
Second attraction

Kendra wanted to work. Darrel wanted her to stay home with the kids. They argued. She stormed out and a picture of her crushed car and her wedding ring returned to him. Years later he meets Cheryl who makes his insides turn like she did.... And everything she does reminds him of her.... But he finds out she has amnesia Could it be the same person ?? But she has a different face.....he thought..

_Kathylawrence5 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Chapter five

Cheryl's POV

Barely six months and my boss has gained trust in me. Mmm 🤔...that's a positive sign and I hope it continues. I got home only to realize that Cheryn was at home!

"Hey Ryn(rin)....why are you still here? Is there a problem? Ohh no...don't tell me that jerk fired you again!"

She rolled her eyes at me "No no no stupid!...actually I got a call from your office that you'll be leaving for a trip"

"Wait....who called?" It couldn't be him...

"He said he's one Mr. McClein" she shrugged

So it's him...

"Oh... that's my boss...the one I told you about. He's got a problem with his twins. His mom and nanny are away so I have to fill in for them till they return"

"The handsome boss hmm 🤔.... mmm twins....nice.....Hey wait!!! Does it mean you're going to stop working? You know I don't earn enough at that stupid club!"she said as she tagged along to my room

Why is she talking like she's short on money??

(Images available on Wattpad)

"No.... it's just that my working hours will be short but I'll get a double salary every month"

"OMG!!! That's great....I need to make a bucket list...I'm getting a new Valdrin Sahitivs gown!!!"

Girl!!! That's my money!! Why are you making a bucket list???

"Will you help me pack or still think of ways to spend my money?"

She grinned widely and hugged me

Oh no!! Cheryn never hugs!!

"Don't worry! I've done that already...it's just your shoes...why do you have a lot of heels?"

(The twins' shoe closet)images available on Wattpad

Says the one who's heels occupy a whole room..very funny

(Cheryn's extra shoes)images available on Wattpad

"Are we seriously going to talk about who has a lot of heels now?"

I asked with a raised brow

"Okay fine!" She raised her hands up in defeat

"Thanks for packing though...you're the best!!"

"Okay shoo...go and pack the rest...don't forget to loosen up a bit...he's one hot dude" she said with a wink and I shot her my meanest glare

"Oh shut up Cheryn!! It's just a nanny job; which is part time, not a fifty shades or 365days movie okay!"

She loves Massimo and Christian Grey...I don't know why she hasn't met them yet

"Don't bring my movies into this!! But seriously you need to seduce him...I know you are a little bitch" she smirked and run out of my room

How dare she!! I mean..I am.. but how dare she!!

"Fuck you Cheryn!!! Bitch!!" I shouted from my room.

Crazy sister....Lord have mercy


(Cheryl's closet)

I cross-checked the things Cheryn packed and of course I wasn't wrong to do that

The bitch filled my bag with lingeries!!

I repacked everything ; shoes, bags, suits, customized body products etc

You still kept some up

Shut up consy!

I bid the bitch goodbye and she shooed me out like I was some pest...

So much for sisterhood...hmp!

The driver picked me up and we left to the McClein mansion, which wasn't quite surprising to me but beautiful in a way.

"Thanks Bruno"

I said when he helped me with my luggage  "you're welcome...I hope the little ones don't trouble you"

He replied with a smile which I returned

I got to the gigantic door and pressed the bell; but there was no response. I pressed it again and the door clicked open but there was no one there—strange.

I entered cautiously and looked around to see if I'll find the kids but as I took two steps forward, I felt cold water being sprayed on me and I froze.

I turned sideways, only to find two kids with water guns in their hands smiling; but it disappeared quickly when they saw me.

"Um..sorry....we thought it was our grandma" the boy apologized

"Oh it's alright" I said with a smile

"Who are you? And what are you doing here!" The girl snapped

Seems like this little girl is a hard one

"Oh...I'm Cheryl Coleman and I'm replacing your grandma and nanny for sometime"

"Nice to meet you Aunt Cheryl!" the little guy beamed "Can't say same" mumbled the little girl

A very hard one....

"You look too classy to be a nanny...where's dad?" The little guy asked as he clinged on me.

At least this guy likes me

"He's at work but I'm sure he'll be here soon... can I get your names angels?"

"I'm Bennet, the big bro"

Nice name...

"And you princess?"

Please don't let her snap at me....please...

"Brenda!" She huffed

And she did...

"We are so sorry we wet you...let's go and get changed"

Bennet said and I looked down at my drenched shirt

"Yeah...it doesn't look good" Brenda supported

Ohhh...so she can be nice...

"Let's get you to dad's room to get changed before—"

"She can't go there!! It's only mom who can go to dad's room and no one else!" Brenda cut her brother off and shot me her meanest glare

Okay...ice princess is back....why did she look like me when she glared??

"Err...I'm sorry...where's your mom? If I may ask?

"Dead!" Brenda said coldly

I wasn't expecting that...

"I'm so sorry....my condolences"  I said softly

"Stop pretending....as if you care!" Dearest Brenda snorted

Bennet pulled his sister aside and started whispering to her; which I could clearly hear

"Brenda! Be nice...can't you see she's being nice??"

"What if she's like the other ladies?? She's just pretending...hmp!"

Bennet shook his head and directed me to a room where I could change. Brenda followed later and her eyes widened like we were committing a big sin; but her brother shushed her.

( Darrel's room ⬆️)

The room smelled nice..a smell that cannot be explained and it calmed my nerves—surprisingly.

"Okay kids...can you please excuse me while I change?" I said softly as I pulled out the extra blouse 👚 from my handbag 👜

"Oh ...yeah... we're just a call away if you need anything" Bennet said and dragged his sister along.

I started undoing my buttons when I heard the door open again

These kids!

I clutched my shirt and turned around with a smile; only to see Bennet there scratching his head nervously.

He looked so adorable!

"What is it Ben?"

"Your eyes are beautiful.... what color are they?" He asked with a sheepish smile

I'm going to pass out !!! Too much cuteness!!!

"Thanks darling...they're black with a turquoise gleam"

"What's torqois?" He asked confused

"It's tur-quoise....a mixture of blue and green"

"Ohh...I need to do more research..okay bye!"

He slammed the door and left. I took the shirt off and had my vest over my head when the door flung open again.

I turned to tell Bennet to please excuse me; but I rather stood shocked at the sight standing by the door with the same shock on his face....