xue say that, curling his lips.


After all the machines were reborn, Narakville, who was absolutely impossible to make a sound, roared one after another, and two scarlet eyes appeared on the orange glass in front of his forehead. A trace of black corrosive liquid actually flowed out from the mouth-like crack below.

Except for Ling Xue, everyone was surprised that the robot would actually roar like a monster, it's impossible.

All the black Narakweilers opened their mouths one after another, and strong fluctuations emerged from them, as if they were about to pour out their anger after being dismembered, and fired the black energy cannons in their mouths at everyone in the field.

"aegis (absolute defense circle)!"

The blue mask was erected, enveloping all the people. As for the Black Death Emperor faction, Ling Xue said that she had no time to care about his life and death.

"Light onion!!"

Xiao Gucheng looked at the explosion in surprise, and subconsciously ran towards the Black Death Emperor faction.

"Alright, Gu Cheng, I have rescued your little girlfriend." Ling Xue waved her hand, a colorful crack opened from the side of Xiao Gu Cheng, and the blond blue feather fell straight into Gu Cheng's arms.

"I just passed out."

Looking at the girl in his arms who was breathing steadily, Gucheng let out a long breath.

"Xiaoxue, what should we do next? If all these guys run into the urban area, then Ishigami Island..."

"That's why I told you not to use energy to supply such a small clone, for better maintenance The prison barrier is stable. It's okay to make small troubles, but if something happens, there's nothing we can do now." Ling Xue sighed.

"Don't be wordy." Nayue hit Ling Xue on the head lightly with the umbrella handle, "Say it quickly."

"Well, leave it to me, the darkness of the assembly stage is the worst to some extent , as long as their cores are destroyed."

In fact, Lingxue wanted to use the eight-door dunjia to increase her own strength, but she had tried it before, maybe because only the spirit body was summoned, so the eight-door dunjia could not be used at all. use. Even if it is used forcibly, it will be like a squib after use, with a 'chi' sound and then nothing.

Then let's try the summoning ability bestowed by the contract, I just haven't used it yet... Well... let her help.