
Second chance: My life that I never lived before

Perhaps life grants us a second chance, or perhaps it doesn't. If it does, make the most of it to avoid regrets. And if it doesn't, then create your own second chance. Don't wait for life, because time and life won't wait for you. In this novel, we will uncover how "Haneul" navigates a pivotal moment that will alter the course of her life. Will she seize this golden opportunity and transform for the better, or will she squander it away? Yet, this opportunity doesn't come without a price, for nothing in life is truly free. Along the way, she'll encounter more adversaries than allies. But amidst the challenges, the most unexpected twist awaits: she'll discover a love she never imagined possible.

Yangsuha · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Days before the incident

In the quiet hum of routine, "Haneul" drifted through her days like a leaf adrift on a gentle breeze, devoid of purpose or direction. Each day unfolded predictably, a monotonous rhythm devoid of excitement or ambition. Yet, amidst the mundane, there was something constant: the ever-present embrace of her headphones, a solitary anchor in the sea of aimlessness.

"My apologies, that was an oversight on my part. I neglected to provide any background information about the main character of our novel."

"Haneul" is a high school girl who entered the world under the shadow of loss, her mother passing away during childbirth. Raised by her doting grandfather, he showered her with love and care, treating her like royalty despite their modest living circumstances.

Although some say she is the lucky one, "But she thinks otherwise." she says to herself that she is unlucky because she lost her mother.

Due to her, her mother passed away, and for another inexplicable reason, she possesses the ability to hear the thoughts of those around her.

While some of her friends perceive it as a gift, she considers it a curse, for it reveals to her the true nature of people, unmasked by the falsehoods they weave.

When she was young, her grandfather gave her earphones for her birthday, so she couldn't hear other people's thoughts or feelings. Therefore, she considers them to be her only treasure remaining from her grandfather.

Of course, her best friends, "Jay" and "Suha", sometimes use her ability when they want to buy something or ask teachers about things related to the class. I mean, they're easily using her, but they love her a lot. They have a wonderful friendship. They have been helping her since childhood, so she cannot say no to them when they ask for her help. In fact, she uses her ability to read other people's minds only for the sake of "Jay" and "Suha" and does not use it for herself.

While she was leaving college, she felt as if something was watching her. When she went to her part-time job, she felt the same thing, but she could not find anyone watching her. When she returned home, she told to "Suha" what had happened to her during the day. Then "Suha" answered her.

"Are you crazy? Someone watching you from a distance? Who do you think? Yeah, it's your wild imagination no sorry it's not that what I mean, it's your shadow darling,

People have no business watching you. It's because you're tired, so you should to rest."

Haneul said to Suha:

"Yes, I am tired because of study and work, but I am not crazy. I am sure that someone was following me and watching me from a distance. "

Her friend became suspicious when she felt the seriousness of the matter, so her facial expressions changed, and she became pale and worried.

Two days later, "Haneul" is surprised with an envelope with her name that she received from her friend "Suha's" mother, which her grandfather left to her. How? And why? Let's go back to the day when they were talking about someone's watching her. Meanwhile, "Suha's" mother overheard them by chance because they live in the same house. She considers "Haneul" like her daughter, so she remembered the secret that "Haneul's" grandfather had told her before he died. He gave her the envelope and told her the secret that would make "Haneul" change her life. So she started thinking about whether the right time had come to give it to her or not, after hearing what happened to her.

She decided to confront the truth that she had never known before.

"Haneul" was surprised when she was told that it was left to her by her grandfather. When she started reading it, the color of her face became as if there was no blood on her face, Her facial expressions stopped as if time had stopped.. She couldn't believe what she was reading.When "suha's" mother told her that what your grandfather wrote was the truth, "Haneul" started to feel like her world was fading away.She was shocked; she didn't expect that, so what she read made her feel bad.

She quickly left the house after she had finished reading the letter.Not only that, but she began to wonder why he didn't tell her the truth when he was alive,

" why he didn't tell me? why I had to live this feeling?, was he afraid that I would leave him after I know the truth?! He did not know me well, No matter what happens, I will not give up on him."She did not return home, and they became worried about her.At that time, she was sitting in a park and thinking about one question:Why did he not tell me the truth, and she forgot what she read in the envelope?At that moment, her close friend called her, and she was...While she was thinking about the only question that confused her, she received a call from "Suha" who was worried about her, so she told her that she was on her way home. Before she could complete her sentence, she felt something coming quickly from behind her, and when she turned around, a car hit her. She fell to the ground and said to herself that "this was the end of my story. I would meet my grandfather and ask him why he didn't tell me the truth".

"At that moment, when she was facing death, she was only thinking about one question: Why didn't he tell me the truth?"

Meanwhile, when blood was coming out of her head, someone got out of the car and she heard the thoughts of that person saying, "Sorry, but I have no choice.I have to live.I hope you get a second chance a second life to take revenge on those who want you dead, and then... Until you forgive me, I will help you until you take revenge. You can use me as you want I'll be there for you but now I'm so sorry". Meanwhile, "Suha" quickly went out when she heard the sound of the car and was surprised to see her friend on the ground lying with blood around her, so she called an ambulance, and they went to the hospital. She had lost a lot of blood, and the doctor said that her condition was critical. She will not be able to survive, and If the operation succeeds, she will remain in a coma for life. When they heard these words from the doctor, "suha"and her mother and their friend "Jay", began to cry, They didn't expect to lose their friend in such a painful way.

The operation took a long time, and hours later she left the operating room, and they allowed people to see it for only 5 minutes per person after transferring her to the recovery room.

Three days later, someone entered and started talking about her mother and her, saying that she must die as her mother died. She lived for a long time, so her presence is the biggest mistake in this life but "haneul" she was listening even though she was in a coma.Her life was like hell because of her mother, but even though her husband didn't know about the existence of his daughter, she was living in a state of panic because of her, and from now on she will not worry anymore because she will end "haneul's presence in this world.

"But she doesn't know what life has in store for her."

She turned off the devices that were keeping "Haneul" alive and ran out without anyone seeing her.

Fortunately, "Suha" arrived to check on her friend, her heart pounding with fear when she cautiously entered the room."Suha" rushed to her Haneul bedside, only to discover the life-sustaining machines ominously silent. Panic surged through her veins as she screamed for help, the urgency of the situation palpable in her frantic calls for the doctor. With a sense of dread hanging heavy in the air, she watched as medical staff swarmed around, their hurried movements a blur of white coats and beeping monitors.

In a heart-stopping moment, the doctor's face contorted in shock as he realized the gravity of the situation. With swift precision, he sprang into action, his hands a blur of motion as he fought to revive her failing heart. Time seemed to stand still as the room filled with the deafening silence of anticipation, broken only by the frantic beeping of machines.

Then, a collective gasp filled the room as the monitors finally registered a faint pulse, a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. But as the medical team worked tirelessly to stabilize her condition, 'Suha' knew that the battle was far from over. With bated breath, she clung to the fragile thread of hope, praying for her friend's miraculous recovery and the chance to awaken from her coma.

After a week of being in a coma, she miraculously awakens, filling the hearts of everyone around her with newfound hope and wonder. Her unexpected recovery defies all medical expectations, leaving everyone pondering whether it's a second chance bestowed upon her by life or a testament to her unyielding will for revenge, or a trial of her strength and determination? Only time will reveal the true nature of this extraordinary turn of events."

Perhaps life will give you a second chance or it will not give you. If it gives you a second chance, use it well so that you do not regret it. If it does not give you, then create a second chance for yourself and dont wait life , because Time and life will not wait for you.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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