
Seaside Pictures

Rachel Van Dyken is the #1 New York Times Bestselling, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of over 80 books ranging from contemporary romance to paranormal. With over four million copies sold, she's been featured in Forbes, US Weekly, and USA Today. Her books have been translated in more than 15 countries. She was one of the first romance authors to have a Kindle in Motion book through Amazon publishing and continues to strive to be on the cutting edge of the reader experience. She keeps her home in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, adorable son, naked cat, and two dogs. For more information about her books and upcoming events, visit www.RachelVanDykenauthor.com Welcome to Seaside Oregon, where star sightings are as common as Malibu. It's Hollywood's biggest known secret, the place where rockstars and actors alike go to get away from it all, only now that filming has started on what's said to be the newest blockbuster hit, it's getting harder and harder to get some privacy. Capture: All Dani wants to do is survive the summer on set as Lincoln Green's newest assistant. The only problem? She's a selective mute and the guy won't stop talking or flirting. Keep: Zane "Saint" Andrews is known for a lot of things, mainly his music and sexual appetites, when he stops in Seaside for a much-needed break, he latches onto Fallon, a girl he thinks could be his new muse. What happens when she finds out that the sexy superstar hasn't actually ever had sex? Steal: Ex-boyband member Will just got assigned to represent his ex-girlfriend and ex-love Angelica Greene. Babysitting an actress that high maintenance wasn't part of the plan but he's her only hope, and when they start to blur the line between love and hate, they realize that maybe the past can't just stay there, not when there's so much left to explore in the present.

Rachel Van Dyken · Perkotaan
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Chapter 8


Linc: Tell me a joke.

Dani: Wilbur must really suck at keeping you entertained.

Linc: You're telling me...

Dani: Am I going to have to start looking up jokes in order to entertain you at night? Also, you have to be up in four hours - correction WE have to be up in four hours. GO TO SLEEP!

Linc: Did you just all caps me?

Dani: My finger slipped?

Linc: Finger slipped my ass. I think you just yelled at your elder.

Dani: Oh please. I'm almost eighteen. You're barely twenty-two.

Linc: Been visiting my IMDb page, huh?

Dani: Wouldn't your ego like to know?

Linc: Yes. It needs constant stroking. Quick, give me a compliment!

Dani: You have a killer tattoo.

Linc: Now that's just cruel, I'll have you know me and Bo go way back, even if he does look like shit.

Dani: You named your tattoo?

Linc: Is that not a thing? Do people not do that?

Dani: Maybe people in rooms with padded walls...

Linc: You say padded walls. I say fluffy.

Dani: Still an asylum.

A yellow smiley winked onto my screen, eyes spinning and tongue lolling.

Linc: Bo's offended.

Dani: Do you name everything?

Linc: Would it weird you out if I named my waffle maker Chuck?

Dani: Yes.

Linc: Then no, I don't name everything... *whispers* sorry Chuck.


I grinned hard at my phone. I was too nervous to sleep, not that I'd admit that to her. It helped that the next few emojis she sent were of snakes, spiders, and then a bomb going off killing them all. Wasn't sure how that was supposed to put me to sleep, but it did make me laugh.

Linc: One joke, or maybe even a bedtime story.

I leaned back against my pillows, waiting for her response.

Dani: There once was a spoiled actor named Linc. He choked on Chuck while petting Wilbur, and Bo cried. The end.

Linc: You forgot about Penny.

Dani: Who's Penny?

Linc: Wouldn't you like to know.

Dani: LINCOLN GREENE - sleep. You need it. I need it. The world needs us to have it, otherwise I'm going to be really cranky tomorrow.

Linc: When was the last time you yelled?

Dani: That's a weird question.

Linc: Sorry, too personal?

Maybe I'd overstepped my boundaries. I hoped not because I really wanted to know the last time she'd raised her voice.

Dani: Probably after the accident when I was in a wheelchair and stupid Demetri thought it would be funny to push me around downtown Seaside at epic speeds. I yelled until I was hoarse. It was a fun day.

Linc: I'm assuming you were in the wheelchair because something was broken, and he had the audacity to push you into objects?

Dani: That's Demetri for you. But it did cheer me up. Until then, everyone had been treating me like I was so breakable, so it was nice to have normal. He gave me that.

Linc: I'm beginning to think it's not just the Sour Patch Kids.

Dani: It's not.

Linc: I feel jealous of his ability to be your friend when I seem to offend you every time I open my mouth.

Dani: You're a better texter.

Linc: Thanks, I think.

Dani: Go to bed.

Linc: Fine. And Dani?


Linc: You aren't breakable.

Dani: Thanks.