
Chapter 78

“We’ll keep watch. You should get going if you don’t want to get caught, unless you’re thinking that sticking with us will give you better odds.” Sebastian pointed at Buryan with no hint of sarcasm. The priest tried to defuse the tension with a nervous laugh.

“Sadly I am not blessed with the power of dragons like you three are. Thus, I will take my chances here. To some extent, my mission has already been fulfilled thanks to Aria.” Buryan continued chatting with the arch mage as I watched the door slide open.

They would later report that I had disappeared into the wall, not a trace to be seen.

* * * *

When my eyes opened, I had stepped into the frozen echoes of a past world. Mother’s world. The vault was a collection of physical memories, objects lost to the world during Mother’s time. It was a time capsule of a place to which I felt intrinsically tied, yet it was so foreign.