
Second chance: My life that I never lived before

Perhaps life grants us a second chance, or perhaps it doesn't. If it does, make the most of it to avoid regrets. And if it doesn't, then create your own second chance. Don't wait for life, because time and life won't wait for you. In this novel, we will uncover how "Haneul" navigates a pivotal moment that will alter the course of her life. Will she seize this golden opportunity and transform for the better, or will she squander it away? Yet, this opportunity doesn't come without a price, for nothing in life is truly free. Along the way, she'll encounter more adversaries than allies. But amidst the challenges, the most unexpected twist awaits: she'll discover a love she never imagined possible.

Yangsuha · Fantasi
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3 Chs

My miracle is my second life.

The moment she stirred from her coma, a wave of astonishment swept over the doctors, nurses, Haneul's friends, and especially Suha's mom, each heart pounding with a mix of disbelief and sheer joy.

As emotions overflowed, leaving everyone speechless, their expressions mirrored the depth of their astonishment. The doctors, baffled by her awakening, grappled with the unprecedented nature of her recovery. Meanwhile, "Suha" and "Jay" found themselves swept up in a whirlwind of laughter and tears at the miraculous turn of events. Following thorough medical evaluations, confirming her remarkable state of health, they rejoiced in the certainty that she would soon return home, her journey to recovery nothing short of miraculous.

In the aftermath, she remained in a state of bewilderment, her gaze wandering aimlessly as she grappled with the surrealness of her situation, unsure if she had crossed over to the realm of the departed or was trapped in the confines of a dream. As the realization of her continued existence dawned upon her, a transformation swept over her countenance, steeling her resolve as if bracing for battle. Sensing her sudden shift, Suha gently inquired, her voice tinged with concern, prompting a deeper exploration of the tumult raging within her.

"Are you feeling alright? Is there anything you need or want?"

"But in response, she countered with a query of her : 'Did anyone else visit me during my coma, apart from you all? Specifically, a woman?' Her puzzled expression mirrored her curiosity as she questioned, 'A woman? Who could it be? Who visited?'"

Haneul: "Can you please tell me? Did anyone, particularly a woman, visit me while I was in a coma?"

Suha: "No, I don't think so. No one came to see you."

Haneul: "Wait, what?! What are you saying?"

Suha: "I mean it, Haneul. No one came to visit you, at least that I know of.

Haneul: "So, you're saying no one visited me, right?"

Suha: "Yes, as far as I know... Hold on a moment. Actually, now that I think about it..."

"Perhaps... Perhaps someone did come to see you when I wasn't around because sometimes I had to step out to change. But..."

Haneul: "But what?"

Suha: "But the CCTV footage would reveal if anyone did visit you."

Haneul: "But how do we find out? They won't just let us watch the CCTV."

Suha: "Who said we'd have to rely on their cooperation?"

Before Suha could finish her sentence, she swiftly retrieved her mobile phone from her pocket and called a number.

In that electrifying moment, Haneul's eyes widened with realization, sensing Suha's next move, he urgently exclaimed, "Wait, stop!Suha, what are you doing?" You can't do this. I won't allow it. Do you really want to risk getting him into trouble, especially when you know how important his dream is to him?"

Suddenly, Jay's voice echoed from Suha's phone, filled with determination and fervor, declaring, "I'm not sure what's going on, but count me in. I'm ready to take action and support whatever you're planning."

As we did not know before, Jay is a computer genius and his dream is to become a policeman in a crime department, to be able to arrest criminals only through the computer by tracking their traces.

His ultimate goal is to revolutionize crime-solving by leveraging his technological expertise to apprehend criminals solely through digital means, a pursuit fueled by his unwavering passion for justice and innovation.

Despite her initial reluctance, Haneul eventually relented and agreed after Suha's convincing. Subsequently, Suha persuaded Haneul to divulge the full story about the woman.

When she explained everything to her, she got scared and started crying, But "Haneul" told her that maybe she was just dreaming:

"I'm not sure. Anyway, I had a difficult operation and i was in a coma for a week".

As she says this, she seems unsure of her words.

Suha asked her: When you heard that, how did you feel? Is it like you are dreaming or not?

Haneul said: To be honest, when I heard that woman speaking, I felt as if I were awake, but my body was numb and unable to move, especially when she approached me and she started speaking into my left ear. I felt her breath inside my ear.

Suha replied, "If you were not dreaming, then you are right, and we will confirm it when we discover the truth, don't worry we here for you."

A week later, she was discharged from the hospital, after they discovered the truth and that she was right, and they knew that there was someone trying to kill her, and that car accident was planned, and because of that woman, Haneul's heart stopped because she turned off the devices.

So she decided to start planning revenge on the person who wanted to kill her ,when she told "Suha" and "Jay" about her decision, they asked her: Are you sure?

" Haneul " Said with a big smile on her face: I'm sure, but my revenge will be cold.

They liked it, and they started laughing because they did not expect that she was the same girl who had no goal in life.

Meanwhile, when they began searching for information related to that woman, who is her father's wife, they knew that family is rich and has many investments, and their companies are among the best and largest companies in the country.

Then "Haneul" looked into Suha's eyes, holding her hand, and said: Are you ready to become rich?

Suha replied: Just imagining this made me more excited.

After "Suha" finished her words, "Haneul" felt a headache and her nose was bleeding. Her body was there, but her mind was not there. Then "Jay" started looking at her strangely, saying, "What's wrong with you, Haneul? Are you Okay?"

She told him: I'm fine, I just need to rest, and she quickly went to her room,

But as she went to her room, she began to think about what had happened and what she had seen she didn't understand anything, after a few hours, she couldn't stop thinking about what she saw, so she decided to tell "Jay" about the matter, so she explained to him what had happened.

The place became filled with silence، because of the situation, "Jay" was shocked. He became unable to speak and he started talking to himself, and "Haneul" began to hear his thoughts," Is she beginning to imagine because of the coma? Has she become crazy?Should i take her to the hospital?

So she told him :Stop "Jay" I'm not crazy, and I'm not imagining things and I don't need a doctor, and just as I can hear your thoughts, this thing could happen to me. is that impossible ?

"Jay ":Now you are saying that you can see the future and not just people's thoughts?

"Haneul ": Probably yeah.

"Jay": then prove it to me

(Then he started looking into her eyes and holding her hand With expressions full of curiosity)

"Haneul": Wow, you are hiding a lot of things from us Mr Jay.

"Jay": what do you mean?

"Haneul ": if you do not withdraw your money, you will lose it soon .

"Jay":Whaaaaat?! when?

"Haneul":Tomorrow, there will be a scandal that will cause the company whose shares you bought to go bankrupt.

So he ran to his house, leaving "Haneul", and she called out to him: "Jay What about our main topic?" He told her, "Let's talk tomorrow when the company goes bankrupt."

Early in the morning, Haneul's phone started ringing, but she didn't hear it because she was asleep like a newborn baby, the phone kept ringing and no one was there to pick it up.

Then she heard Suha's voice waking her up, and she told her to wake up, breakfast is ready. You have become a lover of sleep. You used to wake up easily.

When she leaves her room, she is surprised to find Jay at the dining table, making strange looks, then he Said: Wow, you have new habits after you had head surgery.

Before "Haneul"could say anything to "Jay", "Suha" looked at "Haneul" and said, "New habits, like what?"Is there something that I don't know ?

They both said no at the same time, Which made "Suha" say after their answer " Obviously, there is something that I don't know".

They began to look at each other, their faces filled with tension and fear that she would discover what they were hiding from her,So "Suha" took her place and sat at a table. They were surprised when she started eating breakfast because she doesn't usually eat breakfast, she only drinks coffee in the morning.

"Haneul" asked her: Are you okay? Why are you eating breakfast? She quickly said to her, "I am excited about today. Something good will happen," and she started as if she had won the lottery.

After a few minutes, she quickly came out and they asked her where she was going. She told them, "I will go hunting for something."

"Jay" said in a low voice, "Oh," If it were not for our help, you would have become the hunter's victim, not the hunter himself ", they also left the house, and began to follow her, and when they noticed that she had entered a suspicious building, they began to get nervous, not knowing what would happen, but "Jay" told her that he trusted her vision.

When they reached the 4th floor, they became filled with fear, the people living in that building had strange shapes, not the shapes they are accustomed to meeting in their daily lives. There are illegal immigrants, single mothers, and addicts to gambling and drugs, meaning all types of people that you think you will never meet in your life, you will find them in that building.

When they arrived at the apartment, "Haneul" heard voices and knew that "Suha" was in danger, and they quickly entered. "Suha"was shocked and asked her,"What are you doing here"? she replied , "Are you stupid! We have come to save you from this fraudster."

She started laughing and said, "Sorry, my friends are afraid for me, they do the same thing everywhere I go." And she made them sit down and began to convince that person, and when he went to call someone, "Haneul"spoke to"Suha"about the matter, and"Jay"told her that they must get out of there as soon as possible,

but she refused, when they started to quarrel, and that person ended the call because of their noises.

"suha" said to "Jay" and "Haneul":

Listen, it's really not what you're thinking...

She whispered to "Haneul", "Read my thoughts and shut your mouth," with a smile in her face.

But it was too late when "Haneul" read his thoughts, she was surprised that the fraudster knew their plan.

She looked into Suha's eyes as if she was speaking through her eyes, hoping that she would understand what she was saying, when "Suha" knew that there was something she wanted to say to her and that they were in danger, she pressed a button that she was hiding in her pocket, but soon he received that impostor's call and the person he was talking to, told him that she had something in her hands.

They had a quarrel after that because the fraudster was trying to take that button from her hands.

He started destroying anything it will be a reason for his arrest when "Suha" told him it was too late and that the police were surrounding the building.

But the police quickly stormed the place and arrested him, and they found that all the evidence had been destroyed by the fraudster, When the police team leader started yelling at "Jay" and "Haneul", "Suha" told him that her friends didn't know anything, and they only wanted to protect her.

"Haneul" didn't like it because the team leader was screaming at her and her friends. She told him in a loud voice, " Sir Shut up now and listen carefully. Do you need evidence so you can arrest him?"

When everyone was surprised, she went to the fraudster and asked him a question

She asked him: Is there any evidence that will lead to the arrest of you and your partners? Then he started laughing and said to her: Seriously! Are you really waiting for me to tell you?

Then he approached her and said: You already told me where is the evidences

When she told this to the police and the team leader, she surprised everyone once again, but even the fraudster was more surprised to hear what haneul said.

He said to her with fear on his face, "How did you know when I didn't tell you?"

"Jay" and "Suha" became frightened and started laughing, hoping that they would not discover Haneul's secret. she answered him with a smile on her face: the ghosts told me that.

Then the police took him and went to the place where the evidence was, likewise, the team leader has many questions in his head to which he cannot find convincing answers, but thanks to "Haneul", the operation succeeded, and they arrested all the partners and those involved

But there is still something waiting for "Jay" and "Haneul" which is the interrogation that awaits them from "Suha".

As they took a seat on their favorite park benches, she began to speak, but Jay quickly interjected, urging her to listen attentively to their words.

Upon hearing the story of what had transpired and how they had become aware of her peril, she erupted into uncontrollable laughter and giggles, so loud that it drew strange looks from everyone around her.

Within the span of five seconds, "Suha" was struck by the undeniable truth, her laughter abruptly silenced. Tears welled in her eyes as she choked out, "Am I truly your friend? Do you honestly love me? Am I genuinely your sister? If so, why hide this from me?" Her heart ached with uncertainty, Her words echoed with vulnerability, a plea for reassurance amidst the confusion and hurt ,longing for reassurance from those she held closest to her.

Haneul" assured her that she didn't mean that Yet, she couldn't shake off her doubts either. They needed to confirm the truth of the matter, and once they were certain, they had to temporarily shield her from it until they could devise a plan to save her.

"Suha" looked at them with a heart overflowing with love and friendship, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy. With sincerity in her voice, she whispered, "I cherish you both dearly. From the moment we met as children, I knew our bond was special. Thank you for being my lifelong friends."

She enveloped them in a warm hug before unleashing a barrage of tickles, determined to elicit laughter from them with all her might.

"Jay" interrupted her with a grin, insisting they go grab some fried chicken. "Suha" raised an eyebrow in surprise, teasingly asking, "What's the special occasion? Since when do you enjoy spending money?" Then, with mock concern, she added, "Are you feeling okay? Is the end near"?

"Haneul" expressed to her that he would have been on the verge of a heart attack had she not intervened to save him from losing his money.

She told her that she found out he's into buying stocks and stuff, but she doesn't really get it.

Suha's eyes blazed with fury as she exclaimed, 'You knucklehead! You mean we've been treating you to snacks and grub while you've been hiding this?' With a mischievous smirk, he quipped 'Just a harmless prank among friends.' he dodging her flying shoe, she dashed off in pursuit, while 'Haneul' trailed behind, laughing and urging them to halt for a bite of fried chicken."

A week later, while she was at a convenience store, 'Haneul' sent a message to her friends, summoning them to meet at home urgently. There was an air of anticipation as she hinted at having something crucial to share.

After wrapping up her workday and making her way home, she discovered Jay and Suha already awaiting her arrival. With a curious expression on his face, Jay inquired, 'What's on your mind? Your message piqued our curiosity.'

She instructed him to wait while she changed her clothes and took a shower. As they waited for twenty minutes, both Suha and Jay were consumed by curiosity, wondering what she had in store to discuss with them.