
Second chance from the devil

Josieaeshma · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

chapter 3

" Then you leave me with no other choice but to send you back to my hellpit"

Raguel felt like an arrow was shot at his heart. It hurt him a lot whenever he thought of the hell he had been through.

How could Lucifer be so insensible. Didn't he have a heart at all.

" You more than anyone know that I have no heart" Lucifer said full of sarcasm.

Lucifer was a great fan of seeing others suffering.

He enjoyed torturing others because it was the only thing capable of making him smile a sincere smile.

He knew Raguel's weakness and he surely was going to use it against him.

" You tell me your choice. Do you choose hell or freedom?" he asked with a knowing smirk.

Raguel was quiet for a moment. " I choose hell" he said with a sigh.

Lucifer was incredibly shocked. How could a person be so stupid.

Regardless of how much hatred he had anyone would choose freedom but the fool before him chose hell.

" I suspect that high temperatures have affected your thinking capacity. I think you need some rest in order to think better" he said with a worried look on his face.

" How about giving me back my form first?" Raguel asked.

Lucifer nodded and summoned a demon. The demon was holding a bowl which he gave to Raguel.

It was filled with blood. Only human blood could give him his form back.

He emptied it very fast. He waited to feel changes in his body but nothing happened. He stared at Lucifer with a frown.

" You will get what you ask for only when you make up your mind" Lucifer said with a smirk.

Raguel felt like tearing Lucifer into pieces.

" You are disgusting" he said bitterly.

Lucifer let out a laughter. " I know. But how about I show you my new bride" he said proudly.

Raguel felt like laughing at Lucifer. Ever since a long time ago Lucifer never got the privilege to stay with his bride for long.

The longest he could stay with a bride was merely one hundred and twelve years.

He always separated from his bride in one way or another.

Whenever he separated from a bride he always killed them. That was how kind he was to his ex wives.

It was a curse he had that would never leave him. It was there and would always be there.

Lucifer summoned his demons and ordered them to bring in his wife.

The doors to the hall opened and she walked in majestically.

She had a long silky hair that covered her entire back with a glowing skin.

She was perfectly curved with an ample bosom. She had a beautiful face with green eyes.

' What kind of a demon has green eyes?' he thought. He decided to let go of the thought.

Her small beautiful lips looked kissable.

She had the most magnetic body Raguel had ever seen.

He had considered Lilith beautiful but she was nothing compared to this girl.

He could only imagine how it would feel to have her naked and touching her. His eyes rested on her mighty chest.

He was trying his level best not to get any crazy ideas but it was of no use.

Only if she was not Lucifer's bride...

" Don't you dare get crazy ideas" Lucifer threatened.

Raguel had learnt the hard way never to mess around with Lucifer's women.

He would never again attempt such a thing in his life.

However seeing this lady before him was not doing him any good.

" What is her name" he asked. " Carmilla " came the reply.

He found her name very beautiful. ' What a nice combination' he thought.

His heart sunk when he remembered how ugly he looked at the moment.

" You will go take a rest and think of your choice carefully "Lucifer told him and ordered a demon to take Raguel to his room.

In no time at all he was in his room. What should he think about now?

Should he think of helping Lucifer out or of taking his revenge on him.

He could easily choose not to help him but that would not be of any benefit to him.

But he still had his doubts about trusting the devil's words.

What if Lucifer failed to keep his word then what would become of him.

His head was spinning from all the thoughts running through his mind.

He laid on the bed to take a rest. He was feeling extremely weak. Even a rat would have defeated him in a one on one fight.

His body was still like a corpse. It would only revive if he consumed human blood.

Demon blood would not heal him unless the demon gave it to him willingly.

Given by the circumstances none would be willing due to fear of the devil.

His thoughts raced through his head till he fell asleep.

It had been a long time ever since he last slept. At least now he was free to sleep.

He woke up when he sensed the presence of someone else in his room.

He could not sense any dark power so he felt that it was not a demon.

He searched around but he could not see anyone.

He stood up and tried to use his senses but he could not feel anyone.

That was very strange. ' Maybe I am imagining things ' he thought.

He walked to a mirror and stared at his image. He clenched his fists when he remembered how Lucifer had tricked him into drinking a wild animal's blood earlier.

If he ever got his strength back the first thing he would do was challenging Lucifer to a duel.

" For how long have you been in this state?" a soft voice asked.

Raguel turned around immediately to see who it was. ' Carmilla?' he thought.

Was she the same person he felt the presence of.

" It had been a thousand and twelve years five months three days and thirteen hours been in this state" he replied.

Carmilla was shocked. How could anyone survive all that?

" What do you want?" Raguel asked. " I want to help you out" she said simply.

Was she serious. Raguel doubted it. He thought this was one of Lucifer's tricks " Is Lucifer the one who sent you?" he asked.

" No I have come on my own " she replied softly. He saw her pull down a dress a bit revealing her left shoulder.

Then she placed her hand on her neck. " Go ahead " she said.

Raguel was not sure of what action to take. He didn't trust her but he decided to take the risk.

He moved closer to her and sunk his teeth into her flesh. He started sucking her blood.

Immediately he felt blood flow to his heart then moved up to other body parts.

He could feel his veins opening. He was not having enough and kept on sucking her blood until she pushed him away.

He felt his flesh growing and his skin softening. He could see it regaining it's pale colour.

He felt his hair grow and becoming silky again. Then he felt his first pulse after so many years.

He took in a very deep breath and he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eyes. He could tell that his eyes had regained their colour.

He could now breath and his pulse was steady.

He walked to the mirror and saw that he was normal again.

But his eyes were different. They were black and his pupil looked like burning lava.

He felt more power in him than before. He felt like he was in a dream.

He turned around and looked at Carmilla with gratitude. " Thank you for your help " he said softly.

A bright smile formed on Carmilla's face. It was the most enchanting smile Raguel had ever seen.