
Second chance: My life that I never lived before

Perhaps life grants us a second chance, or perhaps it doesn't. If it does, make the most of it to avoid regrets. And if it doesn't, then create your own second chance. Don't wait for life, because time and life won't wait for you. In this novel, we will uncover how "Haneul" navigates a pivotal moment that will alter the course of her life. Will she seize this golden opportunity and transform for the better, or will she squander it away? Yet, this opportunity doesn't come without a price, for nothing in life is truly free. Along the way, she'll encounter more adversaries than allies. But amidst the challenges, the most unexpected twist awaits: she'll discover a love she never imagined possible.

Yangsuha · Fantasi
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3 Chs

A decision that will alter their lives.

After 20 minutes of waiting, her friends "Suha" and "Jay" felt like they had been waiting for 5 hours out of curiosity, because she left them confused.

"Haneul" emerged from the bathroom wearing her mother's favorite clothes among the things she left behind after her death, and what her grandfather had kept for her. while they started gazing at each other, their faces showed their shock as she dared to wear what her mother had left behind for the first time. It became apparent to them that something was coming and it was not a good sign.

"Haneul" sensed their nervousness while sitting in front of them, due to the fact that she had never done it before.

She spoke after a brief pause and informed them that she had made a decision that could alter her life. Although she was uncertain about the outcome, she would utilize the abilities she had acquired.

Despite fearing what would come from her, "Suha" inquired about her decision because she had no idea about it.

Haneul's statement that she would seek revenge on those who caused her life to be like this caused them to laugh as they couldn't comprehend her words.

When they was not taken her seriously, she told them that she wasn't joking ,their perception was that the matter was serious and the decision she had made was not easy.

When she mentioned that she didn't make this decision overnight ,She acknowledges that it's not easy, but she has a strategy to begin with, She shared with them her plan, actions to be taken, and precautions to take, as a single mistake could result in the loss of their plan.

Upon hearing all the details, they informed her: "If one hand doesn't clap, we must have many hands to clap well". In other words, they will be helpful.

Graduating from school and studying abroad at the best prestigious universities is the most important thing to start. During their conversation, Suha's mother unknowingly heard their conversation.

After they told her and were able to persuade her, she told them that 'if you want your plan to succeed, you need to graduate and attend the universities you desire, you will require a significant amount of money, as you mentioned.They informed her, with a smile on their face, that finding money is very simple.

She was filled with anxiety while asking them how to do it so easily, before they could reply to her question, she stopped them from talking and stated that they were not allowed to break any laws, She was assured by them that there is no law violation.

When she was informed that after a coma, "Haneul" was able to see a person's future.

When Suha's mother found out what had happened to her, she began to cry and said to her, It is not enough that you have been suffering since your childhood to hear lies and what is on people's minds. Will you also see their future?

She told her that she would make good use of her abilities this time, She shouldn't worry because she will protect herself and her family, which means her friends and Suha's mother. She considers them her only family after her mother and grandfather died.

After graduation from university, years passed "Haneul" after returning to Korea, she has become more beautiful and intelligent than before, and her clothes reflect her strong personality. Her friends were waiting for her at the airport to pick her up.

When their gazes met, they rushed towards her and embraced her, as they had been separated for a considerable period of time.l

"Haneul" and her friends also started crying, demonstrating the depth of their friendship and love that cannot be bought with money.

Upon completing their embrace, they proceeded to the vehicle. As "Haneul" settled into the back seat, she gazed at the sky of her homeland and the Han River. The familiar scent evoked nostalgia, causing tears to well up in her eyes.

Upon observing Haneul's tears, Suha inquired about her well-being with concern, asking what was troubling her. In response, "Haneul" expressed a sense of confusion regarding her emotions, describing them as a blend of yearning and a desire for retributions.

"Jay" inquired whether "Haneul" previously discussed plan remained unchanged, specifically regarding her desire for retribution. His query pertained to the possibility of her having relinquished thoughts of revenge, considering the transition from adolescence to adulthood, along with the development of her personality and social standing.

She answered him with a tone of certainty, "Have all these years that I lived far from my country and my family not made you certain enough?"

Then he began muttering after hearing what she had told him. He assured her, "No, no, I'm certain. I was simply inquiring out of caution."

At that moment, Suha raised her hand, paused, and said to him: If you had not been driving the car, and I'm afraid we will die before our revenge plan, I would have punched you like Yuh Myung-woo used do to his opponents.

He informed her that, thankfully, he is presently behind the wheel of the vehicle. With unwavering confidence, he inquired about the identity of "yuh myung-woo." In that moment, "Suha" yielded to his absurdity and informed him, "I choose not to respond to your question." He then proceeded to ask her, "Is he at least as attractive as I am?" To which "Suha" confidently replied, "Indeed, he possesses charm and most notably courage, unlike an unpleasant individual such as yourself."

"Haneul" told him, with her eyes closed, that he is a boxing champion and a legendary fighter who lost only once, and this indicates that he won all the rest of the fights.

He answered her, saying, with a display of pride evident on his face. Mr Yuh was certainly much more handsome and brave than I. Anyone who represents our country, I accept, will be more handsome than I.

Following a period of silence lasting 5 seconds, they started giggling loudly when they heard what "Jay" said.

"Suha "put her hand on his head and said, "Yes, when it comes to your homeland, you are a different person. That's why I love you, and despite your foolishness, you will remain my dear friend because you are a good person inside and out."

After a period of driving, "Haneul" succumbed to travel fatigue and fell asleep. Upon their arrival at their residence, she was roused from sleep as the vehicle came to a halt.

Suha's mother was waiting for them, preparing Haneul's favorite dishes.

As Suha's mother was in the kitchen, they entered the house and "Haneul" inquired, "Is this the sensation one experiences upon returning home after a prolonged absence and yearning for familiar cuisine?"

Upon hearing her voice, she turned and expressed, "I longed for you, my dear daughter." These words brought tears streaming down Haneul's cheeks.

"Suha" experienced feelings of envy following their embrace, and asked her mother, "Have you not missed me?" She tried to embrace her mother too, but her mother gently rebuffed her, stating, "You are always at my side. I wonder why I would like longed you.

"Suha" expressed that she felt like "It seems as though I am being bullied" This led to laughing on the part of those present.

Another person was unable to control himself after he smelled the delicious smell of food and said to them, "Are you going to spend the whole day embracing each other and hearing Suha's jealousy?"

Jay's deep appreciation for the culinary delights crafted by Suha's mother stems from years of familiarity, nurtured by frequent visits to Suha's home and their enduring friendship since childhood.

After finishing their meal,Haneul retired to her customary room,her mind abuzz with anticipation for what lay ahead. Just as she settled in, "Suha" entered, her perceptive gaze catching the signs of fatigue etched on Haneul's face. With genuine care, she advised Haneul to rest, recognizing the importance of rejuvenation.

She mentioned that, despite her desire to unwind, she couldn't afford to take a break.

Suha lovingly persuaded Haneul to surrender to much-needed sleep, tenderly closing the curtains to shield her from the intrusive daylight streaming through the window.

She swiftly exited the room, leaving Haneul to rest.

When Haneul awoke she ventured outside,only to find the daylight still glaringly bright. With a comedic sigh, she lamented to herself, "I can't even manage to steal a measly one hour nap!"

As Suha chuckled, Haneul remarking that it felt like a half hour had passed, to which Suha jokingly replied, "Well, welcome to a brand new day!"

Her own words left her stunned, disbelief written all over her face. It wasn't until I pointed to the clock on her phone that she finally accepted the truth, her eyes widening in surprise as she realized it was indeed a new day, and she had woken up unusually early.

She expressed her heartfelt thanks to her friend, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep and feeling refreshed and fully prepared to execute her plan.

Several hours later, "Jay" arrived and informed her, "I'm all set now."

Hours earlier, when Haneul called him, she instructed "Jay" to gather all the essential documents for their meeting.

He mentioned the upcoming visit to the company, where she had recently become one of the largest shareholders. However, she hesitated, insisting they wait until they were fully prepared, foreseeing the challenges that lay ahead.

Facing financial hardships, she seized the opportunity to purchase shares in her father's company, transforming adversity into an advantage. However, she chose to keep her true identity hidden, a secret known to no one.

In recent years, "Haneul" found herself ascending the ranks of wealth,despite her time spent studying abroad.However, as she delved deeper into her abilities, tapping into the power to hear others' thoughts and glimpse into the future, her wealth dwindled.

Haneul's transformation into a discerning individual has equipped her with the skill to effectively manage and harness her exceptional abilities.

Adversity molded her into a resilient individual, adept at seizing every opportunity that came her way. Circumstances have a way of pushing us beyond our limits, nudging us to undertake actions we once deemed daunting. It's not a matter of lacking strength or capability; rather, it's about finally having the chance to rise to the occasion.

Following a two-week interval, conversations ignited about the identity of the shareholder, Unbeknownst to them, this covert shareholder harbors intentions of dismantling their endeavors.