
Chapter 70

“Hey Charlotte. Would you mind kids?” There was no way to make that introduction not awkward. Charlotte stared at me as if I was possessed as I smothered my face in a nearby pillow out of sheer embarrassment.

“What?” If I had been looking at her, I’m sure it would’ve been the first time I saw Charlotte genuinely taken aback. She was too confused and baffled to even quip or tease me about it before she finally came up with a reply.

“I mean, don’t get me wrong, kids are fine. I’ve only been with you for not even a month and kids are priority number few hundred down the list. We’ll figure it out when it gets there?” She tried to reassure me while sounding unsure if she said the right thing or not. I was very quickly dying of embarrassment, but I could at least bring up the actual question.

“See, I was talking to Roland.” I poked my head out of the pillow and she raised an inquisitive eyebrow. Seemed like she’d recovered now.

“The other dragon?”