

Mia is just an average 18 year old girl who has just transferred to a new school, haunted by the same nightmare. She finds herself catching the eyes of not one but three potential mates a dark and mysterious alpha, a charming merman and a fiery and fierce heir to the dragon throne. Discovering new abilities she never knew she had, and facing a decision that just might just cost her, her life. Who will she choose and will she survive?

booky101 · Fantasi
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10 Chs

An Oracle?

(Mia's POV)

I hear the waves crashing into the rocks below before I even open my eyes to see the dark figure standing before me yet again, I'm back on that cliff, but this time is different somehow.

"Don't do this!*** Let her go!" I hear someone yell from behind the figure.

"Fine, you want me to let her go?" The figure snarls before pushing me over the edge and into the darkness. I hear the voice that had pleaded for my sake screaming in despair.

"MIA!!!" I hear him scream as the darkness consumes me.


Jolting up I find myself back in my room panting for air jumping a bit when a hand touches my shoulder.

"Hey now it's just me, sweetie. I was so worried about you when I got a call at work from your friend!" My mom exclaims, hugging me and rubbing my back.

"How long have I-?" I stammer, putting a hand to my head trying to calm down.

"You've been out since yesterday," She sighs her mind wandering off before perking up again, "Oh one of your friends is here! He seems really worried, he's just downstairs. Do you want me to have him come up?"

"One of my friends..? No, no it's okay I'll come downstairs just let me get changed and I'll be down." I say, slowly getting up out of bed.

"Alright, are you sure you're going to be alright? I can call into work if you need me to." Mom asks worriedly.

"I'll be fine, mom, don't worry I'll call you if I need anything okay?" I lie and give her a hug before she nods and heads out of the room to get ready for work. Quickly as I can I get dressed, grab my books and head downstairs only to find Leon sitting at the dining room table with two cups of coffee in front of him instead of Wilson.

"Leon..? What are you doing here?" I ask, setting my books down across from him.

"Is that how you say thank you these days?" He says smugly, hitching an eyebrow and handing me a coffee. "Here I didn't know what you liked so I just got whatever the barista suggested."

"Th-thank you...?" I trail off taking a sip of what I assume is a vanilla latte.

"Alright! You kids have fun. I'm off to work, study hard!" My mom says, giving me a hug and a kiss as she walks by while grabbing a coffee that was on the counter behind Leon turning to mouth 'I like him, play nice!' "Thank you again for the coffee dear!"

"You're welcome, Mrs. Robinson!" He laughs, this is an entirely new side of him versus when he's grouchy and cold.

"Oh please, call me Kelly!" She giggles, closing the door behind her, leaving us in silence.

"Where's Wilson?" I ask heading to the kitchen to grab some toast.

"He'll be here shortly, and said something about grabbing food and supplies." He says, walking up behind me, sparks igniting all over my skin the closer he gets. 'What's gotten into him?I thought he didn't care about me let alone want to even be near me? Isn't he with Vanessa?' I thought, his arms wrapping around me making my heart feel like it 's going to beat out of my chest 'Hell what's wrong with me? Why do I want him to kiss me so badly?' I clear my throat, trying to calm down. I wriggle and turn around trying to get free. When I realized that his face was only inches from mine, I felt my heart stop as it yearns to close the gap between us. He places his forehead against mine picking me up so I am sitting on the counter.

My heart begins racing as every fiber of me tingles with electricity. I lean forward closing the gap as I place my lips onto his. His body pushes forward leaning more into the kiss as he pulls me in wrapping an arm around me while his other hand grabs my waist.

We hear the door open and close, I jump realizing that Leon never moved from his spot at the table, 'What the hell is wrong with me? Am I going crazy?' I thought. Noticing my confusion, Leon gets up from his spot walking over to me. He places a hand to my forehead and looks me over making sure I'm alright.

"What did you see?" He asks, looking deep into my eyes.

He turns away before I can answer as we hear a voice saying, "Alright! It took a bit but I've got fresh donuts, some snacks for later, medicine and- whoa you okay Mia? Your face is beet red- What did you do?"

Wilson walks into the kitchen putting the bags on the counter before coming over to look me over, putting a hand to my forehead sending a cool wave of calm through my body. Sparks tickle my skin as his skin touches mine. I hear a low snarl come from Leon as he glares at Wilson.

"How are you feeling?" Wilson says sweetly, ignoring the warnings coming from Leon.

"Very, very confused." I admit clearing my throat, looking at both of them as they both sigh when my phone starts going off.

"We've got a lot of explaining to do.." Leon exclaims handing me my phone, grumbling "But first, answer that before she just barges in here at any minute. She's been calling nonstop.."

I looked at the phone to see several messages and missed calls from Brittany.

"Girl! Where have you been! Are you okay??" Brittany yells through the phone causing me to hold the phone at least a foot away from my ear as the guys listen. Wilson puts his hands on my waist making me back up and sit on one of the stools by the counter, looking me over again.

"I'm alright I promise," I laughed, partially to reassure her and the other reason was because Will grazed a finger on my neck and it tickled. I swat his hand away attempting to focus on the conversation. "I was just tired really I promise."

"Eyes don't glow purple when people get tired! It was like you were possessed!" She continues, I glance over at the guys, both of them now glaring at each other. Leon then looks at me with a fire in his eyes.

"Are you sure you're not tired?" I laugh dryly only to receive a frustrated sigh from her.

" No, I'm telling you Sarah and I both saw it- Oh by the way you're still going to the party right?" she asks, suddenly changing the subject.

"The party? Uh maybe, I still haven't decided, if I do I might be late. I'm studying with Wilson today, remember?" Looking over at the guys who both look confused.

"Oh la la, bring him with you! Although I wouldn't let Sarah or Leon see the two of you together if you do." Leon freezes his ears turning red as he listens to the conversation while Wilson holds back a smirk while he and Leon shoot daggers at each other.

"Why do you say that-?" Leon jumps up and hangs up the phone before she could respond and turns it off. "What the hell?"

"Text her later saying your phone died" Leon blushes, turning putting the phone on the opposite counter, Wilson bursting out laughing.

"Wait what's going on?" I am confused, why are these guys acting so weird? I start to stand up to go get my phone only for both of them to stop me. I sat back down, "Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"

They both look at each other, then back at me.

"You're an oracle," they both say at the same time as if it was so obvious.

I started laughing, "Very funny guys, you almost had me there-"

"At random moments, something triggers you to space out, taking you to an almost too realistic reality where either you're not sure what is happening or maybe even who you are with. Only for the vision to end leaving you in a confused state and, depending on when and how intense the vision is, you almost collapse in exhaustion. The people around you not knowing what is happening, wondering if maybe you were having a stroke or something of the nature but some noticing that your eyes change from their stormy blue to a deep violet." Leon interrupts, sounding almost annoyed.

"There's no way..." I trail off in shock, 'This-this is ridiculous! It has to be a prank...'

"Early this morning shortly after I arrived I was talking with your mother when we heard you scream. When I jumped up to go check on you, your mother stopped me and told me that it happens almost every other night before going upstairs to check on you. Then just now before Fish brains walked in, you went somewhere, didn't you?" He continues, getting closer to me with every word and giving the recent 'vision' as he calls it, I couldn't stop the heat I felt rising in my core. My cheeks blush even more with every step he takes.

"Being an Oracle, that means you can not only see the future but also different possibilities of what a person wants, desires in that moment especially if it directly affects you as long as they come in direct contact with you, the intensity of their desire, or if what they want matches with what you want." Will chimes in, warranting a curious look from Leon and I.

"How the hell do you know that?" Leon inquires pointedly.

"Hey I might not have the ability to remember my past lives in full detail like you can, but I can still do my research on it, luckily your dads library has an extensive collection of journals from almost every mate's reincarnation." Will retorts confidently.

"Almost?" I am still trying to put all the pieces together, processing the information as best I can. 'If this is all true why does Leon remember and we don't?'

"One of the Werewolf journals is missing some pages. I tried to see if I could find them and even asked Mr. Monroe if he knew what happened to them. All he could or would tell me is that those pages have been missing since the battle of moon and fire." Wilson continues, the wheels in his head turning as he ponders over the missing pages.

"That must have been the reincarnation just before this one. My father told me that the battle lasted several years before they even put a treaty in place. He didn't say what it was about exactly, just that… the Oracle had disappeared just before it began." Looking at Leon as he goes over the story I can see a pain in his eyes.

"Do you remember what happened?" I ask him.

"Unfortunately, no at least not yet. I haven't regained all of my memories just yet." He sighs in frustration then looks at me, "What have you seen so far?"

Wilson takes a step back allowing Leon to approach me, quietly watching, waiting even for the slightest reaction from me. Leon then places his hands on my cheeks looking deep into my eyes. That's when I see it, the fire that burns within him just before his eyes turn to a crimson red. I see veins of fire light up across his face almost as if he were a beautiful sculpture that had just been cracked, and as he pulls his hands away I hear faint whispers that almost sound like the voices from the nightmare that has haunted me for so long... yet none of them ever seeming to match his...

"Judging by your reaction just now, you have now had two visions about me... Haven't you?" He asks as he strokes my hair with his hand. I simply nod, unable to break eye contact, a single tear finds itself rolling down the side of my face.

"Do you ever see anyone else, anyone you recognize other than Leon in your visions?" Wilson asks with a stern look on his face.

"Not always, most of the time I only see shadows, and it wasn't until recently when I heard those shadows even speak in my dream-vision..." trailing off I try to remember if I ever have seen the faces of the shadows that haunt my dreams.

"What about the vision you had yesterday, in the parking lot?" Wilson asks, both of them listening intently as I describe each detail I could possibly remember from my vision. Leon folds his arms across his chest raising one of his hands as if to pose like 'the Thinker'.

"And the two visions you had just now?" Leon continues, my cheeks turning bright red and my heart skipping a beat. I look away in order to try and avoid his gaze, not really wanting either of them to know what I saw. Fidgeting with my hands I glance up at them, Wilson still deep in thought while Leon waits patiently with a smirk on his face and his eyebrow hitched up as if he had already had an idea as to what I had just witnessed in my visions. "So that's how it's going to be, little spark? Alright, I'll find out eventually?"

'I swear his smug confidence scares me sometimes... then, why do I feel impatient for it to come true?' I get up to grab a glass of water, I can feel their eyes follow me and hear them quietly whisper to themselves.

"I don't think she's ready to know all that yet!" I hear Wilson whisper.

Leon gives a low growl in frustration, "Come on fish bait! For all we know she might have already figured it out-!"

"Figured out?" I interject, "If you're going to talk about me when I'm only a few feet away you might as well just tell me."

They both look at each other then back at me, Wilson sighing in defeat "Alright, fine, do you want to tell her or do you want me to tell her?"

"How about both of you tell me," Leon's grin widens at his little accomplishment as he hears my demands to know the truth. I watch them as they hesitate, despite Leon's joy, it seems neither of them know how to exactly start saying what it is that they are hiding from me.

"You're our mate.."