
Second attraction

Kendra wanted to work. Darrel wanted her to stay home with the kids. They argued. She stormed out and a picture of her crushed car and her wedding ring returned to him. Years later he meets Cheryl who makes his insides turn like she did.... And everything she does reminds him of her.... But he finds out she has amnesia Could it be the same person ?? But she has a different face.....he thought..

_Kathylawrence5 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Chapter seven

Cheryl's POV

I went downstairs after freshening up...yeah I decided to take a shower and change my outfit but I realized this wasn't my room when I came out of the shower.

I didn't have anything to change into...

I sighed and went to Darrel's closet to find some sweatpants and I found lots of them...

This man has everything!!!from formal to casual wears and I'm a little jealous....

The one I took looked a bit new and feminine so I guessed it belonged to his wife or something?

He wouldn't mind if I wore it ....would he??

Yeah so currently in the living room, I saw him having a talk with Bennet but turned when he felt my presence. I smiled at him when I noticed him staring at the sweatpants.

"I didn't know where my bags are so I decided to borrow your sweatpants...hope you don't mind?"

I saw his expression change but he masked it up "oh not at all!! I'm not bothered...." he drawled and I smiled. I'm sure my eyes gleamed coz he seemed lost in them.

Brenda spouted suddenly and I couldn't help but feel a little hurt....

I don't know why her attitude affects me so much

But I smiled in amusement when someone's stomach growled and I saw Bennet's cheeks tainted pink.....

Boy's hungry....lol

"I think I have to make something quick for them...I hope that's okay?" I asked with a smile

"Sure" Darrel said

"Whatever" Dearest Brenda mumbled

"Yayyyyyyyy!"Bennet beamed

"Umm...can you take me to the kitchen?" I asked

"Oh sure! Let's go" he said and I followed like a kitten.

I decided to make spaghetti bolognese with mozzarella cheese since it was the simplest meal I could make at the moment and got all the ingredients ready with Darrel's help.

I tried reaching out for a strainer from one of the shelves but I couldn't reach it and I rolled my eyes after several attempts.

Trust me I'm not that short.....

I felt a hand snake around my waist while the other slid up my outstretched arm and reached for the strainer.

Damn these freaking chills!!

(Ps: adult stuff below....I'm not going to tell the minors not to read cos I know they'll read 😏anyways....have fun😁😁😁😁)

🎶skin by Rihanna

He set the strainer down and turned me by my waist so I face him and I realized how close we were when I felt his breath on my forehead .

He tilted my head up a bit so I was looking at  his eyes while he stared at my lips . He glided his other hand down to my ass and gave it a slight squeeze which made me suck in a breath and I could feel his erection because of our close proximity

I looked down to see his lips slightly parted which made me lick my lips and he let out a breath when I licked my lips and I could feel his lips pulling me towards him, drawing me in for a kiss- the kiss I've always wanted

You can't blame me....the man is fine!!!!!

He brought his lips closer to mine and I closed my eyes in anticipation for what's going to happen

He let out a little breath on my lips and I could feel my insides burning and churning

Finally he closed the little distance between us and pressed his lips against mine

The feeling was inexplicable. The kiss was a heated one. A mind blowing one. The way our lips danced together in the perfect rhythm -oh my gosh it was a kiss of passion!

It felt like I finally managed to quench my thirst.....a thirst that couldn't be quenched by water and I couldn't be happier. I felt satisfied. Full. Trust me I wanted more. More of this man. And I'll make sure I get him.