
Second Coming of Gluttony: The Regend

Striving to achieve and surpass what the previous bearers of the mantle, Sasaki Kojiro had achieved. Always striving and living by the sword.

LazzyD · Komik
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23 Chs

Chapter 15

A/N: From henceforth Hiken- Tsubame Gaeshi will be Tsubame Gaeshi and Tsubame Gaeshi will simply be "Swallow Path" This is to destroy any confusion of the techniques/skills.

Kojiro's blade gleamed as the Monohoshizao soon split all the orcs in his sight.

"Hiken- Tsubame Mai!"

Six dashing strikes as they split the orcs evenly before transitioning to a Tsubame Gaeshi. Three strikes hit at once as the insects could not escape, the cockroaches were bigger than a swallow as they were dismembered into pieces. Each of the orcs stepped back as the gleam of Monohoshizao frightened them. It was a blade that had slain numerous wyverns and even the memory of a legendary dragon.

The orcs rushed at him all at once only for Kojiro to quickly counter them. Mind's Eye was working fast finding numerous openings to escape and take his stance once more. Each weapon strike was redirected or deflected into the ground as flashes of the laundry drying pole danced in the darkness of the laboratory. Teresa watched an elegant dance of death and skill as Kojiro swung at a speed that her eyes could barely keep up.

Pure technique was employed instead of strength and yet when Kojiro had seemingly been forced into a battle of strength a huge burst of mana propelled his strike as the orc lost balance before losing its head as it went rolling on the floor.

Kojiro sighed "You disgusting creatures just won't learn right?" Kojiro looked at the princess "Get ready we're getting out of here."

"Hiken- Tsubame Mure!"

Everything in his sight was cut down as he quickly grabbed Teresa and ran towards the nearest exit. He remembered something about a secret hiding place in the map. He ran with his steps infused with light bursts of speed. However just as he was about to get to the hiding place, his [Mind's Eye] passive warned him as he muttered an apology as he dropped the princess as his Monohoshizao was drawn in an instant. A bullet was split as sparks appeared, soon another bullet shot out as he continued deflecting it by using Mind's Eye to expose certain openings in order to predict the trajectory of the next bullet.

Teresa quickly opened the hideout with what strength remained as Kojiro split one more bullet before quickly heading in and shutting the door. Soon they crawled out of the hole as Teresa found a thunder. Kojiro snorted "That crystal is called a thunder? It looks like something you put on jewellery." Teresa glared at him "It's the weapon of the federation, they call it a thunder because of the sound it makes. You can put it on a piece of jewellery if you want to kill someone."

Kojiro smirked until he realised "We have to walk all the way over there?" Teresa glared at him "Well unless you have any other way to get there instantly yes." She snapped. Kojiro pondered a bit until he realised the only movement skill he had was mana burst powered steps.

As for the Lightless, Three-Stage Thrust it had the condition on there being an enemy or target. He couldn't shorten the distance with no target in sight. Kojiro sighed in defeat "Very well, I'll carry you until you recover enough strength to walk or run." Teresa was back in his arms as he headed towards the Arden Valleys, mana burst footsteps along with his agility managed to cover ground enough at least until he ran out of mana.

Now they were both forced to walk. Kojiro had trained in the mentality of a swordsman since he was the next inheritor of the mantle, Sasaki Kojiro. He would last, however his body was not so sure about that. Along with water, the only food he had was pocky. Quite a few boxes at that. Teresa was snapping at him for only bringing pocky.

Kojiro was dying, he didn't eat much in the first place, but this was the first time he felt like he was going to die of hunger. Yet his calm and chill mood did not falter. Instead he took entertainment in how many parasites would be able to reach within a ten meter radius of himself. They died the moment they entered his range. Teresa just kept walking until night fell. Kojiro looked at Teresa's condition, he knew he couldn't delay anymore so he would have to reach at least his temple.

He grabbed her and placed her on his back as she slept while walking continuously and yet he strangely felt content. He had the idea for a new technique and this was simply training at this point. To walk at different paces and different speeds he could alter the perception of time for a target.

[Formless Cuts (High), has been created]

Kojiro continued to walk until he found a cave, he walked in as he placed the princess on the floor. She was shivering as Kojiro sighed before placing his outer kimono vest on her. Her shivering lessened as Kojiro sat watching out for anything. In an instant Monohoshizao was drawn and pointed into the darkness of the cave.

Despite being tired and weak from lack of food, he still did not let any openings slip by, his voice still as smooth and his posture still as elegant as before. "I'd advise you to come out with your group, I have no intention of harming you unless you pose us harm. We are simply here to seek shelter until we can get home."

"An angel?" Kojiro raised his eyebrow.

"An angel, is it? It's been a really long time since I last heard someone call me by that name."

The black-winged figure replied. At first, there was a strong hint of toughness within that baritone voice, but thanks to the gentleness of how it was spoken, there was no doubt the voice belonged to a woman.

"Well, I was called that once upon a time."

Remorse could be felt from her voice.

"Well, on top of losing our place to be, we were even corrupted…. I longer possess the qualification to call myself an angel."

What was she talking about now?

"They are from the Federation."

Teresa had roused from her sleep as she explained.

"And, if my estimation is correct, then…."

She sneaked a glance at the black wings and continued on.

"…She must be a Fallen Angel."

Kojiro stared before nodding.

He knew almost nothing about these "Fallen Angels". Although they had taken the lead in establishing the giant unified nation called the Federation, the "Fallen Angels" were also a race alien to this planet. In other words, they were not natives of Paradise, just like Earthlings and Parasites.

Kojiro sighed as he asked once again "They are on our side I'm assuming?" Teresa nodded as Kojiro collapsed. It was no wonder he had collapsed, through sheer will power and discipline he remained awake for a week while carrying Teresa during the nights. Along with executing numerous techniques to kill the parasites he had long forced himself over the limit.

"How strange, a human that lacks the usual greed, instead prides himself in discipline."

"Been a long time since we have seen a human like this"

Kojiro found his head resting on Teresa's thighs until then. He forced his body to stand back up again. It was only right and proper that he expressed his gratitude to the fallen angels for providing them with some food.

The Fallen Angel opened her mouth first.

"Our situation being what it is, won't you set aside your hostile thoughts for a while? Yours and our positions are about the same right now, at least the way I see it."

Kojiro replied.

"Very well, I trust your honour."

A/N: Power stones people. Power stones!