
Second Chance Mates Nova and Braxton's Story

Being a werewolf is supposed to be exciting. The excitement of your first shift and finding your mate (soulmate) is supposed to be the biggest milestone in a werewolf s life. Your supposed to love your mate, have pups and live happy with them. Well, I am going to tell you that, that is not entirely true. Nova You see my Father is the Alpha of the Red Eclipse Pack and on my 18th birthday you would think that being the eldest child that he would pass down the title of Alpha to me. He refused to do so. He is giving it to my brother who is 17 years old. All because he is a boy. That is pure sexist if you ask me. But that is here nor there. Because of the events that happened on my birthday I am no long a member of this pack. Somethings that I knew nothing about and were out of my control. But my father banished me, and I was still being hated by my pack, is one thing, being rejected by your unfaithful mate is another. Especially, in front of your entire friends and family. That almost kills your wolf. But to being banished your own Alpha father that breaks me. Thanks to these event Nova is a rogue. Will she be able to survive out there on her own? What happens when she meets her second chance mate? Will she let her past affect her and cause her to run away? Or will she stay with her new mate? Braxton Braxton took over the Himalayan Pack at 18-years old when his father stepped down. He has been looking for his mate/Luna for 3-years. But has not been able to find her. He has started to think that she doesn’t exist till he starts catching her faint scent around town. But everywhere he goes he misses her. No one seems to know who she is. Once he finally finds Nova, he doesn’t want to let her go. But will Nova accept Braxton for who he is? Will he be able to accept her past and help *her move on from it? Read the story to find out!

Luna81986 · Fantasi
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35 Chs

Chapter FIFTEEN (15)

"Braxton what are you talking about? My father took my Alpha title away."

"You remember that trip that my dad went on?" I asked her

"Yes, of course I do, it was for some pack business for you." Nova said.

"Not technically, he to the Elder Council on your behalf, please don't be mad at him. That is what the trip was" I said

"I'm not. Shocked but not mad at all. Confused." She said.

"It's ok, everything will be ok. Tomorrow when Elder Royce comes for your Luna Ceremony, he is going to announce you as your true and rightful title. Alpha-Luna Nova Sky Daniels." I said.

"Wow, so I do get my title after all. And your father did that for me?" she said still surprised and happy about it.

"Yes, because to him, you're his daughter and one day you will be a Waylon too." She said

"Someday Braxton." She said and winked

"Really Nova. You want to marry me someday?" I asked

"Well, yes, I wouldn't want to have a different last name then our future pups and I want to marry you in the future. There I said it." She told him. Then he grabbed her and kissed her.


Yesterday, Braxton told me that I would be getting my Alpha title to which I am entitle. This makes me nervous, excited, happy, and anxious all at once. I have never had so many emotions flow through me all at once like this before. I look outside and I see the stage is all set up and all the chairs are ready for the pack. Athena, Rosalie, and the pack cooks have been working on all of the food for the pack BBQ in celebration for today. I didn't want the traditional party. I wanted a BBQ, something new and different. I like easy foods, backyard foods and nothing fancy. Athena loved the idea.

So, here it is 4 p.m. I have showered, dressed in my light blue of shoulder sun dress with white wedge sandals. I did my makeup and my hair. I even wore the jewelry that Easton and Violet had given me for my birthday. I am really missing them today. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said. The door opened and I never expected to see Easton standing there looking at me.

"Hey Sky, man have I missed you!" Easton said. I looked shocked, ran into his arms, and gave him the biggest hug in the world.

"East, I have missed you, wait what are you doing here? How did you get here?" I asked him. He handed me an invitation to my Luna ceremony." He said.

"Your mate, Alpha Braxton and his Father Alpha Garrett invited me. Said that I needed to be here for my little sister. Don't worry about dad, Okay. But we do need to talk about him." He said.

'Why East he banished me on my birthday after I couldn't shift because of Jordan." Why should I care what he has to say" I asked?

"Because Charlie was going to name you Beta, instead of Jordan and that put a target on your back. Dad also knew that your true mate was Braxton, two-months before Jordan found out you were his mate. He did it to protect you. He didn't think you would have believed him if he told you." He said

He is right I wouldn't have believed him. My father was known for doing things for good reasons. Maybe banishing me was for a good reason. But why didn't he just tell me. Why didn't Charlie tell me he was going to name me Beta, I overheard him telling dad, but he never told me. I am a strong She-Wolf I could have defended myself against Jordan as I am stronger than him.

"Well, he is right on that one. I wouldn't have. But I do believe you Easton. You have never lied to me. I know what you're saying about Charlie is true. I overheard him tell Dad that a month before I left. Dad was ok with us running the pack together. But even if I were your Beta once Braxton found me, I would have gone with him." I said.

"I know Sky, that's why I need a favor from you..." He said

"What do you need East?" I asked him.

"I need you to name your replacement for Beta. I can take over till I have a replacement for you." He said. I laughed.

"East, you're a shithead. That's easy, Beau. He is the only other person I trust besides you, Stella, Violet, and mother from that pack now." I said

"Beau it is then. Thank you. I will be taking over now since I'm 18." He said.

"That's great East, I am really happy for you." I said

Braxton walks into the bedroom. Smiles when he sees me and walks over to me and hugs me. He looks at Easton and shakes his hand. They talked for a few minutes. I went into the other room for a few minutes for a couple of minutes alone. I knew these would be the last few minutes to myself that I would have for a long while. Because I was ready to take the next step with my mate and I knew I had to tell him. But with the ceremony today, and all the responsibility that comes with it, I know that things are going to change a lot.

"Hey, Nova the ceremony is going to start soon, we have to head down love." Braxton said.

'Ok, I am ready. Let's go." I said. I smiled and he kissed me on my cheek. The three of us headed down to the ceremony. I went and sat with everyone else. While Braxton was sitting on stage with Elder Royce and Alpha Garrett. Now my nervous really were kicking in and I felt like I was going to be sick.

------------------------------------------------------Luna Ceremony--------------------------------------

"Good afternoon, Himalayan Pack. It has recently been brought to the council's attention that when our pup and are not treated fairly or correctly it affects the whole werewolf community. It has been brought to our attention that your future Luna was never given her proper birthright title. The council has decided that there is no reason why she can't have her title and I am here to present her with her titles today." Elder Royce said and the whole pack cheered, Nova blushed.

"Nova And Braxton will you both please join me?" he asked. They both joined him on stage.

"Do you Alpha Braxton Waylon of Himalayan Pack Accept Nova Daniels as your mate, and Alpha-Luna in this pack from this day forward?" he said.

"Yes, I do!" Braxton said and sliced his hand over the bowl.

"Do you Nova Daniels accept Alpha Braxton Waylon as your mate and Alpha?" he said

"Yes, I do" I said and sliced my hand over the bowl and the grabbed Braxton's hand.

"Do you Nova accept the title of Alpha-Luna of the Himalayan pack from this day forward" Royce asked.

Nova was excited and nervous and didn't know what to say, she couldn't mink-link Braxton. But the look on his face. The look of pure love, ecstasy, bliss, and so happiness made her know that she was about to make the right decision.

"Yes, I do." She said and she felt this power surge with in her. she could he people in her head, and the main one was Braxton. You did it babe, I love you Alpha-Luna. She just looked at him and smiled. They looked at their hands and they have already heeled. The crowed had cheered and bowed.

"Alpha-Luna Nova would you like to say a few words?" Royce said.

"Yes, thank you. Hello, I am Nova Sky Daniels Alpha-Luna. That is something I will have to get used to. (The crowd laughed) I will strive to be the best Alpha-Luna that I possibly can be. If you need me, I will be here, I will try to help in the best of my ability. Thank you all." I said.

There was a pack BBQ afterwards. Everyone had a wonderful time. There were lots of food, drinks, and games. Everyone had a blast. There was lots of music, and dancing. It was an exciting time for everyone. The younger kids had a blast till it was time for them to head to bed. The BBQ Party last till late in the night. Nova got to meet just about everyone in the pack, so many people that she met. That meant so many fresh faces and names to remember. But Nova did her best to remember as many faces and names as she could possibly remember. As soon she will be able to remember them all. Once she mates with Braxton it will all become a lot easier for her.